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Release [TSDB] - The Sports Database Video Scraper (metadata.thesportsdb.python)
Download links in post #1 do not work.
Hey thanks for the heads up, a couple of people mentioned issues so I uploaded a new version: 

**New version 0.9.4**

Direct Download

Sample Media for testing



Change log
- Support for HTTPS links
- Fix broken image scraping

Ping @PnoT @MistReaper @woxxi for the rather late update Smile

@dofine for now supporting Champions League (and many more cups) https://www.thesportsdb.com/league.php?l=4480
@n1md4 for UCI cycling https://www.thesportsdb.com/league.php?l=4465
Managed to import WWE events for the last 2 years with this scraper. My folder structure is like this and setting "Sports" folder as a TVShow the source:


Which results in this:


And this with full event info on details screen:


EDIT:Fixed links
The images in your last post are not working.
Perhaps try the built-in Imgur.com upload via the i-button in the text editor?

Hi, thank you very much for your work. I'm trying to change it to make it work for NBA games. Struggling with the API I've seen the function searchfilename could work for NBA, but can't figure out where in your scraper I should make this function call. Could you help me?

Thanks in advance.
I mean I've seen you're calling lookupevent by id in GetEpisodeList, but can't see where you're getting the episode id.
I dont think the scraper uses filename api method. It uses the round and league name i think. I will try to get it working for team sports in the next few days.

Make sure the event on TheSportsDB has a round number. Most NBA events dont have that unless manually edited on the site.
OK after some testing I can see the error with the scraper its asking for ALL NBA results forever(which is a ridiculous amount) instead of using the season filter which is causing a memory overrun on the website. Hence not finding the correct tvshow/event details.

For reference the correct Filename structure for NBA is:
C:\Sports\NBA\Season 1819\NBA S1819E10.mkv

Which corresponds to this match on the website: https://www.thesportsdb.com/event/588129 (notice the round number is 10 which corresponds with the episode number in the filename)


This is something that will need to be fixed in the scraper so that the scraper uses the API with the season number and not the 'all=yes' option.  Its line 114 of the scraper if anyone has better scraper skills than me. See here: https://github.com/zag2me/metadata.thesp...b.xml#L114

Not sure if the scraper god @olympia can help? I don't think @peter0123 is around any more. I'm just trying to work out how to pass the tvshow season string into that line 31 instead of 'all=yes'. So it would end up like 's=2009'
Ok so I hacked a fix to limit the number of events returned to 1000 which works kinda because its the most recent season I am testing with. So I can confirm it works now with the above file structure.

We still need the scraper fixed to become more efficient as this is not sustainable returning 1000 events on each request!!

Here is how it looks in Kodi when imported



There's a problem with that behaviour, since in the NBA there is not a round itself, unlike other leagues. In the line 31 the scraper is building the xml for the episode, but it must have got the episode id before, and I can't see where.
(2019-01-08, 16:58)Mitico Wrote: There's a problem with that behaviour, since in the NBA there is not a round itself, unlike other leagues. In the line 31 the scraper is building the xml for the episode, but it must have got the episode id before, and I can't see where.
 Yes I noticed this as well, I think the original person who wrote the scraper also mentions this in the first post. I don't see how to fix it though as sports in Kodi is a square peg in a round hole Big Grin
(2019-01-08, 14:30)docwra Wrote: Ok so I hacked a fix to limit the number of events returned to 1000 which works kinda because its the most recent season I am testing with. So I can confirm it works now with the above file structure.
How did you do that? Have you uploaded a new version of the scraper? I've dowloaded it again and can't seen anything different in the source code.
(2019-01-08, 20:01)Mitico Wrote:
(2019-01-08, 14:30)docwra Wrote: Ok so I hacked a fix to limit the number of events returned to 1000 which works kinda because its the most recent season I am testing with. So I can confirm it works now with the above file structure.
How did you do that? Have you uploaded a new version of the scraper? I've downloaded it again and can't seen anything different in the source code.   
I extended the API on TheSportsDB for the specific API key that the scraper uses. No scraper update is needed.

The downside is it will only match with 1,500 events in descending chronological order. If you look at NBA or NHL there are many more events than this if you go back to earlier years/seasons.
Another way could be filtering by season, I've tested this call: https://www.thesportsdb.com/api/v1/json/...387&s=1516 and it works out. I'm trying to figure out how to pass the season number to GetDetails.

Thanks for your help!
Yes thats what I thought, but I wonder if the TVShow scraper needs all the episodes (events) in advance.
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[TSDB] - The Sports Database Video Scraper (metadata.thesportsdb.python)3