(2020-01-28, 00:41)Grinario Wrote: i have much problems with the addonn super favourities. At may custom entrys or when i add a favourite there is don´t showed the discription (text below the icon) and sometimes the icons can not activate to open the linked contend.
You have the possibility to set favourite Addons for shelf. The home menu can modify with new entries, too. Is it possible to create the favourite Addons for shelf more times? And create it for choose the contend from favourites? In your favourite addon shelf are the descritions showed.
i think i dont´t have answered to you about the channel groups in submenu. i don´t know how this solution, but the emby or super favourites have text in the submenu.
You don´t wand change the music view with the Logo about the artist. But if you do this for the picture section it is a proposal if the name of the showed logo have a special name (amberlogo.png) then you can hide this file in the list. then when we scoll down the pictures from holiday, the logo don´t show, because it is hide.
When i played music in fullscreen and the artist have no fanart, it shows a black background. Is it possible to show the regular backround instead of the black background? Or let us set a custom background if no fanart availible. Is there a option mor in the background settings neccesary "show default background if no fanart availible"?
and show during playing with the artist slideshow the logo of th artist. but the proposals for the player screen i will show you when i have it finished.
What have i do, the fanart change very fast in the background? Is this a problem with the new artist slideshow adon or is this a problem with my settinigs?
in the new version in the color options, i can not choose in the color picker window the button "use for all tints". For this i must connect a usb mouse. it is not possible to select the button with the remote control.
Grinario, thanks for the additional feedback.
Here are my comments:
1. I don't know anything about the Super Favourites addon, so I would not be able to help you there.
In Kodi, if you have the script.favourites addon installed, you can set as favorite any add-on, movie, tv show, episode, etc. You bring up the context menu, and select "Add To Favourites". In Amber I have a "Favourites" default shelf that you can set for any menu item, that shows you up to 10 favourites (whatever type they are, movie, addon, tv show, etc.).
I also have a "Favourite Addons" shelf that shows you up to 10 addons that you have added for this. In order to use this shelf, you go to Settings, Amber Settings, Home Layout, Set Favourite Addons for Shelf, and you can choose up to 10 addons of any type that will appear in the Favourite Addons shelf. Then you can configure that shelf for any menu item that you want.
I am not sure if this answers your question in terms of that. Just to be sure, are you asking to increase the number of favourites and/or favourite addons? Please confirm. Thanks.
2. The issue is not having text in the context menu, I know how to place buttons in the context menu that execute one or more commands. I don't know if it even possible to place the channel groups in the context menu (I do not think it is). If you know of any skin that does this, please let me know, so I can see how it can be done. The reason I do not think this would work is that there is no way that I know to tell the PVR Guide to go to a specific channel group.
3. As I mentioned in my previous post, I will modify the Big List view to accommodate your requests for Pictures. I can add as an option to show the logo when using this view to show Artists or Albums or songs. If I understand you correctly, what you are now also asking for Pictures is that when you scroll, you do not want to see the logo? That does not make much sense to me, in particular if you also want to have the list to stay focused in the center. Please confirm. Thanks.
4. I will look into showing the standard Amber bakground if the artist does not have fanart, this is certainly doable and valuable. I will think about setting a custom background for when there is no artist fanart. No promises, though.
5. I will look into showing the artist logo while the artist slideshow is showing.
6. You can select the interval in seconds between fanart changes in the Artist Slideshow addon settings. The default is 10 seconds.
7. As I mentioned in the post where I talked about version 3.2.41, you get to the "Use for all Tints" button by pressing Down from the opacity slider. This is by necessity, since the slider is horizontal, and pressing left or right while on it will just decrease or increase the slider value.
Grinario, I made the changes for point 4. Now if the artist has no fanart, the default background will be shown (the skin's or one you have defined through Settings, Amber Settings, Backgrounds: Set Default Background)
EDIT 2: I also made the changes for point 5. There is a new skin setting, in Settings, Amber Settings, Backgrounds: Show Artist Logo in Music Visualization. If you set that to Yes, the artist logo (if available) will be shown.