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Release Aeon Nox: SiLVO
(2019-04-02, 06:34)Karellen Wrote: In that DB the following Artists...

Nico & Vinz
Sam Martin
Arthur Conan Doyle (audiobook author)

If no good, let me know and I will send the larger db from main install. If it is a pic of DB, then that is fine here, they are all test albums.

I have those 3 just not Chicane

Looks like 202 artists 173 albums and 1121 songs.
(2019-04-02, 06:36)mikeSiLVO Wrote: I honestly couldn't tell you if it is 32/64 bit related. That is way above my pay grade but 64 bit has been around for a very long time. Windows should know how to tell the difference and run 32 bit apps correctly. Are you 100% sure that you deleted everything Kodi, added your song library fresh, and did not re-install from some kind of backup?

I hate to be a cynic but a lot of users post that it works in another skin and more often than not it is just not true or they are mistaken on their assumptions ...

I only bring up the 32/64 thing because of 32's 4gb ram limitation.

Yes, they were all from complete drive reformats.

That is possible. My son takes advantage of music the most so I'll have him give it a workout in estuary tomorrow just to rule it out - or not.

Thx for looking at this.
(2019-04-02, 06:45)dkoh Wrote: I only bring up the 32/64 thing because of 32's 4gb ram limitation.

Yes, they were all from complete drive reformats.

That is possible. My son takes advantage of music the most so I'll have him give it a workout in estuary tomorrow just to rule it out - or not.

Thx for looking at this.

The skin should not be using 4 GB of memory. The huge music library might be but then the same thing would happen using Estuary or any other skin. Please let me know if it is a skin problem Smile
I should have also mentioned that the line with the formatting issue rotates information. The previous image shows one line, then a few seconds later it rotates to this line...


Image from previous post...
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@Karellen It is a skin problem. Some stupid in my <visible> will post a test fix very soon Wink
Ok, we crossed posts. See my previous
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(2019-04-02, 06:58)Karellen Wrote: Ok, we crossed posts. See my previous

I saw but I do wish that I remembered I was using my portable Kodi install and did not test a fix for the last 10 min that wasn't working cause I was modifying my regular install and causing me to almost throw my keyboard Tongue

Can you please check if replacing DialogMusicInfo.xml with this file redacted fixes the problem?
Haha, I currently have 4 portable installs, plus the latest official release plus v17 portable, + 4 userdata folders in the Roaming location, and sometimes it is like a comedy act. Testing the wrong portable install, instinctively double clicking the wrong icon, unable to repeat a result because I am in the wrong build, or I am checking the wrong database, or looking at the wrong log... the list of errors just goes on. Yes, I have also wanted to throw the keyboard!!

That fix works. Thanks!!
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(2019-04-02, 07:36)Karellen Wrote: Haha, I currently have 4 portable installs, plus the latest official release plus v17 portable, + 4 userdata folders in the Roaming location, and sometimes it is like a comedy act. Testing the wrong portable install, instinctively double clicking the wrong icon, unable to repeat a result because I am in the wrong build, or I am checking the wrong database, or looking at the wrong log... the list of errors just goes on. Yes, I have also wanted to throw the keyboard!!

That fix works. Thanks!!

Awesome! Thanks for the bug report and testing! Smile

There is one little code snafu in the file I posted but the update on Git "should" be rock solid... *Fingers crossed*

Might want to use that until the next skin update. I will delete the link now so others do not install by mistake.
(2019-04-02, 03:51)dkoh Wrote: I've been chasing my tail on this for a while now (weeks? couple months?), and I finally found it only happens to Nox Silvo. Many, many reinstalls of Win 7 Pro x86 and this is what happens:

Music>Artist>Album>(sometimes it hangs here)>play a track (if I'm lucky).
Hit "next" or "back" or anything.
Freezes. Sometimes shows the circle spinner forever, sometimes crashes with a blank C++ error, sometimes gives the Windows, "xx has cashed, what do you want to do?" or "searching for a solution" message.

I switch to Estuary and everything works perfectly with the entire library scanned. I really don't want to leave this great skin, and I thank you for your work. I've been using Silvo since it came out, but music not working is a biggie for us.
(2019-04-02, 05:16)mikeSiLVO Wrote: ....Alternatively Kodi may be having some kind of memory leak or there is some other underlying cause to all of this that has nothing to do with the skin.

