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Release Aeon Nox: SiLVO
(2019-09-27, 00:27)BobCratchett Wrote: It should be a valid path - it's a library node, so won't be listed on the relevant wiki page because they're editable, and so may not be on all users systems (though the script loads the nodes directly, so knows which ones are there). It's a strange one - you've not been messing with custom library nodes have you...? (I'm guessing not, the log says the script only found the default nodes that ship with Kodi, but some messed up nodes somewhere could explain it)

The problem will be in the explorer function - for some reason the files.getdirectory json call isn't able to get the directory...  Confused

Correct just the standard library nodes. I try to have as little as possible get all wacka doo on me so I'm mister plain jane Tongue

Anything I can do to test/reset my library nodes?
Not really - as long as you don't have any in your user data folder you're fine. On a Mac, at least, the default nodes are part of the Kodi package. The obvious things to test, does it work if you select the TV Shows node rather than movies? Do the music nodes work, as ultimately they're the exact same code? If you add extra logging, what exactly is being returned by the json call? Worst case, does it work on another system, or a clean install?

edit: For the record, it's working fine here on an in-use box.
(2019-09-27, 00:37)BobCratchett Wrote: Not really - as long as you don't have any in your user data folder you're fine. On a Mac, at least, the default nodes are part of the Kodi package. The obvious things to test, does it work if you select the TV Shows node rather than movies? Do the music nodes work, as ultimately they're the exact same code? If you add extra logging, what exactly is being returned by the json call? Worst case, does it work on another system, or a clean install?

This folder right?

Same error for TV Shows:

ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting library://video/tvshows/

Is the following code the bit in explorer you are talking about?

if json_response.has_key('result') and json_response['result'].has_key('files') and json_response['result']['files']:
json_result = json_response['result']['files']

for item in json_result:
# Handle numeric labels
altLabel = item[ "label" ]
if item[ "label" ].isnumeric():
altLabel = "$NUMBER[" + item[ "label" ] + "]"
if location.startswith( "library://" ):
# Process this as a library node
isLibrary = True
if widgetType is None:
widgetType = NODE.get_mediaType( location )

if itemType == "32014":
# Video node
windowID = "Videos"
if widgetType == "unknown":
widgetType = "video"
widgetTarget = "videos"

EDIT: The only clickable entry in music was top 100 and same error:

ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting library://music/top100/
If that's your userdata folder, then you have a library/video folder, but no actual nodes in it? Or is that the one that comes with Kodi...? Sorry, don't know how these things are managed on Windows. I'm going to assume it's the former, and suggest removing the library folder entirely. It's not impossible that when the script is querying the node contents, Kodi is trying to load it from that folder where it doesn't exist... (if it's the later, somethings majorly wrong with your install!)

That's the code that processes the nodes, but the problem is actually grabbing them - the following isn't getting the response that's expected...

        json_query = xbmc.executeJSONRPC('{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 0, "method": "Files.GetDirectory", "params": { "properties": ["title", "file", "thumbnail", "episode", "showtitle", "season", "album", "artist", "imdbnumber", "firstaired", "mpaa", "trailer", "studio", "art"], "directory": "' + location + '", "media": "files" } }')
        json_query = unicode(json_query, 'utf-8', errors='ignore')
        json_response = simplejson.loads(json_query)
@mikeSiLVO - Hi Mike,

I am not sure if this is a bug or what but I just wanted to bring it to your attention. In Music Videos > Shift view, the InfoPanel just says "off" and is not selectable. Also, would it be possible to have this skin be saved via Skinhelper Backup? If not, is there another way I can save my settings. I thought if I saved the both folders in the addons, as well as the userdata folder that it would do the trick, but it didn't.


@BobCratchett Deleting those empty folders fixed it. I never added those though.
I did run the library nodes editor once and play around but deleted the added nodes after I couldn't get what I wanted done.

