2020-01-04, 22:37
artist slideshow has been updated and no longer works with this skin . any chance anyone could be a hero and help fix this . been my favourite skin for years :-) so thanks for all the hard work :-)
(2020-01-04, 22:37)paulsk2 Wrote: artist slideshow has been updated and no longer works with this skin . any chance anyone could be a hero and help fix this . been my favourite skin for years :-) so thanks for all the hard work :-)
<control type="multiimage"> <aspectratio>scale</aspectratio> <timeperimage>10000</timeperimage> <randomize>true</randomize> <fadetime>600</fadetime> <loop>yes</loop> <imagepath background="true">$INFO[Window(Visualisation).Property(ArtistSlideshow)]</imagepath> <visible>System.HasAddon(script.artistslideshow)</visible> </control>]
<control type="image"> <aspectratio>scale</aspectratio> <fadetime>400</fadetime> <animation effect="fade" start="0" end="100" time="400">WindowOpen</animation> <animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="300">WindowClose</animation> <texture background="true">$INFO[Window(Visualisation).Property(ArtistSlideshow.Image)]</texture> <visible>!String.IsEmpty(Window(Visualisation).Property(ArtistSlideshow.Image))</visible> </control>]
(2020-02-12, 23:02)meowmoo Wrote: I guess the nuc is running windows?Hey meowmoo,
I'm pretty sure it's a case sensitive problem, because the vero is running Linux.
(2020-02-13, 03:37)meowmoo Wrote: OK if it work on krypton than it's not a naming problem :/Any chance you could add a video named Doctor Sleep (2019).atmos.UHD.Bluray to your library just to see if it displays the flag, since you also have a Vero 4K. It would be truly appreciated
You can try to rename the png to 2160p.png
Just guessing here, need to open a xml to see what is going on
(2020-02-14, 14:35)meowmoo Wrote: rename the png to "4K.png" (uppercase K) its "4k.png" right now and it should workThe other day I had replaced the PNG 4k.png with a 4K.png but I guess it didn't work.
the new madnox had the same issue, so sorted that issue also
(2020-02-14, 22:34)Karellen Wrote: @ArieSThanks Karellen, got it!
If you are using Windows it is located here...
You can also submit the icons for inclusion into the package...
(2020-02-16, 02:31)homerjs Wrote: Hi all, thanks for the continued work on this, I was running 17.6 for the longest time but since I saw Madnox works now with Leia I switched. I have 1 niggly little thing I wonder if I can ask about, I use Kodiflix as my view for Movies, I have it set to centered and scroll ascending left to right...alphabetically. The issue is when I want to scroll through quickly...when you press down on the remote and it allows you to essentially "page scroll" 9 at a time, this only works until about halfway though my library and then it stops jumping to the next 9 movies and I can see the small indicator bar at the bottom has reached as far right as it can go, I have to press up and then single scroll through the rest of the movies. Any thoughts on why this happens
Just checked and this also happens with other layouts like Showcase, perhaps I have a setting wrong in the QuickNav viewtype settings menu ?