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In KODI settings, White List everything down to 720p or so. Also, make sure your versions for everything are current including GPU drivers. Use a Fullscreen window for everything. Can't think of anything else right now. As for the skins, there is no dev anymore for Titan. A debug wouldn't do much good. I'm battling between Estuary and Aeon Nox 5 Silvo after diving into the settings for what interests me on all the other skins. Each has it's own pluses and minuses. Right now I have NOX pretty decent except fanart won't rotate and custom color background does not respond.
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I installed new nVidia 416.34 and new LAV Filters yesterday. I modified the nVidia drivers to use the older audio drivers again. I didn't bother checking if I needed to. HDR now launches in FSW and not only FSE now using madVR. Same with 3D. I have never been able to use FSW with 3D. Best of all, it appears DVDFab Player v.3 HDR is working again. V.5 HDR is now improved although I don't understand how? Windows HDR no longer has to be engaged and the panel is not switching into HDR mode but the video looks dark (no HDR) and is not desaturated looking. It's not in HDR>SDR mode either. Still drops frames. Anyway, an improvement but I won't be using it for HDR.
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I guess settings are very fickle one system vs another although I can't understand why? I doubt your 1060 vs my 960 is a reason. Each uses the same drivers. Our panels are different. I suppose they might EDID handshake differently? I updated to yesterdays nightly. All good fwiw so it's not the nightly version. I have made some changes to my madVR settings but nothing radical? I suppose I should update those changes in this guide though. I suggest you start trying some combinations and see if you can arrive at something. Can't remember what madVR default settings are but try FSE vs FSW. Also try MPC-HC vs BE. If you happen to have PDVD or FAB, try those too. If all else fails for you, you can always give 385.28 a shot with the new Windows update. The strange thing is, this only happens to you for 3D and HDR titles. Those involve the panel switching mode side of things vs players imo. In the past when I had this problem, it didn't matter what was played. Could be as simple as a cable length issue. You did install the 64bit version of KODI 18 I presume?
Thanks for the tips Warner. I have existing extrafanart and already had the options checked to use them but it just uses one and doesn't rotate through them. I've always used just one fanart. I see in your pics you have many fanarts. Perhaps my old artwork just isn't formatted, named, or what ever to use with this? I'll have to try artwork beef and see if it can sort it out.
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2018-10-14, 18:51
(This post was last modified: 2018-10-14, 19:01 by brazen1.)
Warner, I've successfully got fanart rotating. I also edited some NOX code to rotate them faster (2ms). I'm also refining artwork beef settings to my preferences and have run a couple scans. Still been reluctant to use any of the delete functions but I'm getting closer to trusting those settings and their actions. It appears nothing actually deletes but gets moved to a KODI temp folder. I see adding a 'delete all artwork' function can be added to context menu. I wish it could be adjusted to 'delete all artwork' EXCEPT posters for example.
I noticed artwork beef suggests NOT to add animatedposter.gifs to its list of file types to d/l because it conflicts with skin helper service add-on. Still trying to get my head around that since I use them. Thankfully there are other options to scrape them myself. The more I use NOX with AB, the more I like them.
Still some issues trying to get around, for instance: I created a main menu MOVIES. (this shortcut points to my sources). Then a submenu RECENT, GENRES, SETS. These work fine. I also created Main Menu shortcuts to HDR MOVIES and 3D MOVIES. (these are source locations). When I enter either of those, select a title, and then bring up the context menu, it is missing 'Play Using' and quite a few other normal context menu items. Is this true for you?
zxaura1, if 17.6 was resizing for you, I never experienced that and have no other suggestions except - Are you certain 'use a fullscreen window' is enabled in the official versions of KODI 17.6 and/or v.18? Interested in your report once you can update everything...
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I'm not missing "Play using..." but I'm not on v18. I didn't know this was possible. Those example shortcuts should be created with smart playlists. I'm not sure if there are settings in smart playlists that can affect the context menu.
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Best to report the crash when playing trailers to Mike Silvo. These calls can change over time and need to be updated. It might be fixed already in the GitHub source.
If you downloaded the repository, you should get automatic updates. If this is the case, you should also save a copy of any .xmls you edited so they aren't overwritten by future updates of the skin.
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Funny you should mention. I installed 6.1.4 from the zip provided at the thread. All is well. Then noticed a newer version was available, announced near the end of the thread and d/l from the link. Went to install and was met with 'failed'. Installed his repo and attempted to d/l again through repo. Failed. Quickly looked at log and all the errors are from skin helper service and lots of em'. I suppose I need to let things mature. V.18 is working better (and good enough) than it ever has. Still struggling with artwork beef and the skin. I've basically removed all the artwork I once had and let AB replace it. Now I'm tediously editing one at a time - animatedposter.gif's the most time consuming. If I was to make one suggestion, don't 'export' your library using the KODI function. Find another way to mass create nfo's and add new ones. I haven't looked into how to create new ones easily yet. If you or anyone else knows, please advise. Thanks.
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Mike Silvo might also want to know about the broken repository if this issue is common. Having the GitHub source could possibly conflict with the repo, but this doesn't sound like the issue. The GitHub source is always the most recent. The other releases are only made available when Mike decides it is unlikely there are any bugs and pushes a new version from GitHub.