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Release Prelinger Archives
Prelinger Archives

This add-on enables playing of movies and videos from the Prelinger Archives.
  • Shows topics and subjects such as; Home Movies, Newsreels, Advertising, Amateur films, etc
  • Shows collections by creators; Coronet instructional, Encyclopedia Britannica, Castle films, etc
  • Shows items by year/period; 1960, 1980s, etc
  • Allows searching the archive and saved searches
  • Caches recently viewed files for fast replay

Donations for this add-on gratefully accepted


The Collection

Prelinger Archives was founded in 1983 by Rick Prelinger in New York City. Over the next twenty years, it grew into a collection of over 60,000 "ephemeral" films. Prelinger Archives remains in existence, holding approximately 11,000 digitized and videotape titles and a large collection of home movies, amateur and industrial films acquired since 2002. Its primary collection emphasis has turned toward home movies and amateur films, with approximately 17,000 items held as of Spring 2019. Its goal remains to collect, preserve, and facilitate access to films of historic significance that haven't been collected elsewhere.

Video: "This Is Prelinger Archives"


This add-on is not created, maintained or in any way affiliated with Prelinger Archives. It only provides an interface to access the free content from Prelinger Archives from Kodi.

Screen Shots







All art work, code and data is provided under an MIT License except the two images icon.png and fanart.jpg

Prelinger Archives - Fair use
PBS - Fair Use
I know this archive for more than 15 years, I think even before it was
* fraser you should correct your link at the first line, it points to DW now
(2019-07-20, 14:41)asik1 Wrote: I know this archive for more than 15 years, I think even before it was
* fraser you should correct your link at the first line, it points to DW now

Fixed thanks Smile - yes it is an amazing resource - and still going strong in NY. Just over 7,500 of the films are currently available for viewing from Internet Archive -
(2019-07-20, 14:56)fraserc Wrote: Just over 7,500 of the films are currently available for viewing from Internet Archive - 
Are you saying this archive has more films available than are in the Prelinger Archive at
(2019-07-21, 15:06)barney63 Wrote:
(2019-07-20, 14:56)fraserc Wrote: Just over 7,500 of the films are currently available for viewing from Internet Archive - 
Are you saying this archive has more films available than are in the Prelinger Archive at - sorry my bad - there are currently 7,231 items in the add-on - exactly what is available in - just mis-read it before to be 7,531 Smile
(2019-07-21, 16:07)fraserc Wrote: - sorry my bad - there are currently 7,231 items in the add-on - exactly what is available in - just mis-read it before to be 7,531 Smile 
Ok, thanks.  I have the Internet Archive addon installed, I'll stick with that.
(2019-07-22, 00:25)barney63 Wrote:
(2019-07-21, 16:07)fraserc Wrote: - sorry my bad - there are currently 7,231 items in the add-on - exactly what is available in - just mis-read it before to be 7,531 Smile 
Ok, thanks.  I have the Internet Archive addon installed, I'll stick with that.  
I didn't actually know there was and Internet Archive addon...when I searched I didn't see one in either the main repo or from a site search

May I ask which Internet Archive add-on are you talking about; what is it called and and which repo is it in? 

I really don't mind that content has been duplicated - as I much prefer to have a "film archive" focused plugin myself rather than simply a generic IA search engine.

That said I'd be really interested to take a look at it. 

Thanks for the heads up.

I forgot that it's not in the Kodi Repo but I checked the banned list and it's not on it, nor should it be because it doesn't emanate from a paid service.
Actually there is a thread here
(2019-07-22, 02:41)barney63 Wrote:

I forgot that it's not in the Kodi Repo but I checked the banned list and it's not on it, nor should it be because it doesn't emanate from a paid service.

There is nothing wrong with add-ons that use a paid service, just as long as they aren't enabling copyright theft.
ALso, FWIW, the "banned list" isn't complete or perfect - it simply lists add-ons that are definitely banned - I certainly would never take something not on that list as good indication it is OK.

That said, I'm not sure why this isn't in the official repo - but  it not being actually makes me more sure a prelinger add-on that is, is a good idea.

edit: looking at the code for the add-on I can see lots of reasons why it wouldn't be included in the official repo - nothing "nasty" but it simply uses lots of things which are not allowed - i.e. print(), "special://" urls, etc - it is also very python2 heavy and wouldn't be included in Leia or later as it is in no way Python3 compatible (it would require quite a lot of work to make it so, essentially a re-write).
Is the addon online? I saw it in your repo ~10min ago but it didn't D/L
(2019-07-22, 18:21)asik1 Wrote: Is the addon online? I saw it in your repo ~10min ago but it didn't D/L

Yes - it is GitHub itself that has been intermittently down most of the day - all projects are giving 500 errors.

Don't worry it should be back up in short order.
This  is now available in Kodi Leia (and above) from the main repository
(2019-07-22, 12:35)fraserc Wrote: edit: looking at the code for the add-on I can see lots of reasons why it wouldn't be included in the official repo - nothing "nasty" but it simply uses lots of things which are not allowed - i.e. print(), "special://" urls, etc - it is also very python2 heavy and wouldn't be included in Leia or later as it is in no way Python3 compatible (it would require quite a lot of work to make it so, essentially a re-write).

Yep, my coding sucks, but it works, even in Matrix.
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