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@Alanon I figured out what the issue was! I don't know the technical answer, but somewhere within the settings of the Titan Mod skin it was messing with the settings here. It was actually overriding the settings for this skin (IE when I disabled the banners view, it didn't actually disable it, when I uninstalled that skin and I deleted the folder from addon_data then your skin worked exactly as intended! It even disabled the view Smile

Also, going through the keymap editor, I can't directly use that to assign a keymap within that addon (cause it doesn't have a preset for it), but I can assign a random attribute to the key I want to try and then edit the file (it creates a file in .kodi/userdata/keymaps called gen.xml) and it created this:

<keymap><global><keyboard><key id="206">contextmenu</key></keyboard></global></keymap>

Where for me key ID 206 is just my number 1 button that I'm using for testing. I tried to change it to:

<keymap><global><keyboard><key id="206">SetProperty(quicknavsetup ,1 ,home)</key></keyboard></global></keymap>

And that did not do anything at all. And I've extended my knowledge and I'm out of ideas Tongue do you have any?
Aaaa, well Titan must use the override function you mentioned earlier (makes sense, seeing as it's made by the same guy). That's a very aggressive method, it's no wonder it persevered.

I've no idea about the keymap thing, never used it. Could be that it's only good for native Kodi functions, in which case it'll never work for this. I'll try and see if I can dig anything up.
Eminence 2 MOD, Revived & Improved

If you've found me helpful, eh, maybe press the Like button? If you like, you can click here for donations. :)
If you can't figure it out easily or just don't have the time, please don't worry! One thing I did see is I can map a button on my remote control to be just a standard keyboard button, so if the quick nav can be pulled up by something like pressing 'Q' on your keyboard, then I could easily replicate that!

One question my wife brought up, all the widgets auto scroll through the list, is that a setting that can turned on and off?

I feel like my one simple question turned into a lot of trouble! I'm sorry for that, I got a little into it and wanted to make sure I understood every nook of this skin! I really appreciate you taking the time to reply though! On day two and this is still my favorite skin that's available! Nod
One thing I was trying to do is change a little bit of the info given on the VideoInfo page and also on the home screen widget info side. I wanted to change the year to the premiered date. I know I need to change ListItem.Year to ListItem.Premiered which I did and it did change the info to my desired outcome but I was only able to change it on the DialogVideoInfo.xml file, but I couldn't figure out how or where to change the label to change where it says "Year" to "Premiered" and I have no idea where to change the widget properties at! I don't mind making these changes myself, but if you could just maybe point me to the right direction, I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks!

I found the file Includes_Label.xml that had the settings for the home widgets info panel, so I did change, so for the time being I'm ok!

I never did explain why I wanted the change, it was because sometimes Trakt likes to add shows that haven't aired yet (at midnight they'll add in the list but they don't actually air until like 8pm that evening) so I like to see the date the file aired on so I know it's the correct file I should watch, if that makes sense at all Smile
Hello Alanon

After reinstalling KODI 18 on my Nvidia Shield TV, your Eminence mod started showing tiles correctly in the netflix plugin.

Could you be in the view: Netflix set the tiles in such a way that by moving the arrow to the right they appeared consecutively numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 .......... Currently it is: 1 top 2 bottom 3 up 4 down ........ It's not good for using this remote control.

You also said that the lack of information about the film or TV series is the fault of the netflix plugin.
I have noticed that in the original KODI Estuary skin this information is and is displayed after selecting an episode in the menu.
Total time
The sound format

Only the description is missing if the film has HDR or not, but I have asked the author of the plugin to introduce such a flag.

Can you add to your skin the options I am writing about.
I think many people will be grateful for this.
Here I add a picture about what I think:
Hello Alanon!

Many thanks for this good job!!. Y detect some issues and some possible improvements in the PVR information and television chanels. I think it's the least worked part of this great skin.
When the OSD info is showed at the current tv show, it is no posible change the chanel but it still posible navigate through chanel information and press "OK" to change to the desired chanel.
I think that the base Estuary it is a good start point to improve the visualization of the current tv show information (it is very pretty). 

