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v18 QUARTZ - Leia
There is no filter option in most menus. Search searching in EPG in PVR. I was usually searching with channel name in pvr with filter option in Phenomenal. I switched kodi 18 and best skin is Quartz in kodi 18. But there is filter option is missing inside addons and TV PVR part.

Filter is available in Estuary but I must confess I hate that skin.

And Best Working OSD in Leia is yours.
Not sure if this is the right place for this but I have a feature request if it sounds good to everyone else?

I have Kodi installed on multiple devices and one of the nice things is when running Kodi on Android it exposes the Android apps under programs so people can favorite them and directly link them in skins like this one.  In Quartz the way this works is by having the Programs link display two folders, one for Scripts (Programs in Kodi) and another for Android Apps.  What I was wondering is if it could be a user selectable option to enable a setting in the skin and have the Android apps linked under Addons in the skin as 'Apps' and the Kodi Programs be labeled 'Scripts' with direct links to the displayed apps\scripts instead of making an additional forking directory choice?

I can just click through it but my Dad just seems to get confused unless it's a direct shot.  I imagine that he's probably not the only one so making this change for those on AndroidTV would be a boost to the SAF\WAF\PAF(?) of the skin.  Just a thought.  I doubt it matters too much on the but it might be a benefit on Android.  Does the TVOS version of Kodi run iOS apps from within the Programs menu?  If so might be beneficial there for the same reasons.

Additionally maybe some way to assign Android Apps to the 'Game' section might be beneficial in the long term?  Not sure how that would be done but wanted to suggest it in case it becomes doable or is easily done.

Thanks so much for resurrecting this skin for all of us who loved it back in the day!

Will tell you right off the bat... I don't own an android device capable of running kodi so adding a feature like this would be challenging. That said, I will consider it.

Do me a favor and start a separate thread. Also, it would be helpful if you could provide screen shots of what the default behavior looks like. thx
Will do so when I get home.
(2019-02-03, 19:52)bornagainpengui Wrote: What I was wondering is if it could be a user selectable option to enable a setting in the skin and have the Android apps linked under Addons in the skin as 'Apps' and the Kodi Programs be labeled 'Scripts' with direct links to the displayed apps\scripts instead of making an additional forking directory choice?

I can answer the question here now that the fog of superbowl sunday has lifted. Smile Unfortunately, what you want is not possible. Here's why...

The quartz Programs link simply calls this function:
PHP Code:

Note this excerpt from the wiki regarding Windows and Dialogs.

Quote:Some windows allow you to jump directly to a sub-section of that window. To do this, you can use either the sub-section's name or its path.

Here are the available options for Programs. The good news is that we have a sub-section to jump directly to android apps. The bad news is that the only other option is already used by quartz so there's no getting away from the branching choice. To make this work we need a third option requiring a change to kodi itself.

Hope that made sense. Let me know if you have further questions.
Hi I just discovered this great skin. Its perfect for my needs but I have this issue with the episode information screen not displaying the image thumb properly. Thanks and keep up the great work.

(2019-02-04, 22:04)muchanagel Wrote: Hi I just discovered this great skin. Its perfect for my needs but I have this issue with the episode information screen not displaying the image thumb properly. Thanks and keep up the great work.

Welcome to the forum. I see a cropped episode thumb which is deliberate. What did you have in mind?
And I just made the thread you asked for instead of seeing the post you made explaining why it couldn't work.  Do'h.

Thread is here. Will remove if you wish?
I say go ahead and remove it. BTW, if the 3rd option ever materializes it would be trivial to accomplish what you want using just a couple favourites.

Edit: Is that the Charcoal color theme I see in those images? I was actually planning to remove that.

Edit2: I removed the feature request thread.
Thank you for replying. I thought all episode thumbs are rectangular in nature. The ones that are scraped from online sources are. It would be great if the skin can show the full image. Thank you.
(2019-02-05, 09:42)nonJon Wrote: Edit: Is that the Charcoal color theme I see in those images? I was actually planning to remove that.

Edit2: I removed the feature request thread.

Dark Amber I think. Usually I prefer it over the others.

Thanks for removing the thread. Intended to do it when I got home from work but this works out well too.
(2019-02-05, 16:29)muchanagel Wrote: It would be great if the skin can show the full image.

Prefer to leave thumb size as-is for the sake of continuity between movie/episode info windows. Replacing episode thumb with season poster is an option I'm okay with.
(2019-02-05, 09:42)nonJon Wrote: Edit: Is that the Charcoal color theme I see in those images? I was actually planning to remove that.
 Please don't. I prefer monochrome colors.
No problem.
Want to remove 'Fullscreen player' from the home screen and options menus.



Does anyone use this feature? thx
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QUARTZ - Leia4