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Beta Amber for Leia with Skinshortcuts
(2019-06-25, 22:16)bsoriano Wrote: Hello all,

I have added default shelves (widgets), for when you do a full reset of all skin settings, or when you do a new install of the skin.  The default shelves are the same that the current Amber for Leia has. 

With this I have completed all I set out to do for integration with skinshortcuts.  Now my only task left before merging with current Amber is the re-write of the widget code.  

Please test and let me know what you think.  Thank you.



With this re-write of the widget code, I don't suppose you have a solution for recently added seasons ?
(2019-06-26, 07:15)treboR2Robert Wrote:
(2019-06-25, 22:16)bsoriano Wrote: Hello all,

I have added default shelves (widgets), for when you do a full reset of all skin settings, or when you do a new install of the skin.  The default shelves are the same that the current Amber for Leia has. 

With this I have completed all I set out to do for integration with skinshortcuts.  Now my only task left before merging with current Amber is the re-write of the widget code.  

Please test and let me know what you think.  Thank you.



With this re-write of the widget code, I don't suppose you have a solution for recently added seasons ? 

@treboR2Robert , no, unfortunately I don't have a solution for that.  I think the only way to solve that would be to modify the skin helper widgets addon.  I do not have enough knowledge of Python to do that.


(2019-06-26, 01:52)edjalmo Wrote: @bsoriano I noticed that you use 3 different labels for brazilian certification ratings: "Brazil: 12", "12 anos", "Classificação 12".
If I use the label "12 anos" the icon show not aligned, as it was before. The others 2 are perfect.

@edjalmo , that is correct.  Please use the two that work fine, as I am not planning to add more conditions for showing the certification flags.  Thank you.


(2019-06-26, 01:09)edjalmo Wrote:
(2019-06-25, 22:16)bsoriano Wrote: Hello all,

I have added default shelves (widgets), for when you do a full reset of all skin settings, or when you do a new install of the skin.  The default shelves are the same that the current Amber for Leia has. 

With this I have completed all I set out to do for integration with skinshortcuts.  Now my only task left before merging with current Amber is the re-write of the widget code.  

Please test and let me know what you think.  Thank you.


I can't restore skin to default setting.

If I go to Amber settings > backup/Restore > Reset all skin to settings to default values it only reset things like enable extended info, enable global search, etc.
If I go to Amber settings > Home Layout > Customize home menu and shelves > go to one menu > restore menu items > reset to skin defaults nothing happend.

I think Reset all skin to settings have to reset all skin (including shelves) and restore menu items have to restore only the menu specific. 

@edjalmo , I am not sure why that would not work for you.  I just tested Reset all skin settings and it reset everything, including my shelf configuration.  If you want, you could also delete the script-skin-shortcuts-includes.xml file from the skin's 1080i folder, and delete anything that has "amber32" in the name from the userdata\addon_data\script.skinshortcuts\ folder.  That will certainly wipe out all of your menu/submenu/shelf configuration.

Restore menu items is for bringing back default menu items that you deleted when you configured your menu/submenu/shelves.  For example, if you deleted the Search menu item, Restore Menu Items would give you the option of adding it back.


(2019-06-26, 14:04)bsoriano Wrote: I am not sure why that would not work for you.  I just tested Reset all skin settings and it reset everything, including my shelf configuration.  If you want, you could also delete the script-skin-shortcuts-includes.xml file from the skin's 1080i folder, and delete anything that has "amber32" in the name from the userdata\addon_data\script.skinshortcuts\ folder.  That will certainly wipe out all of your menu/submenu/shelf configuration.

Restore menu items is for bringing back default menu items that you deleted when you configured your menu/submenu/shelves.  For example, if you deleted the Search menu item, Restore Menu Items would give you the option of adding it back
I tested here again. The same happend.
If I delete this files the skin back to default but clickin in Reset all skin settings don't reset shelfs. When I click in reset and come back to main menu even the "building menu" notification don't show up.
Could someone else test and comment to see if this it's just me?
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! (inscribed in large friendly letters)
My hardware is a Raspberry Pi 3b (with LibreELEC)
Hi, I do not know if it was spoken before. Is it possible to change something to mark the chapters as seen? Only PLAYS 1 comes out.
(2019-06-29, 11:34)fruncer Wrote: Hi, I do not know if it was spoken before. Is it possible to change something to mark the chapters as seen? Only PLAYS 1 comes out.

@fruncer , could you please be more specific? All views have watched overlays; widgets do as well.  What are you looking for that you are not seeing and where? Please let me know.  Thanks.


(2019-06-29, 16:03)bsoriano Wrote:
(2019-06-29, 11:34)fruncer Wrote: Hi, I do not know if it was spoken before. Is it possible to change something to mark the chapters as seen? Only PLAYS 1 comes out.