Can't be the only one who would do that. Maybe some code can be added to check if empty then fallback to default?
Not something that could easily be done in the script - it's just telling Kodi what node it wants (library://video/movies), it's up to Kodi where it loads it from. So any fix would probably have to be in core. If it helps, the node editor script has a reset function whose only function is to delete the custom node folders from the userdata. (Though I remember early versions would then copy them all across from the Kodi defaults again straight away, so you'd actually still have them in your userdata but they would be back to the defaults - I know I never fixed that, but it's possible someone else has done since!)
(2019-09-27, 01:03)BobCratchett Wrote: Not something that could easily be done in the script - it's just telling Kodi what node it wants (library://video/movies), it's up to Kodi where it loads it from. So any fix would probably have to be in core. If it helps, the node editor script has a reset function whose only function is to delete the custom node folders from the userdata. (Though I remember early versions would then copy them all across from the Kodi defaults again straight away, so you'd actually still have them in your userdata but they would be back to the defaults - I know I never fixed that, but it's possible someone else has done since!)

Ok second idea Smile

What about an added function like:


if path.startswith("||BROWSEPATH||"):
returnVal =

But for browsing library like ||BROWSEPATH||videodb://movies/genres/ so I can use custom groupings but add my own browse able paths.

Stupid idea or maybe that's already possible cause ||SOURCE|| almost does that, just the popup and shortcut are wrong cause it's library not files... Huh
The one you're looking for is


(or whatever path you want - note that if you use nodes and the user has deleted that node, than it won't work. And the only way to get all user custom nodes that I know of is with <content>video</content>. There's also an equivalent ||AUDIO||)
(2019-09-27, 01:19)BobCratchett Wrote: The one you're looking for is


(or whatever path you want - note that if you use nodes and the user has deleted that node, than it won't work. And the only way to get all user custom nodes that I know of is with <content>video</content>. There's also an equivalent ||AUDIO||)

So ignoring the nodes and using the path wont work?

I was thinking the path would always be available regardless of altered library nodes.
Does that even make sense?

EDIT: You said whatever path so I'm gonna chalk it up to my reading comprehension skills failing me Confused

EDIT 2: Maybe adding the content video/music as a new Nodes label would cover all bases and keep my custom groupings in the order i want... Huh
It does make sense and I can't think of any reason it won't work - one of those things you'll have to try to be sure Wink

As regards the nodes, just pointing out that without the <content/> tag, any custom nodes aren't available. So if the user has set up a kids node and a parents node, for example, with their own genres, going to the videodb:// path will display all the genres. and all movies.
(2019-09-26, 14:07)mikeSiLVO Wrote: Not sure what's best so I will just add independent settings for Movie Sets concerning mediaflags, floor, and poster visibility. Discart hiding will count for both movies and sets though since I don't think that kind of customization is necessary.
Will be on Git in a few-ish minutes...
Thank you mikeSiLVO, that fixed the overlapping movie set overview issue Smile
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@BobCratchett Not sure if you saw my second edit but:
Maybe adding the content video/music as a new Nodes label called Library Nodes or whatever would cover all bases and keep my custom groupings in the order I want...
(2019-09-24, 18:15)mikeSiLVO Wrote: Added OpenCase mod to Music ShowCase view.

If you're interested in that feature please test it out.
Try your best to break it Wink


You can have the sliding disc without the top case if you prefer.

I've just installed the latest GIT.  I chose the 'Showcase' view in my music library.  I went to adjust settings for 'Showcase' and all I have is Top bar, Fixed, and Cases.  There is no Open Case Mod?  Fwiw, in Movies library all this is present and working.  Nothing in Music.

In the GIT I had installed from about a week ago, I was using 'Shift' and I had sliding disc art options if I remember correctly.  There are no options other than 'Top bar' now in that view.

Using Matrix if that matters.
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W11 Pro 24H2 MPC-BE\HC madVR KODI 22 GTX960-4GB/RGB 4:4:4/Desktop 60Hz 8bit Video Matched Refresh rates 23,24,50,60Hz 8/10/12bit/Samsung 82" Q90R Denon S720W
Sounds like something you could do easily in your overrides if you want...

<node label="Library Nodes">
    <node label="Video Library">
    <node label="Music Library">
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Aeon Nox: SiLVO55