(2019-02-11, 11:13)Karellen Wrote: Battlestar Galactica from TVDB here... https://www.thetvdb.com/series/battlesta...es/1197791
Stargate SG-1 from TheMovieDB
1 x 22 - https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/4629-starg...uage=en-US
10 x 21 and 22 - Extra episodes modified by me so I expected them not to update.
Girls & Sex 2.0... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8885300/
The IMDB ID is in the database. I think because there is no rating, it has incorrectly reported no ID.
I can send the database if you like. Which one would you prefer, the version where I removed imdb id's or the version after the v4.0.0 update of imdb ratings?
Hi @
Karellen! Thanks a lot for providing further information.
Battlestar Galactica: from a quick look on the IMDb site it seems there are no special episodes for that TV show, and that "Battlestar Galactica - The Plan" is considered as a stand alone TV movie (
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1286130/). At the same time I have discovered that if I look on IMDb site for the season 0 of a TV show (that usually refers to Specials on TVDB), the page of the last season is loaded; just make a try with
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0407362/episodes?season=0 to double check. As a conseguence, I guess that your Special episodes have now the ratings of the 4th season's ones (please give them a look); indeed your episode 0x22 is out of the range of 20 episodes in season 4 as the log reports. Another strange point is that it seems your library contains two episodes marked as 0x22...Anyway I have to manage in some way the case of "season 0" episodes...
Stargate SG-1: this is an unfortunate case in which there is a misalignment between the TV show information reported on TMDB and IMDb sites. In particular, TMDB splitted in two the first episode "Children of the Gods" while IMDb reports a single entries. My question is: how are the season 1 episodes numbered in your Kodi library? I'm expecting something like S01E01, S01E02, etc. but I don't know if the first episode is actually split or not and, therefore, how it is referenced in terms of episode number in the Kodi database. Can you please report it back? As you can easily understand such split on TMDB makes a shift with respect to IMDb and this is why the episode 22 results "out of range" (and ratings should result shifted as well).
Girls & Sex 2.0: looking at the log, it seems that there is no ID specified for it:
(IMDb ID: n/a, TVDB ID: n/a, TMDB ID: n/a)
Just as a double check, is there any IMDb ID in the context menu of the movie? If yes, I guess the issue is just related to a not precise log message for the case of "no rating" for a movie. If not, you can just enter the missing IMDb ID manually and run the update.
Based on the information and explaination above, please double check any other particular case that may have happen in your library but that the log file didn't capture for whatever reason.
Looking forward for the next interaction!