Thank you very much again for this great work!!!
(2019-02-11, 23:23)Althenwolf Wrote:  

I talk about the DialogSeekBar in the PVR. Default stuary looks better, may be it could ported to this great skin.
Hi Alanon, I love this skin, and i'm just wondering if there are still updates planned in the near future? there's a few issues with the Leia skin that's causing me to fall back on other skins. Namely, the lack of a scrollbar, the viewed icon being forced on EVERY movie including unviewed (blank grey circle), and the in progress movies section not working. I'm on 3.0.4
Sorry if these are all known issues already, there's a lot of pages to comb through.
Hey, I was wondering when you have some time if you could maybe help me figure out how to work with the fonts of this skin? The font's the skin uses itself are all fine, perfectly viewable, but full screen addons sometimes tend to be very very small fonts. For example, there is a digital clock screen saver that just has the time bouncing around the screen, and on other skins (Estuary and Confluence for example), the time shows up with a very large font (looks to be about maybe size 36 or even larger perhaps) but in your skin the font size looks to be around 12, and on a larger TV it's incredibly hard to see from any kind of distance. There are other addons affected as well, pretty much any addon that doesn't load into the skin views themselves.

I'm perfectly ok with making the edits myself and repeating the edits should updates happen, I'm just not really sure how to tell which font settings effect which part of the skin.

Thanks again for all the hard work you've put into this!
Hi again Alanon!
I have discovered some issues and improvements to make in PVR(television) skin section, more specifically in the DialogSeekBar, Includes_Furniture files and spanish.po strings. I have solved some issues like: showing the channel icon when it is changing the tv channel, show a program picture in the seekBar and other important improvements. If you are interested and believe that my improvements could be useful, I can explain the details and even send you some screenshots.

Thanks again for your excellent work!!
Hi guys, just a quick heads up. For the past week I've had serious issues with my ISP, and as a result, I practically don't have any Internet access at the moment, that's the reason why I've been AWOL.

I can still receive and read your posts thanks to my mobile connection, but any real responses and potential troubleshooting will have to wait until my connection is up and running.

My ISP is currently stonewalling me with missed deadlines, excuses and contradictory information, so there's no telling how long this situation will last. I'll respond to your posts as soon as I'm able.
Eminence 2 MOD, Revived & Improved

If you've found me helpful, eh, maybe press the Like button? If you like, you can click here for donations. :)
Hi Alanon

Could you check why the soundtrack in the Netflix plugin does not display well in your skin? Most soundtracks are 5.1 and this is how it appears on the KODI Estuary. There is 4.1 everywhere on your Eminence.

Would you be able to add an information bar with video and audio descriptions to your skin.
Such information as in the pictures:

Could you introduce such corrections to the appearance of Netflix?
In the movie library, the problem is the same as in the Netflix plugin.
Hello family,

Sorry my bad English.

I am trying to modify the Eminence 2 MOD skin to show the information of the television channel like:


I know that the information is shown on each channel by clicking up, but what I want is to know what channel I am on when I go through the channels up and down to change and not only when I am already on a channel.

As I do not know much, I tried to compare the Aura skin files with those of the Eminence to copy it, but I do not know how it is done.

Please, can you give me an indication of what file is the code in the Aura that indicates that the information is displayed and how to modify EMINENCE?

Thank you ;-)
Hello @luimarsa!

I found the same issues at the PVR(TV) visualisation. Im working on it Smile. In my opinion there is some improvements to make.
  • Show the current tv chanel icon
  • Show the current tv number
  • Show the chain of pressed numbers (very useful when there is remote control)
  • Show the chanel information (name, description, remaining time of the current show) also just after changing the current channel.
  • Show the current program "poster"
I could send my changes to alanon and some captures to it working, but only he could accept them. It is their skin and it is their work. He is the boss Smile.
Thanks for this fantastic skin!!
Hello Althenwolf,

Thanks to answer.

Please send it to alanon to add that to the skin because, in my opinion, it is the only thing that need to be perfect.

If he doesn't want to do it, please talk to me in private and help me to add it to mine, because I have two HDHomerun at home and I use Kodi to watch TV all the time. I do not want to change the skin because I like Eminence a lot.

Thanks ;-)
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