2019-07-30, 12:28
Appreciate the enthusiasm.
It will be released here initially, not on the repo. I haven't designed a distinct Lyrebird icon and fanart yet (currently still uses the Mimic icon and all) and rather than delay things further doing that I'll be releasing the 1.0 code here for everyone to hopefully enjoy and bugtest. During that time I can work on the icon / fanart, fix bugs then ship it to the repo.
As previous, there is a lot of new content and fixes. Consider it very substantial.
On all that is holy, it won't be long now.
EDIT: I should mention that in the event of expanding and cleaning up Lyrebird, view names, option names, and other bits of loose text have been incorporated cleanly into the various English strings for the skin (AU / UK / US / NZ). As I have no command of other written languages, I cannot add these at this stage to other languages. If anyone can suggest something useful to quickly translate them (please don't suggest Google Translate) or can offer to change them into their respective language that would help. Otherwise I'm at a crossroad of deciding do I cut the already established languages outside of English or leave them there but have users stare at non descriptive items.
It will be released here initially, not on the repo. I haven't designed a distinct Lyrebird icon and fanart yet (currently still uses the Mimic icon and all) and rather than delay things further doing that I'll be releasing the 1.0 code here for everyone to hopefully enjoy and bugtest. During that time I can work on the icon / fanart, fix bugs then ship it to the repo.
As previous, there is a lot of new content and fixes. Consider it very substantial.
On all that is holy, it won't be long now.
EDIT: I should mention that in the event of expanding and cleaning up Lyrebird, view names, option names, and other bits of loose text have been incorporated cleanly into the various English strings for the skin (AU / UK / US / NZ). As I have no command of other written languages, I cannot add these at this stage to other languages. If anyone can suggest something useful to quickly translate them (please don't suggest Google Translate) or can offer to change them into their respective language that would help. Otherwise I'm at a crossroad of deciding do I cut the already established languages outside of English or leave them there but have users stare at non descriptive items.