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Release Universal Movie Scraper
Yes, posters without text. I didn't know that they were called as a keyart images.
I'm having a problem using the Universal Scraper and 18 RC5 on a ShieldTV 2017 (not rooted).

One specific title isn't being recognized no matter what I do.  I am using a MySql shared DB (I have two Shields running the same RC5 of Kodi).  Here's the debug log:  http://paste.kodi.tv/okujogehak

Thanks for any help.  It looks like it scrapes OK but can't insert into the DB for whatever reason.
I think I may have figured it out.  MySQL error 1406 indicates data is too long for the column.  So I need to figure out which data and column.
UPDATE v5.3.0

New Features - v18 Leia
This version introduces scraping and loading of extended artwork for Movies and Movie Sets/Collections

The following images are now scraped for Movies and Movie Sets...
  • banner
  • clearart
  • clearlogo
  • discart
  • fanart
  • keyart (available soon in v5.3.1)
  • landscape
  • poster

  1. Kodi v18 or later
  2. Artwork whitelisted in Advancedsettings.xml (wiki) (see whitelist below)
  3. Universal Movie Scraper. (The Extended Artwork feature is not included in the default scrapers of TheMovieDB, TheMoviedDB-TV Shows or in TVDB.)
The options to download Extended Artwork are disabled by default in the Universal Movie Scraper. Adjust the scraper settings as required. Ensure this is done via the scraper settings page at the Source, not via Add-ons from the main menu.

Artwork Whitelist
The following XML code must be entered into your Advancedsettings.xml (wiki) file. (Do not duplicate the <advancedsettings> tags if they already exist)
These tags are used for both online and local artwork.

Extended Artwork for Movie Sets will not be added to existing sets. Only new sets will have extended artwork scraped using this method.

More Information
Forum Notice... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=337089
Github... https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/14667
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I have a problem parsing movie name.  Only first word Hleda is parsed from ../Hleda se Dory (2016)/Hleda se Dory (2016).mkv filepath.
(2019-01-30, 22:00)soexplorer Wrote: I have a problem parsing movie name.  Only first word Hleda is parsed from ../Hleda se Dory (2016)/Hleda se Dory (2016).mkv filepath.
 Log is here: https://paste.kodi.tv/ovazeguseb.kodi

5 lines of a log is absolutely useless to us.

Read here... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid2786578
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Although I just installed Leia fresh, I also had this problem with the previous version of Kodi, using OpenELEC. Certain movies are scraped with the UK title. For instance, I have the movie Puncture(2011), but no matter what I do it keps getting renamed to Injustice. What could I do to stop that?

OpenELEC is a dead fork that has not been updated in over 14 months. It is no longer compatible with the current scrapers. Upgrade to LibreELEC.

If you are still having problems after the upgrade, read here... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=336969
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Actually, I just upgraded to the latest CoreELEC, with the same issue.
Like I said in my previous post... read here

Nothing I can do until you read and supply the required info.
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Title from IMDb will never be 100% reliable. I strongly recommend title from themoviedb.org.
Hi guys.

I have a strange issue with scraping movies since Leia, when some of my newer movies (out of 50 around 10% had this behaviour) weren't recognized anymore.
I rename all my movies like "<name> (YYYY).mkv" and this never was an issue, but some movies simply won't be added using Leia.
I started investigating and noticed, that the scraper takes the title from the file (not the actual name of the file, but rather the metadata INSIDE the file) and tries searching for this, which obviously doesn't work in some case.

In the following example it should have picked up "Searching (2018)", but rather it did search using "ift" from the metadata.

I can provide the logs from kodi, if you like, but I verified it with two different files and movies. In both cases the metadata title was used, not the filename.
I can also provide more logs for different movies, if you like.

Is this some kind of new behavior, or is there any way to influence / change it from my side? Am I missing some settings?
I never bothered, because my file naming schema was working perfectly prior to Leia.


Extract from the log, which shows, that it searched imdb using "ift", not the filename.


18:28:45.907 T:2700   DEBUG: ADDON::CScraper::FindMovie: Searching for 'iFT' using Universal Movie Scraper scraper (path: 'C:\Users\xxxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\metadata.universal', content: 'movies', version: '5.3.0')
18:28:45.941 T:2700   DEBUG: scraper: CreateSearchUrl returned <url>http://akas.imdb.com/find?q=iFT&s=tt|accept-language=en-us</url>
18:28:45.941 T:2700   DEBUG: CurlFile:TonguearseAndCorrectUrl() adding custom header option 'accept-language: en-us'
18:28:45.941 T:2700   DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x28a99aae7b0) http://akas.imdb.com/find?q=iFT&s=tt
18:28:46.413 T:2700   DEBUG: CCurlFile::Open - effective URL: <https://www.imdb.com/find?q=iFT&s=tt>
18:28:46.771 T:2700   DEBUG: CScraperUrl::Get: Using "UTF-8" charset for HTML "http://akas.imdb.com/find?q=iFT&s=tt|accept-language=en-us"
18:28:46.821 T:2700   DEBUG: scraper: GetSearchResults returned <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes"?><results><entity><title>The Glimmer Man</title><year>1996</year><url 

Thanks and best regards
To round this up...
Just took the test with Kodi 17.6 and version 4.1.11 of the universal scraper.

--> Working, as intended and picking up the movies flawlessly.  Nerd ALL the missing ones from Leia have been scraped, as intended.

Any suggestions for using this scraper behavior on Leia?

Read item 1d here... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=336969
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