2019-08-18, 19:27
ok got the add in installed and successfully registered my prem spotify account in kodi and i can see all my songs and play lists.. However i cannot get anything to play.. What am i missing
Quote:2019-08-24 13:09:04.283 T:10112 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--So i loaded the Default Cherrypy Kodi Module from marcelveldt github and used it. Something must have gone wrong when trying to use on of the latest Skin Helper Service Apps from the Bingie repo.
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>
Error Contents: 'Bus' object has no attribute 'timeout_monitor'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Kodi\v18 Leia\portable_data\addons\plugin.audio.spotify\service.py", line 14, in <module>
File "D:\Kodi\v18 Leia\portable_data\addons\plugin.audio.spotify\resources\lib\main_service.py", line 54, in __init__
self.proxy_runner = ProxyRunner(self.spotty)
File "D:\Kodi\v18 Leia\portable_data\addons\plugin.audio.spotify\resources\lib\httpproxy.py", line 218, in __init__
'server.shutdown_timeout': 1
File "D:\Kodi\v18 Leia\portable_data\addons\script.module.cherrypy\lib\cherrypy\_cpconfig.py", line 157, in update
super(Config, self).update(config)
File "D:\Kodi\v18 Leia\portable_data\addons\script.module.cherrypy\lib\cherrypy\lib\reprconf.py", line 130, in update
File "D:\Kodi\v18 Leia\portable_data\addons\script.module.cherrypy\lib\cherrypy\_cpconfig.py", line 167, in _apply
super(Config, self)._apply(config)
File "D:\Kodi\v18 Leia\portable_data\addons\script.module.cherrypy\lib\cherrypy\lib\reprconf.py", line 142, in _apply
File "D:\Kodi\v18 Leia\portable_data\addons\script.module.cherrypy\lib\cherrypy\lib\reprconf.py", line 92, in __call__
handler(k, v)
File "D:\Kodi\v18 Leia\portable_data\addons\script.module.cherrypy\lib\cherrypy\_cpconfig.py", line 270, in _engine_namespace_handler
plugin = getattr(engine, plugin)
AttributeError: 'Bus' object has no attribute 'timeout_monitor'
-->End of Python script error report<--
(2019-08-04, 15:15)jakermx Wrote:Coould you please update it to newer version of cherrypy? Because otherwise as per #1,624 you'll have to manually downgrade possibly breaking other stuff(2019-08-02, 16:21)effe.rnr Wrote: @jakermx
should this work on android devices/nvidia shield too?
When I try to start your mod, I am prompted to login and a browser opens but I can't input any credentials
I should work, because my mod did not modify nothing about it, I just changed the server selection process. bu if yo share your log file... I could find the issue and possibly a workaround or solution.
I will help others as well.
Quote:Ok so Yatse does not handle the order and directly told Kodi to play the folder.
2019-10-23 22:45:03.466 Verbose/KodiLeia: --> [141] [{“id”:355,“jsonrpc”:“2.0”,“method”:“Playlist.Clear”,“params”:{“playlistid”:0}},{“id”:164,“jsonrpc”:“2.0”,“method”:“Playlist.Add”,“params”:{“playlistid”:0,“item”:{“directory”:“plugin://plugin.audio.spotify/?action=browse_album&albumid=7oK3wd46nDbVPqfIG5MEWi”,“recursive”:true}}},{“id”:531,“jsonrpc”:“2.0”,“method”:“Player.Open”,“params”:{“item”:{“playlistid”:0,“position”:0}}}]
Quote:Should probably be fixed on Addon side, with that JSON command author should be able to reproduce and fix.Is it possible to fix it?
(2019-11-02, 16:00)xpwmaster Wrote: does spoity addon working on android tv kodi ? songs wont play for some how
(2019-10-13, 19:49)powermarcel10 Wrote: Hi guys,
Is it true that Spotify is still not working on Windows 64 bit pc's?
I'm trying to use the latest version of this addon but I'm getting errors.. The same as in post #1623