2021-01-25, 18:59
@MacGyver so I installed Global Search from the Kodi repo - and a new menu item for search popped up without me having to set anything - all other settings remained the same. Thanks for the info!
(2021-01-25, 18:59)atwk Wrote: @MacGyver so I installed Global Search from the Kodi repo - and a new menu item for search popped up without me having to set anything - all other settings remained the same. Thanks for the info!
(2021-02-05, 11:56)great_vc Wrote: Hi metropolis theme lovers!
I have a question, maybe an easy one or hard depends on @MacGyver mood
Is it possible to remove the "all seasons" cover/display cause as you can see it is a bit ugly on the menu and unnecessary for me. Keep in mind that i can edit .xml files if needed. Or maybe to add a poster so it is not that ugly. FYI, I do not have any such folder inside or something like that, it exist on all the video libraries of TV Shows.
Thank you all!
(2021-02-05, 11:56)great_vc Wrote: ok,ok posted too soon without a proper google search, my bad !
there is an option, in settings=>media=>video, you have to go to the top and click advanced and you will see a "show all items" entry. Off and you are ready !
Stay safe everyone !
(2021-02-15, 14:42)atwk Wrote: Hallo MacGyver. How can I quickly exchange theme settings between different instances? In the userdata folder I see a settings.xml, but it doesn't really help me (there I can only customize slide shows for backgrounds). Every now and then I change NAS drives and in metropolis I have smb music sources as menu items and widgets - where I then have to recreate the path every time - and this on all devices. Is there a configuration file that I can customize and distribute? And I remember there was a backup feature a few years ago. Did I somehow uninstall that or was that removed?
(2022-02-06, 22:23)fortune Wrote: Thank you for reply mr mcgayver , kodi installed ..but i cant install Metropolis : ) Any help ?
(2023-09-27, 11:27)great_vc Wrote: Hello,
Yes i'm still using 18.9 version ONLY for metropolis skin. i'm very keen to details so to go to v22 and have to install another skin and take the time to make it as i want is something that i just don't have the time. I love Metropolis, i have customise many .xml with the help of MacGyver so as long as it is working i'm fine.
My question, i do not know if MacGyver is active any more on this but i see the subtitles and the size from 32 it goes to 34. 32 are small 34 are big
Is there any .xml i can edit or something that can make the size 33 ?
Thank you in advance.