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Release "iPlayer WWW" add-on
Channel Highlights are still not working for me even after deleting the iplayer.cookies file. I'm using version 3.0.37. Most Popular is populated again - thanks for that!
(2018-11-07, 16:24)cmaines Wrote: Channel Highlights are still not working for me even after deleting the iplayer.cookies file. I'm using version 3.0.37.
I can confirm this issue. They don't seem to know what they want at the moment. First they changed the JSON elements to a new structure, now they are back to the old structure - but only for Channel Highlights. Annoying.

I have an idea how to standardize this and make it more robust. This will take some time (days, not months). Until then, this will remain broken.
Anybody feeling adventurous tonight? I have created a new beta version of the krypton branch which is based on an improved scraping method. This should fill everything again, but it may not be perfect yet.

A lucky 20 of you can download the beta version from this link (expires after 20 downloads - so don't download twice).

Please report your experience with the new code back here. For example:
  • I already know that Channel Highlights are not perfect. Programmes may show up multiple times if they show up multiple times on the website.
  • Some things look different now. A-Z shows individual episodes and directories. Just that the individual episodes have the same title, which is not ideal.
Let me know if you like this or not, if anything bugs you and so on. I would also be interested in performance guesstimates, especially on low power platforms like a Raspberry Pi. Try Channel A-Z, this should eat up most resources.

Also: This is WIP, so only use it at your own risk.
No feedback on the Beta whatsoever? Does that mean it works perfectly, or nobody gave it a try?
Hi CaptainT,
I'm home from hols and was going to try your Beta, but all 20 downloads are now taken, so hopefully you will get some feedback now.
(2018-11-13, 14:08)bleep42 Wrote: I'm home from hols and was going to try your Beta, but all 20 downloads are now taken, so hopefully you will get some feedback now.
You'll be able to test yourself today or tomorrow. I released the changes last night and they should arrive through the official repo any time now.
Thanks for the latest update CaptainT, I haven't had a chance to fully test it but so far everything seems tickety boo on my Vero 4K's Smile
I'm no longer (since last night ) able to play anything on Iplayer.
I'm currently running 3.0.38 ; and it's possible this was caused by an upgrade; while I know I could watch iplayer yesterday ; I didn't note which plugin version I was running.

The log contains the following error:


19:34:24.980 T:1926064640   ERROR: Control 55 in window 10025 has been asked to focus, but it can't
19:42:15.963 T:1189081856   ERROR: Previous line repeats 2 times.
19:42:15.964 T:1189081856   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>
                                            Error Contents: ('episode',)
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/home/osmc/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.iplayerwww/default.py", line 219, in <module>
                                                Video.AddAvailableStreamItem(name, url, iconimage, description)
                                              File "/home/osmc/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.iplayerwww/resources/lib/ipwww_video.py", line 867, in AddAvailableStreamItem
                                                stream_ids = ScrapeAvailableStreams(url)
                                              File "/home/osmc/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.iplayerwww/resources/lib/ipwww_video.py", line 1443, in ScrapeAvailableStreams
                                                if 'title' in json_data['episode']:
                                            KeyError: ('episode',)
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
19:42:16.105 T:1926064640   ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://plugin.video.iplayerwww/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.co.uk%2Fiplayer%2Fepisode%2Fb0bs2cl3%2Fstrictly-it-takes-two-series-16-episode-39&mode=202&name=Series+16%3A+Episode+39+-+Costume+designer+Vicky+Gill+pops+by+to+talk+fashion+with+Zoe+Ball.&iconimage=https%3A%2F%2Fichef.bbci.co.uk%2Fimages%2Fic%2F832x468%2Fp06m3bhx.jpg&description=Costume+designer+Vicky+Gill+pops+by+to+talk+fashion+with+Zoe+Ball.&subtitles_url=&logged_in=False]

This error is unrelated to the update. The Beeb changed something (again) and Charlie Brej has already submitted a fix on GitHub. Unfortunately I won't be able to review and release the changes tonight. I should get to it tomorrow afternoon.
I am unable to play anything with the addon either. I've been watching a series over the past week (one episode each evening) and the player shows the list of episodes but won't play today and the logs show the same kind of errors as above.
So, I just wanted to confirm that this does not relate to an upgrade - looking at my logs, addon version 3.0.38 was present for at least the past couple of days.

I'm guessing something on the BBC's end has changed again.

EDIT: Seems I was too slow at replying! Thanks for the information CaptainT.
Updates have been merged into the official repo. If you don't get an update automatically, try refreshing the repo manually.
(2018-11-16, 17:00)CaptainT Wrote: What is the current official repo ?
(2018-11-16, 21:50)Patio Wrote: What is the current official repo ?

Should be 2.5.47/3.0.39.
For some reason there was no update for me (LibreELEC / Kodi Leia) in the repositories when I checked earlier this evening.

But, since it's just Python scripts and doesn't need anything to be compiled, I just grabbed the .zip from:

...and installed it from .zip file within Kodi.
Hi - I can confirm 38 is still in official repo - but taking 39 from github - install from zip - after uninstall previous version. It picked up the settings from version 38 - username/password etc.

Episode list and graphics now all a-okay - and play from list - also a-okay.

All on Windows 10 - in UK - so no VPN needed.

Can I pass on my thanks and appreciation to the team for all the hard work on the add-on - best on Kodi.
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