@fruncer , could you please be more specific? All views have watched overlays; widgets do as well.  What are you looking for that you are not seeing and where? Please let me know.  Thanks.



Maybe he's thinking of like a progress bar to show how much has been watched ?
Thumbs Up 
Love the new Amber w/ SkinShortcuts branch!

I'd like to propose another option for the Pause screen.
Currently there's an yes/no option to "Show Video Info on Pause", which adds even more info (I suppose, I didn't see a difference on first glance when playing a video from a USB stick that wasn't scanned to the library).

I'd like to see another option that'll only show minimal/no info, e.g. a small pause icon in the top right corner. In case you need to read some text shown only for a short time pausing playback won't obscure large areas of the screen. These different options could be combined into a single "Pause Info" option with the now 2 (in future possibly more) options: "Minimal" and "Video Info"

Thanks for your quality work!

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(2019-07-01, 17:16)Humdinger Wrote: Love the new Amber w/ SkinShortcuts branch!

I'd like to propose another option for the Pause screen.
Currently there's an yes/no option to "Show Video Info on Pause", which adds even more info (I suppose, I didn't see a difference on first glance when playing a video from a USB stick that wasn't scanned to the library).

I'd like to see another option that'll only show minimal/no info, e.g. a small pause icon in the top right corner. In case you need to read some text shown only for a short time pausing playback won't obscure large areas of the screen. These different options could be combined into a single "Pause Info" option with the now 2 (in future possibly more) options: "Minimal" and "Video Info"

Thanks for your quality work!

@Humdinger, thanks for your kind words! I will consider adding the additional option you propose when the widgets are done.


(2019-06-29, 16:04)treboR2Robert Wrote:
(2019-06-29, 16:03)bsoriano Wrote:
(2019-06-29, 11:34)fruncer Wrote: Hi, I do not know if it was spoken before. Is it possible to change something to mark the chapters as seen? Only PLAYS 1 comes out.

@fruncer , could you please be more specific? All views have watched overlays; widgets do as well.  What are you looking for that you are not seeing and where? Please let me know.  Thanks.



Maybe he's thinking of like a progress bar to show how much has been watched ?

Could be! Hopefully the user will clarify what the issue is. Thanks for helping out, @treboR2Robert.


Hello all,

I know I have not provided an update in a while, my apologies for that. However, it is because not only @Mr V has shown me how to resolve the navigation issue for widgets with no content, he is actually recoding the widgets for me Smile I am completely certain that his code will be awesome, so it is well worth the wait.

I will provide further updates as I get them. Thanks for your patience and understanding.


Sounds good Bart, looking forward to testing it all out.

There is no rush anyway in my opinion, everything works pretty well as it is.

My only gripe is that clicking on recently added seasons doesn't open the season.
But this is the same on whatever skin I use. I think.

Thanks for the update, hope it all goes well.

Hello all,

I have just pushed an update to Git.  This update has a substantial rewrite of all the shelves code (thank you so much @Mr. V  and @BobCratchett !).  Given how significant this was, there is always the possibility of bugs.

The biggest change should be that there is no issue anymore with navigation when a widget has no content.  Now, that widget just does not show up.

Other changes you will notice:
  • Double row shelves are no longer a global option, this is now a per-shelf option
  • Two shelves together is no longer a global option, this is now a per-menu item option
  • Hide shelves when not focused is now a per-menu item option

Apart from that, the functionality should be pretty much unchanged.

There is one minor issue I am still looking at, and that is that if you only have one widget, and you press Up while in that widget, there is a slight screen flicker.

Again, this was a significant re-write, so please test thoroughly and report everything you find that is not working as it was before.  Thank you.


Thanks, @bsoriano and other guys! Congratulations!Smile
I tested with a widget without content and now it don't mess up with navegation!
(I noticed that when I watch the last content of a widget, they take a little delay to load the other widgets of this section. But is nothing severe, and may not even exist on better hardware). Edit: I take this back because I use it more and practically could noticed that. Maybe is just I thing that happend one time. Sorry!
(2019-07-05, 01:33)bsoriano Wrote: Other changes you will notice:
  • Double row shelves are no longer a global option, this is now a per-shelf option

  • Two shelves together is no longer a global option, this is now a per-menu item option

  • Hide shelves when not focused is now a per-menu item option
I think this make settings more organized! I liked that!
But I can't find the "Double row shelves" option. Where is it?

Ah, now I can reset the shelfs of an menu like Movie, Tv Show... but reset all skin still not working here.

Thanks again!
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! (inscribed in large friendly letters)
My hardware is a Raspberry Pi 3b (with LibreELEC)
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