2019-10-16, 15:19
Looking on how to set up Aeon MQ8 skin newbie to skin looks nice and would love to try it out
(2019-10-19, 12:34)Wanilton Wrote: @nobru26
1. Yes, settings, submenu choose customize main menu, select one empty or default item and now use replace function, in the right list, choose video nodes, point to direct folder, press ok, rename to Cartons, Films or any other and done
2. Use favourites script, press C and add the item, now customize main menu, replace function, choose favourites (enter), will list all, choose one, rename and done. For point in the submenu is the same item 1, when in customize, press left arrow in any item, will open submenu customize...
3. All items in the left exist in the right list, use replace to reorder the items.
4. You need have extrafanart folder with images inside
5. Settings, skins settings, icons & images, the last option enter, get mote, install weather fanart - multi (install). Now go to customize main menu, weather, active in the center area the option to use images based on weather condition.
6. Movies is the default, change the item in customize main menu using replace function to choose other...when open kodi item will be the first.
xml:<value condition="String.StartsWith(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(widgets),tvshow)]">$INFO[Container(510).ListItem.Season,,/]$INFO[Container(510).ListItem.Episode,, - ]$INFO[Container(510).ListItem.Title</value>
xml:<value condition="[String.StartsWith(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(master),vplaylist) | String.StartsWith(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(widgets),tvshow)]">$INFO[Container(510).ListItem.Season,,/]$INFO[Container(510).ListItem.Episode,, - ]$INFO[Container(510).ListItem.Title]</value>
xml:<value condition="[String.StartsWith(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(master),vplaylist) | String.StartsWith(Container(9000).ListItem.Property(widgets),tvshow)]">$INFO[Container(510).ListItem.Season,,/]$INFO[Container(510).ListItem.Episode,, ( ]$INFO[ListItem.Property(UnWatchedEpisodes),, ) - ]$INFO[Container(510).ListItem.Title]</value>
(2019-03-14, 00:35)Angelinas Wrote:Thank you @Angelinas. This solution worked for me too.(2019-03-14, 00:28)_SLayer_ Wrote: Currently I'm under the impression, that extrafanart handling is indeed somewhat "experimental" in Kodi 18. I experimented with a completely new Kodi installation in a Windows 10 VM and had no luck to display any extrafanart. OK... I only tried it for movies and not for TV-Shows or Music... but if it does not work for movies, why should it work for TV-Shows? But I will try that in the coming days eventually.Try this changes..Need to Use ArtworkBeef to have all EF in your library.
I tried the Aeon MQ8 proprietary implementation, i modified the advancedsettings.xml, I tried the TheMovieDB-Scaper, I tried the UniversalMovieScraper, I tried ArtwortBeef... and failed big.
So... currently I have decided to wait and hope that there will be a solution in the future... i really miss my extrafanart slideshows.
(2019-10-23, 07:04)TimeZone Wrote:Hello Guys,(2019-03-14, 00:35)Angelinas Wrote:(2019-03-14, 00:28)_SLayer_ Wrote:
(2019-10-23, 10:05)jouster Wrote: apologies if I've overlooked the info elsewhere but I just wanted to ask about file naming conventions with different video formats.Follow the guide given here https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid2523573 under the section Files naming for 3D / Dolby Atmos / DTS-X / DVD / Blu-Ray / 4K HDR / HD-DVD / VHS / HDTV flag icons
If I am ripping blurays I will add a certain tag to a filename...this works well eg Movie Filename (2019).bluray.mkv
this works for 3D films as well using the following Movie Filename (2019.3DBD.mkv
Can I do the same with 4K UHD material...and if so is there a list of the available filename options or can I somehow build this data into a file without the extension additions using another piece of software.
Apols if a previously answered question that I've not been able to find the answer for
(2019-10-23, 09:39)bidusfr Wrote:(2019-10-23, 07:04)TimeZone Wrote:Hello Guys,(2019-03-14, 00:35)Angelinas Wrote:
Just reinstall my configuration with the latest realase of Kodi (leia) and MQ8 2.9.
I have two issue that I can't solve :
1 - In the submenu the item "Search" seams to be unavailabe. Impossible to add a section and customize the submenu with the function "search" it is not available on the porposed item. I have it on the submenu by default on TV Shows but it does not work. Any Idea ?
2 - Using fexible widget on the main screen adding "last Added" Movies or TVshows, when épisodes or movie is watched it does not desseapear from the list. I have read somewhere (Post 105 i Guess) That I have to change Something on a file. A better user friendly way exist ?
Thanks for your help