Newb Here
Well Ive gotten the Ipvanish Ive gotten the realdebrib acct... I can watch Nfl Mlb Nba Golf and sometimes get lucky and watch some movies but never have I been able to really get lots of the LIVE tv links to ever work and majority of the time when the sports i have been able to get in come in they were hard to find links that worked as well, is there any thing im forgetting or possibly havent done correctly to watch say cbs  abc etc etc live live like i can when games are on? please any help will be much appreciated for the wife will finally like the firestick for live live tv not old cops re runs thanks in advance from the newb (but hey this newb has gotten this far)
(2020-12-26, 07:02)Spicket87 Wrote: but hey this newb has gotten this far

Sure, you already implemented a VPN solution from an account based on an add-on which is treated by Team Kodi as banned: an add-on that facilitates video piracy in one way or another. Apparently you weren't able yet to actually read our forum rules (wiki), which not only include the piracy policy (wiki) but also the VPN policy (wiki). You did accept them during the forum registration process.

But you should really work on your forum thread titles, because 'Newb here" is a totally useless title. We prefer to see something more meaningful, so that other people, who might have knowledge on the subject, can step in and help.

If you can provide a Kodi debug log (wiki) which shows your device is "clean" and shows no banned add-ons, then we can perhaps start helping you out. If you however are using VPN as a means to circumvent "geo locks", then you are on your own, and thus encouraged to find your support elsewhere.

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