Movie title overlay on some thumbnails but not others - why?
I have my Blu-rays stored as BDMV folder structures.
Meta-data is generated by My Movies, and the local information pseudo-scraper gets it into Kodi.
I have been using this system since the days of XBMC and Windows Media Player.
I mostly use the wall view in Kodi - this displays the case covers (I prefer this to posters anyway).

For most movies, the lower third of the case cover thumbnail is covered by a black box with the title in white text.
However, this does not happen for all movies, and I can't work out why this should be.
I have deleted and recreated the meta-data and the Kodi video library but the result is the same.

Can anyone tell me why this happens, or more importantly, how to change it?
To be honest, I would like to get rid of all text i.e. just have the case cover and nothing else.
I know that this can be done by using another skin, but if it can be changed in Estuary, I would prefer that.

Backend - HP server with 50TB HDD array.
Client - Windows 10, i7-6950X, 64GB RAM, dual GTX1080 in SLI, 2TB SSD boot (plus other storage).
Can you provide the following...

1. Screenshot so we can clearly see what you are referring to
2. The NFO File created by My Movies for one of the affected movies, pasted to Kodi Paste Site
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(2019-06-01, 08:59)Karellen Wrote: Can you provide the following...

1. Screenshot so we can clearly see what you are referring to
2. The NFO File created by My Movies for one of the affected movies, pasted to Kodi Paste Site

Here is a screen shot (looks the same on Xbox One X too).


NFO file for Apollo 13

NFO file for Avatar

Thanks for your help.
Interesting. I don't have that black title overlay. I have looked for a setting to enable that but I cannot see one.

Which skin are you using? Which version of Kodi?

The NFO Files would not cause that, so my initial suspicion was wrong. The essential information is there in the nfo file, so it should work.

As a side note, how did you create the nfo files? There are a few old xml tags, and some unused ones. The classification is wrong. You have...

<mpaa>Rated PG</mpaa>- which is your generic rating

then you have...
<certification>Australia:PG</certification> which I guess, is what you actually want. But kodi does not read that tag, it reads the previous <mpaa> tag. So you need to swap them around somehow.
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Looking at the wall view code that happens when there is no ListItem.Art(poster) available so it uses ListItem.Icon as a backup as well as ListItem.Label.

Adding a <thumb></thumb> tag might fix it.
Oh right. Thanks @Hitcher.

I should have also asked for a list of what local artwork is available. A screenshot of your folder showing the artwork will be helpful @rmgreen
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Yes, your posters should be named MOVIE_TITLE-poster.jpg.
I am using Kodi version 18.2 with standard Estuary skin.
Meta-data is generated by My Movies v5.24 - it sounds like they may need to update a few things.

It does look like this is due to the presence or absence of posters.

I do not store posters these days, just front and back covers in My Movies, which are then copied into the movie folders.
However, when I look deeper (by right clicking an item in Kodi wall view => Information => Choose art),
the movies that have the text overlay (most of them) have no poster stored.
Some do have a poster stored (identical to front cover/folder picture) and these display without the text overlay.
I have no idea how these poster files were stored - lost in the mists of time.

@Hitcher seems to have found the code that governs the difference in display.

I can think of a few solutions to this - any suggestions??
1. Your artwork naming is wrong. Rename your local artwork... Artwork (wiki)
2. Delete your nfo files, delete the movies from the library and rescrape your shows using the Kodi scrapers.

(2019-06-03, 15:12)rmgreen Wrote: generated by My Movies v5.24 - it sounds like they may need to update a few things.
Yes they do. Maybe you could just let Kodi scrape?? Media managers are all trying to replicate Kodi's basic function. As you can see, media managers don't get it right, so just let Kodi do what it was designed to do.
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NFO file for Apollo 13 dose not have any info on <mpaa></mpaa>

NFO file for Avatar  <mpaa>Rated PG-13</mpaa>

can comfirm that i have both and no  mpaa icons show
my NFO file for Avatar
one fix is to chage PG-13 to m then refresh info
but if it can be changed in Estuary you must be usig a mod or plug in as it is not  part of estuary default skin
Thanks for all your replies.

It looks like a major reconfiguration is needed.

@Hitcher - can you tell me where the wall view code is located?

Lines 235-277.

            <control type="group">
                <control type="image">
                    <bordertexture border="21">overlays/shadow.png</bordertexture>
                <control type="image">
                    <texture colordiffuse="button_focus">colors/grey.png</texture>
                    <include condition="$PARAM[focused]">Animation_FocusTextureFade</include>
                <control type="textbox">
                    <autoscroll time="2000" delay="3000" repeat="5000">$PARAM[focused]</autoscroll>
                <control type="image">
                    <texture fallback="DefaultMovies.png" background="true">$INFO[ListItem.Icon]</texture>

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Movie title overlay on some thumbnails but not others - why?0