2020-11-24, 09:59
Hello everyone,
First, sorry for my english, I'm not an english native speaker.
I've installed kodi 19 beta on my nvidia Shield and I have now some problems with the default scrapper https://www.themoviedb.org/.
It can't find some movies (movies who was founded with the previous release) and some are just bugged like for Godzilla 1998, all the godzilla movies are listed but the name is not associated with the good movie like gozilla 1998 -> godzilla 2014....
Some other problems with The godfather 3, it give me the first godfather and, when I manuely check the information to correct it, I choose the godfather 3 and it stay on the godfather1....
Can you help me or give those informations to kodi guys ?
Thanks and sorry for my english, I hope you understand me well.
First, sorry for my english, I'm not an english native speaker.
I've installed kodi 19 beta on my nvidia Shield and I have now some problems with the default scrapper https://www.themoviedb.org/.
It can't find some movies (movies who was founded with the previous release) and some are just bugged like for Godzilla 1998, all the godzilla movies are listed but the name is not associated with the good movie like gozilla 1998 -> godzilla 2014....
Some other problems with The godfather 3, it give me the first godfather and, when I manuely check the information to correct it, I choose the godfather 3 and it stay on the godfather1....
Can you help me or give those informations to kodi guys ?
Thanks and sorry for my english, I hope you understand me well.