2019-04-21, 03:59
I am trying to wrap my head around this. @Karellen- link removed
(2019-04-21, 11:36)jjd-uk Wrote: The source code has been branched so Leia now sits in it's own branch on Github, this means development can begin on v19 in Master branch (which is always the main development branch not a version name as that idiot seems to think), so yes v19 alpha builds are now available from the Kodi download servers. For example for Win64 v19 alpha http://mirrors.kodi.tv/nightlies/windows/win64/master/
Being we've only just started there is still a long way to eventual v19 final release, but some interesting v19 features have already gone into the alpha builds.
(2019-04-28, 18:51)da-anda Wrote: no, we don't really have a feature roadmap or a dedicated discussion board for the release. You could follow the commit list/history on github though https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/commits/master . And since we started to use discussion boards on Github for other things, we might revive that one here to coordinate development, but that's not settled yet https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/projects/8
(2019-04-28, 19:10)surge919 Wrote: Can you at least say if a server/client setup is on the roadmap?