(2019-01-11, 19:32)phunkyfish Wrote: @garret as GetSteamTimes is kodi 18 only there isn’t anything that can be done I’m afraid. I wouldn’t even have a build environment for it as I only started maintaining the addon in Leia. It shouldn’t be too much longer hopefully for Kodi 18 to be released.
I see. I hope that ksooo or fritsch (who fixed "Timer recording margins" Backport in 2.4.12) can solve this. I bet that we don't see stable Leia before next autumn ;-)
(2019-01-11, 19:32)phunkyfish Wrote: How come you can’t use the kodi 18 release candidate? Just curious.
Nothing special, just hevily modified favourite skin (Amber) which doesn't work in Leia.
(2019-01-11, 19:32)phunkyfish Wrote: Send on the other bug anytime, this is my hobby so I have fun fixing them If you manage to create a GitHub account and create an issue there it’s much easier from a tracking perspective and it’s easier for other devs to follow what’s going on. So if it ends up being an issue in kodi it’s easy to link etc.
Ok... Here it is:
If I have understand this right, when Kodi is showing despcription to recording it parses this information from Enigma's *.meta file.
When I add recording to STB from Kodi's EPG, I cannot see description in Kodi because it doesn't exist in meta-file. Kodi will lost it somehow. In STB I can see description, because it uses information from *.eit -file.
If I add recording from OpenWebif, description is present. This have been tested with different Kodi OS, Enigma-images, Webif versions and skins with same result. Also with newest Milhouse build.
Here you can see difference between recordings which are made in STB and Kodi:
As soon I have placed new recording, description is lost. This can be verified from timers.xml in STB. It's only containing recording time.
Ps. I dont know does this help, but In Finland terrestial broadcasters usually doesn't use "extended event description" -information at all. Just "event description". Thats why "Plot" is usually empty and needed information can be found at "PlotOutline".