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(2018-09-13, 01:03)Edworld Wrote: vbat99,

Once you are done redoing votes and ratings for tvshows, will we be able to scrape all the ratings available for movies + tvdb if they are available?


So, for Movies in Batch Rescrape Wizard you'll have the options of
TMDb ratings/Votes
IMDb ratings/votes
RottenTomato via OMDBApi.

TV batch rescrape options are
Ratings (from TVDb if series root folder is source TVDB, or TMDB if source is TMDB. But not both)
Ratings IMDb
Ratings RottenTomato via OMDBApi.

NOTE: to get RottenTomato, users must have their own OMDB Api Key. This allows a user to get 1000 api calls a day for Free, or if they donate, a lot higher.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
(2018-09-13, 01:31)vbat99 Wrote:
(2018-09-13, 01:03)Edworld Wrote: vbat99,

Once you are done redoing votes and ratings for tvshows, will we be able to scrape all the ratings available for movies + tvdb if they are available?


So, for Movies in Batch Rescrape Wizard you'll have the options of
TMDb ratings/Votes
IMDb ratings/votes
RottenTomato via OMDBApi.

TV batch rescrape options are
Ratings (from TVDb if series root folder is source TVDB, or TMDB if source is TMDB. But not both)
Ratings IMDb
Ratings RottenTomato via OMDBApi.

NOTE: to get RottenTomato, users must have their own OMDB Api Key. This allows a user to get 1000 api calls a day for Free, or if they donate, a lot higher. 
Thanks for taking the time to explain your plans.

A question on tvshows, is there a possibility to scrape from tmdb and obtain tvdb ratings from omdbapi and store them the same way you currently do rotten tomatoes?
(2018-09-13, 03:28)Edworld Wrote: Thanks for taking the time to explain your plans.

A question on tvshows, is there a possibility to scrape from tmdb and obtain tvdb ratings from omdbapi and store them the same way you currently do rotten tomatoes?

We can't get TVDB ratings from OMDBApi, only IMDB data, Metascore and rottentomato.

I'm having a think on how and if its possible (without causing long pauses during scraping) to get all the ratings, TMDb and TVDb.
See what I can do....
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
Concerning the "D" test build I noticed that with some variations of TV Show ratings and votes re/scraping the "default ="true">" is not there in .nfo.
Kodi takes the first rating in .nfo in this case.
I know the ratings and votes are currently getting a new nice remastering, i mention it purely for information.
Pardon my ignorance, but, what exactly is a "D" test build?
It was a test build I did for Chris to test some changes were working, not for public consumption ...lol
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
(2018-09-15, 07:39)vbat99 Wrote: It was a test build I did for Chris to test some changes were working, not for public consumption ...lol
 Gotcha Smile
New Release.
Media Companion 3.719b

A lot of work has been going on to get as much rating information into the nfo's as possible.
Specifically, the use of OMDBApi to retrieve the Rotten Tomato Audience and Critic ratings.
To enable Rotten Tomato retrieval, users of Media Companion will need to obtain their own OMDbAPI Key. Why you ask. Well, OMDBApi key has limitation if you have the free key (1000 api calls daily), else users can pay for more api calls depending on their requirements. See http://www.omdbapi.com/apikey.aspx for more details (follow **Become a Patron** for extra options)

Also, much more work has been completed on fanart.tv artwork, naming of this artwork, and retrieval of images for Movies and also Movie Collections.
I have added a field that users can add their own client Key from Fanart.TV. Again, why? you ask?? Fanart.TV has a Project key (already installed in Media Companion), and allows for Client keys (or user keys). If both are used, then Fanart.Tv offers earlier access to newer images. This is best explained on their blog at https://fanart.tv/2015/01/personal-api-keys/

Collection artwork has had an overhaul, with options to save to a Central Folder, Central Folder with Collection sub-folder, and also naming as <moviesetname>-arttype.
Collection artwork present is now shown in the ExtraArtwork listbox.....as well as the presence of Animated poster or Animated fanart images.

Animated Poster or Fanart needs to be named as <moviename>-animatedposter.gif etc, or <moviesetname>-animatedfanart.gif for Media Companion to identify they are present.
At this time, there is no scraper for Animated artwork, but this is being worked. See the Kodi forum thread for more details. https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=215727

So, as usual with this amount of changes, there is the chance of bugs. Please, post up ASAP if you find any with instructions on how to duplicate.


