ATV 1 - trying to install Kodi/OpenELEC via USB - 'bad CPU' error?
Hi all,
Sorry for cross posting but I think the original post was in the wrong place.

I am trying to update my ATV1 from KODI 13, using instructions linked to here (  I've created a USB stick before which the ATV boots up from, am trying to do the same to keep the ATV software on the HDD.

I am getting the following error in Terminal:

-bash: /sw/bin/gunzip: Bad CPU type in executable

This is using the  OpenELEC-ATV.i386-6.0.1-usb.img.gz file located at ( and this instruction

gunzip -c OpenELEC-ATV.i386-6.0.1-usb.img.gz | sudo dd of=/dev/rdisk3 bs=1m

I've also tried the OSMC disk creator but that errors out as well.

Does anyone have an idea of what to do next?

I'm on Mac OS 10.13.6

Thanks all,
(2018-12-28, 13:07)stripeyjoe Wrote: Sorry for cross posting but I think the original post was in the wrong place.
Next time, simply ask for a moderator to move the post/thread to the appropriate section. We have handy tools for that. Smile
The other post has been removed.
I'm also using macOS 10.13.6 and the default archive utility that ships with macOS can unpack the .img.gz file without problems. The LibreELEC USB/SD Creator app can write the image to USB without needing the file to be unpacked (it handles the .gz internally). OpenELEC-ATV.i386-6.0.1-hdd.img.gz has an md5 checksum of 16d528563a52df799336ab01a25365f5 - I suspect you have a bad download.

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ATV 1 - trying to install Kodi/OpenELEC via USB - 'bad CPU' error?0