Estuary does not do all of the things that this skin does so not every comparison is proof of a skin problem, however, I cannot be 100% certain that it is not a skin problem... Confused

Maybe @DaveBlake or another Kodi Dev can take a look at your log and perhaps see what the issue is Huh
I will resist the urge to blame the skin, although from what @dkoh says about working on Estuary that does seem to be a smoking gun. For sure the issue is memory related, that is what all the errors are about. After the texture loading errors you hit this
DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (musicdb://artists/22595/?albumartistsonly=false)
DEBUG:   ParentPath = [musicdb://artists/]
ERROR: CThread::SpawnThread - fatal error 8 creating thread
DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
Error 8 is ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY to create a vital process, and hence the whirling cursor.

I have looked before for possible memory leaks especially for those with large libraries. There is an issue that is you leave Kodi running long enough it does slowly eat memory resources. This is not because of any specific leak I could find, but seems to be a general memory management (or lack of it) issue. Small and big chuncks of memory all come from and are released back to  the same pot which eventually can cause fragmentation. But this can't be what is happening on a newly started session, and also a greatly reduced music library.

There seems to be a problem related to recently added albums, how is that widget implemented in the skin @mikeSiLVO ?

But the first memory error is
ERROR: CBaseTexture::Allocate - Could not allocate 16777216 bytes. Out of memory.
DEBUG: CBaseTexture::LoadFromFileInternal - Load of special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/b/b429e437.jpg failed.
and ~17GB for one image does seem mighty odd.
It is not the file size of b429e437.jpg that matters, but what Kodi texture processing gets as GetPitch() * GetRows() which is file format dependant. Perhaps something in that image and others is upsetting how it is read by ffmpeg?

It is not just the source files that need moving the clear art, but what is in texture cache too. All I can suggest is that you look a lot closer at these images or better still replace/remove them (and from cache). Are these same images shown when using Estuary?
(2019-04-02, 05:16)mikeSiLVO Wrote: I see errors in your log with:
Window Translator: Can't find window MyFiles
Window Translator: Can't find window MyMusicFiles
Window Translator: Can't find window MyMusicLibrary
Window Translator: Can't find window VisualisationSettings

A quick google search led me HERE.
That link was spot on.  I'm using keyboard.xml from http://xbmccustomregis.sourceforge.net and it's trying to use those entries for playlists and visualizations, which I never use anyways.  I'll edit them out.
(2019-04-02, 10:40)DaveBlake Wrote: It is not just the source files that need moving the clear art, but what is in texture cache too. All I can suggest is that you look a lot closer at these images or better still replace/remove them (and from cache). Are these same images shown when using Estuary?

I checked them and there didn't appear to be anything funny going on.  They're just 1920x1080 artist backgrounds.  I'll delete them and let them get re-scraped. 

FWIW, this machine has been working fine for several previous Kodi/XBMC installs and I've been using Nox Silvo since it came out.  My music library increases gradually (usually a handful of albums per month), so it's not like I just doubled it.  I never had this problem with 17.x, but it's been consistent with 18 RC4(?), 18.0, and 18.1.

Oh man... now that I think about it, the only new noteworthy variable is the release of Artwork Beef in 17, and AB didn't even handle music until 18, which is where the problem showed up.  I believe AB also tries to do a bunch of pre-caching as well.  I'll uninstall AB and see if that makes a difference.  Is simply removing it through add-ons enough to ensure it's not interfering?
So, the boy came home and listened to music for a while in Estuary and still had no problems.
I fixed the "could not find window" errors by switching back to the OEM 18 keyboard.xml
I deleted the offending JPGs from the last log.  Did not re-scrape.
I cleaned the library

Same happened but with different <hex>.jpg files.  Deleted those and tried again.
Repeat, but this time it just crashed (C++ Runtime failure) while I tried to scroll through a couple artists.


*After that log
Then I was thinking that Showcase was demanding too many textures at once, so I switched to List - instant crash (the blank error).  Restart and List stayed, tried to switch to Shift - crash (same blank error).  This kept happening no matter what layout I chose.
Uninstalled Artwork Beef and rebooted.
Tried to scroll through Artists - crash.


All your logs show an Out Of Memory error as pointed out previously. I think you have reached the limits of your 2nd gen Intel PC with the new v18 and feature rich Aeon Nox Silvo skin.

I would be interested in the following...

1. Log of you performing the same actions using the default skin Estuary
2. Log of you performing th same actions using another feature rich skin, say Aeon MQ 8, Arctic Zephyr, Rapier or Transparency!
3. How much memory do have installed

If MikeSilvo agrees, I will split your issue to a separate thread as it is more of a problem with your limited hardware, rather than a problem with AeonNox:Silvo
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