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Release Aeon Nox: SiLVO
(2019-04-20, 10:20)Jbev01 Wrote: Is it because I have them stored on a NAS?
I think you are right. I just tested it across my SMB network on Windows10 and the animation did not work. But once I moved the file locally it

Any particular place to store it? Within Kodi or just locally somewhere?
Anywhere that Kodi has access. Go into Choose Art, and browse what local paths are available then pick one that best suits you.
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I won't be surprised if this has been asked elsewhere, but I haven't found it; I may be searching for the wrong terms.

I am trying to add a submenu item under 'Music' for one genre displaying by albums.  Specifically, I want to have my audio books as a separate item.  Again, I suspect I'm missing something obvious, but when I:
  1. go into Main Menu Customizer
  2. select Music
  3. select Manage submenu
  4. add an entry named Audio Books
  5. select Change Action
  6. navigate through Music Library > Genres > Audiobook (makes the action ActivateWindow(Music,musicdb://genres/8/,return)
They're listed by Artist (particularly annoying since the album artist tag contains the reader and the author, so all the books are listed in at least two places).

How do I get the listing to be by album?  The other version of the question may be: how can I get an album list with a permanent filter by genre?

Audiobooks (wiki)

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Hi All,

I just got a fresh install of LibreELEC 9.0.1 Leia and everything works in my Music fanart except the logo of the artist.
The disc is showing OK as well as the extrafanart backgrounds, but the logo is missing (it worked before all the time).

Can someone please help me with this issue... thanks in advance.
(2019-03-23, 20:00)mikeSiLVO Wrote:
(2019-03-17, 21:11)tjs4ever Wrote: @mikeSiLVO

I updated to Kodi 18 today and was happy to see that this is now in the official repo! I was able to update the addon and keep most of my config from Kodi17, I hit one small roadblock, not sure if I found a bug?

When trying to create a widget for Favourites, the submenu in Favourite category is completely empty and only has the two dots..

Unrelated: I haven't had a chance to look yet, but I'm assuming that the same fixes as previous version for the atmos and dtsx custom icons?

Going to need some more info here. A screenshot would also be helpful. Where are the two dots and what is supposed to be there?

Yes atmos and dts-x should be the same mod that I previously posted. Might be different line numbers if I specified them but other than that should be roughly the same. 

Sorry for the delays, I really appreciate the support. My first issue was due to not having the skin helper addons installed. Now that I have everything installed the favourites are back to 95% what I am used to. One small preference I can't sort out, there are some 'blanks' forgive my MS Paint skills:


I can't figure out the DTS and ATMOS flags, is this possible with the non-git version of the addon? Would you mind sending some updated instructions?

I liked the previous version and this is is pretty awesome.
In the previous Aeon Nox skin , at the top right it would display 65/526.
The current movie you have selected, then the total.
Is there a way to enable this in Silvo?
Not sure if this belongs here or in the Netflix Add-on, but I'm going to start here in the hopes that someone else has figured this out or can help me with what to request in the Netflix thread.

I'm trying to add menu items for Netflix but have them be specific to individual profiles within the Netflix Add-on:

Having those menu items go to each profile works fine.

My problem is: I would also like to add widgets for each of those that show the Continue Watching (widget 1) and Recommended (widget 2) sections for the corresponding profiles. While the widgets show up correctly, they all show the Continue Watching and Recommended for whatever the last profile that was viewed in the add-on. So if I go into the Netflix add-on and go into my profile, all of the widgets for the MyFlix, WifeFilx and KidFlix show up with my videos.

Is there any way around this? I was thinking that maybe I would add four different Netflix Add-ons...One for general use and then three others that are specifically tied to each profile but was wondering if there was a better way to go about this.

Don´t know if this was asked before...but is it possible to display already watched movies in the "Newest Movies" Widget?

Is there an option i can´t find or did i miss something else?
Why is a small area in the bottom right corner on the home view? I have marked it red:Image
(2019-02-09, 23:42)Exmaniac Wrote: I have fanart playlists that I saved from Kodi 17 to import to 18, since it takes time to make them.

Those playlist fanarts show up really slow, i.e. when I choose the movies tab the fanart takes some seconds to appear, and when I go down to my submenu (animated, foreign et) that have different playlist fanarts, the same happens.

When I choose the standard " Show random movie fanart " it works fine. I have done this some days ago, so Kodi should've cached them. This worked just fine in Kodi 17, so seems like an 18 issue.

Hello again Mike.

You're still doing a great job and being patient with us plebs.

I fiddled around with his a bit, and got a temporary fix. In the smart playlists I chose "Limit to 10", now the artworks show up faster.
However, they are not as snappy as the default "Show random movie fanart".

I wonder what causes this problem since the default version works just fine. I can say that when I did it this way in kodi 17 the movie title was not showing at the bottom left corner of the fanart, as it did/does with "random movie arts". Could this have anything to do with it? I don't know how that calculation works when kodi matches the titles to the fanart and adds them.

I've also noticed a slowdown in the movie view, I use Logo. When I enter the "info" section and go out, everything lags. I need to exit the whole movie view and go back to make it disappear. I am inclined to believe that this is also artwork related, but I could be wrong, but it seems to happen when I enter a view with a lot of artwork, or change fanart in the info view.

I use the 64bit version of kodi with windows 10 on a PC.
I'm not sure if this is a Core, skin, or Trakt addon issue.  I'd like a "watch again" option in the show/season context menu.  I'm thinking Trakt and skin.

For example:
I'm watching the old X-Files again
I have Trakt to sync every night, which I won't get rid of
If I select "mark as unwatched" for all the seasons I want to watch again, it reverts to watched the next day (because I've already seen it)
At trakt.com, you can select something like "watch again" and it adds plays. It seems there's no equivalent in Kodi.
I don't care about the play count necessarily, but it would be nice to put a season in limbo so that I can keep track of what I've watched in a season.

If I get a few episodes in and say, "eh, this show sucked", I could hit "mark as watched" again and it would revert to the single play and marked as watched.


I want to move all the local files on my library downloaded time ago with artwork downloader to the new naming convention that use Artwork Beef. thats mean.... logo to clearlogo, disc to discart... its ok for this addon? will show the images same as do with old names?

Other question... i have 2 folders on my library inside the video folders... one is extrathumbs (deprecated on Artwork beef), i didnt saw any view that use that files... there is some view that use this images or i can delete those folders?. The other folder is extrafanart. i still can create this folder with Artwork Beef but the image names inside are fanart1.jpg, fanart2.jpg... instead 127836YEGVASa767238.jpg(example) that creates Artwork Downloader, its ok for this skin? it can manage new names? and there is some view that could use this extrafanart files? if answer is yes... this extrafanart files have to stay on the folder extrafanart or instead located with other files on main folder?
Yes, this skin can manage everything Artwork Beef creates.  I too used Artwork Downloader and converted over to using Artwork Beef.  It works very well.  I use the MyFlix view.  As with any view, bring up the side menu to enable things like extrafanart that uses fanart1.jpg, fanart2.jpg in the view settings.
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W11 Pro 24H2 MPC-BE\HC madVR KODI 22 GTX960-4GB/RGB 4:4:4/Desktop 60Hz 8bit Video Matched Refresh rates 23,24,50,60Hz 8/10/12bit/Samsung 82" Q90R Denon S720W
@mikeSiLVO : any intention of playing trailers with the myflix views .. and using the skin with the netflix addon would make this into a netflix compatible / comparable behemoth. just a though !
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