  • MC - Personal Fanart.TV Key entry on Preferences->Common tab.
  • Movie - Collection artwork, add option to save in Parent folder as <moviesetname>-arttype or as arttype.
  • Movie - Collection artwork, Add option to save in Central folder with Movie Set sub folder as <moviesetname>-arttype or as arttype.
  • Movie - Add KeyArt to missing Fanart.Tv filter.
  • Movie - Display if Animated Poster or Animated Fanart is present for Movie or Collection in Extra Artwork listbox.
  • TV - Add Series and Episode scrape RottenTomato ratings.
  • TV - Add option to get TVDb and/or TMDb ratings for Series and Episodes.
  • TV - Add Batch Rescrape ratings from TVDb, TMDb, IMDB and/or Rotten Tomato.

  • MC - Improve speed of image retrieval from Fanart.Tv.
  • MC - Fix RT ratings from percentage to Kodi format.
  • MC - Fix loading of animated Gif's into Picturebox without locking source file.
  • Movie - Make ExtraArt listbox stretch with size of Media Companion.
  • Movie - Fix selecting of Movieset Artwork from TMDb or Fanart.TV
  • Movie - Fix batch rescrape of movies that do not have an IMDb.
  • Movie - fix couple of Movieset data issuesfrom TMDb.
  • Movie - Fix for IMDB get Director(s) and get Writer(s)
  • Movie - Fix/Improve Rescrape Specific Ratings.
  • Movie - On batch rescrape if missing TMDb Id or missing IMDb Id (but not both), try to populate the missing Id value.
  • TV - Fix separator character of episode directors and writers if multiple names.
  • TV - More charactercode fixes for titles and plots for both series and episodes.
  • TV - Fixes for null fields.
  • TV - Fixed ep title rename of single quote used instead of apostrophe.
  • TV - Batch wizard change rating option layout.

And, Please, if you experience any crashes, create a Ticket on Media Companion's SourceForge site
Feedback would be appreciated.

Download Link for MC 3.719b x86 & x64

Revision History
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion

You did a lot of upgrades, let the testing begin!

I ran the tv batch scraper for all ratings and none of them include the word default in the nfo. My preference would be imdb to follow the same preferences I have for movies.

edit: deleted the tvshow nfo and rescraped and it scraped all the ratings and imdb is default.... perfect
I'd like to reproduce so I can fix that in the next release.
You were on 3.718 before?
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
(2018-09-19, 04:54)vbat99 Wrote: I'd like to reproduce so I can fix that in the next release.
You were on 3.718 before?
 yes 3.718

The omdbapi box on common settings has three options:

1) for ratings - if selected, will scrape imdb and rotten tomatoes ratings? I don't have this selected...not sure what the impact is
2) if selected, will scrape imdb id from omdb. I don't have this selected, but my nfo's have the imdb id.
3) rotten tomato data... all it does is scrape ratings? I do have this selected and I assume it scrapes rotten ratings and votes


edit: tmdb is my movie scraper

It would be great if you could join the ticket, then we can gather everything regarding rating and votes.
(2018-09-19, 05:10)Edworld Wrote: vbatt99,

The omdbapi box on common settings has three options:

1) for ratings - if selected, will scrape imdb and rotten tomatoes ratings? I don't have this selected...not sure what the impact is
2) if selected, will scrape imdb id from omdb. I don't have this selected, but my nfo's have the imdb id.
3) rotten tomato data... all it does is scrape ratings? I do have this selected and I assume it scrapes rotten ratings and votes


edit: tmdb is my movie scraper
I should make that clearer.
1. Ratings for Movies via omdb - gets IMDb Ratings only
2. If using IMDB scraper and this option, will get IMDBId from OMDBApi instead of convoluted method currently used.
3. Rotten Tomato data for Movies from OMDBApi.

I really need to clarify and probably move some of those options over to the Movie Preferences tab. At one time I thought to have it centralized with the API key entry, eg select RT data and would get for Movies and TV series/episodes.

Oh well, little bit more work to be done.....LOL Confused
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