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Release Aeon Nox: SiLVO
@mikeSiLVO Thanks for the heads up on Artwork Beef add-on. I did not have it installed, after I installed and scanned everything is working as expected.

As for the full screen music, I did see that option and do not have it selected but playlists still go to full screen. after some investigation, I did note that streams that do point to an mp3 radio stream do not go to full screen but those that point to other types of links do. seems like this is more of a Leia issue than the skin.

Thanks again,
On Leia, if I use the Icon view and have "fanart" unchecked under background, it stills shows while browsing. On Krypton, it shows my Kodi background when I do this.

Perhaps a bug?
Thank you for the awesome skin!

It does nearly everything I could want, but I'd love to see a Right List or Low List option for the Music Videos view to match what I use throughout the skin.

Appreciate the hard work.

i really like this Skin but I have a question. Does anybody know how to display the poster when media is paused? I don't mean the netflix paused mode which appears after 10 seconds or the info button.
I press pause and there should be the poster displayed, would really like to have that.
@[email protected]

Are your movies scraped into the library? Do you have a poster displayed in the library normally when scrolling through the titles?
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Sorry, i forget to mention that iam using the PlexKodiConnect addon, might be important. Posters are displayed normally. They are also displayed when I use the info button. But not when I just pause the movie.

First of all: awesome skin! I do have a minor problem though. I got my series view set to episodes, which I like best, but every time I finish an episode or stop it halfways, the view jumps to the first episode and then I have to scroll down to the episode I was watching to select it again or select the next episode. Is this normal or is there any way to fix it? I got the latest update of the skin running on Libreelec 8.2.5 on a NUC. Thanks in advance for any help!


A bug in v17 for some users, not everyone. Fixed in v18
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Hello, i use coreelec and tvheaden for Watch tv. There is one problem with the time bar progress. All channels show the same position while on full creen tv. If i play the guide it show the correct progress program

Colud somebody fix it?
(2018-10-05, 11:32)marpemim Wrote: Hello, i use coreelec and tvheaden for Watch tv. There is one problem with the time bar progress. All channels show the same position while on full creen tv. If i play the guide it show the correct progress program

Colud somebody fix it?
Same issue here with the DVBViewer addon, seems not pvr addon related. Rather like an skin issue.

Attached are some pictures.

Any hints?
(2018-10-04, 21:59)Karellen Wrote: @SilentBob

A bug in v17 for some users, not everyone. Fixed in v18
 Thanks for the answer! Looking forward to v18 then  Smile
Hello folks Smile

I used the normal Aeon NOX and I really liked it.

But for some reasons it didn't show all the movie fanart backgrounds Sad
So I try reinstall, resynchronization database etc...
But nothing helped.

With TV Episodes everything is great and every background is shown with the name in the left bottom corner.

But in my Movies the background stays black.
Not all, but most of them... I can only see the name in the bottom left corner.

So I give Skin RAPIER a try,... And there, every background is shown right...

No I give the Silvo Skin a try, but here is the same problem Sad
My movie fanart backgrounds not showing...

Please help me to get my Background working Smile
I even try to completely new install KODI itself... But my problem still exists.

Maybe there is a Database problem?
I stored my movies on a Qnap NAS with a MySQL DB because I own two of this Systems (see below)
Everything is working great... Only my background fanart (only for the movies) is 8 out of 10 totally black.

But why does it work in RAPIER Skin (on both systems via Network storage and MySQL)

I am on Shield TV (Android 8) with KODI 17.6 and Aeon Mix Silovo 6.0.15

Any help would be appreciated Smile)

Thank u very much
(2018-09-21, 07:42)mikeSiLVO Wrote: You need to install, setup correctly, and run Artwork Beef to add artist logos.

I don't get it, this is confusing.
I have a music folder with artists/albums inside and all the artwork.
folder.jpg, cdart.png, fanart etc.
Why must i use artwork beef for that now?
I just want Kodi to know where the artwork is located so it gets used.
It worked fine with Krypton.

In artwork beef, i only see options for downloading art, not for using the one that's already available locally.
Do i have to manually put a path there to the art?

Quote:Just tested Artist Slideshow and it is working just fine for me. You have enabled it in the settings, yes?

I have enabled it.
Auto-fullscreen does not work for party mode.

nvm, i uninstalled it and went back to Krypton.
Crashes at startup/crashes when using an external videoplayer (bug known for a long time) means i won't use Leia for a while. :|
KODI Player: Nvidia Shield TV Pro [2019] w/ Wolf Launcher + Synology DS418 | Receiver: Marantz SR6013 | TV: LG 55SJ800V | Toaster: Severin AT 2515

How to:
Create custom video nodes like Documentaries, Concerts, Kids etc

If you are referring to Music artwork, then Kodi can cache extended artwork. At this stage it is an advanced feature and won't be fully implemented for general use until at least v20.

I won't explain it here, but you can read it for yourself... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=331555

But to have this work correctly, you must have setup your Artist folder correctly... https://kodi.wiki/view/Artist_information_folder

Any questions about the above are not skin specific and should be asked in Music forum.

The same does not yet exist for the Video Library. For that you need to use Artwork Beef if you don't want to manually assign each piece of extended artwork. Like Kodi, Artwork Beef prefers local information. There is no setting because it is the default.
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Aeon nox silvo last update 6.1.4 (Leia) Updated October 10th gives error with leia beta 3
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