2020-12-21, 21:47
Thanks very much
(2020-12-25, 07:57)ralfonat Wrote:After a brief power failure 2 days ago, 2 hard disks in my RAID6 failed. I've been doing backups and rebuilds for the past few days.(2020-12-18, 10:35)DanCooper Wrote: A Youtube and HD-Trailers fixed version with some new feature will be release before christmas... for 100% shure!
(2020-12-25, 17:47)DanCooper Wrote: After a brief power failure 2 days ago, 2 hard disks in my RAID6 failed. I've been doing backups and rebuilds for the past few days.
Only one module has to be fixed for the release, but I can't do that today (still hangover from yesterday and pray for a successful rebuild).
Sorry for the delay, really wanted to give you a little Christmas present.
(2020-12-25, 17:47)DanCooper Wrote:(2020-12-25, 07:57)ralfonat Wrote:After a brief power failure 2 days ago, 2 hard disks in my RAID6 failed. I've been doing backups and rebuilds for the past few days.(2020-12-18, 10:35)DanCooper Wrote: A Youtube and HD-Trailers fixed version with some new feature will be release before christmas... for 100% shure!
Only one module has to be fixed for the release, but I can't do that today (still hangover from yesterday and pray for a successful rebuild).
Sorry for the delay, really wanted to give you a little Christmas present.
(2020-12-20, 00:07)ralfonat Wrote: anything we can help there? is it just a user-agent thing or something more complex?I'm not shure. The connection will be closed by remote host if i use a simpel System.Net.WebClient. If you've time than try to create a solution in VisualStudio (please use a new project and don't change Embers source code).
(2020-12-26, 23:23)DanCooper Wrote:(2020-12-20, 00:07)ralfonat Wrote: anything we can help there? is it just a user-agent thing or something more complex?I'm not shure. The connection will be closed by remote host if i use a simpel System.Net.WebClient. If you've time than try to create a solution in VisualStudio (please use a new project and don't change Embers source code).
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
string srchHtml = wc.DownloadString("https://www.videobuster.de/titlesearch.php?search_title=die+croods");
string movieUrl = "";
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument html = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode doc = html.DocumentNode;
foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode resNode in doc.QuerySelectorAll("ul.list div.infos"))
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode linkNode = resNode.QuerySelector("a.title");
movieUrl = new Uri(new Uri("https://www.videobuster.de"), linkNode.GetAttributeValue("href", "")).ToString();
if (movieUrl.Length>0)
string movieHtml = wc.DownloadString(movieUrl);
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument htmlMovie = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode docMovie = htmlMovie.DocumentNode;
foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode resNode in docMovie.QuerySelectorAll("div#trailer div.playlist div.item"))
foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode metaNode in resNode.QuerySelectorAll("meta[itemprop=contentUrl]"))
string videoFileUrl = metaNode.GetAttributeValue("content", "");
string tmpFile = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName();
wc.DownloadFile(videoFileUrl, tmpFile);
//HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode linkNode = resNode.QuerySelector("a.title");
//movieUrl = new Uri(new Uri("https://www.videobuster.de"), linkNode.GetAttributeValue("href", "")).ToString();
(2020-12-27, 09:31)ralfonat Wrote: https://dotnetfiddle.net/ywYwvWThank you. I don't had a problem to parse it, the problem was to download the file. But sometimes the solution is too easy (I'm feeling a little stupid right now)... it will work if i replace https:// with http:// in the video link
(2020-12-27, 12:57)DanCooper Wrote:We have all been there(2020-12-27, 09:31)ralfonat Wrote: https://dotnetfiddle.net/ywYwvWThank you. I don't had a problem to parse it, the problem was to download the file. But sometimes the solution is too easy (I'm feeling a little stupid right now)... it will work if i replace https:// with http:// in the video link