2021-02-14, 20:33
after hours of searching and reading different sources, I'm stuck ... and registered me in that forum. Better is it to tell, what I want to achive. It's simple but, I can't bring it to work.
I'm not able to use the new ArtistInformation feature. It's great that is there ... but ... As I've read in the dokumentation I would need a file called artist.nfo. Its a simple XML structure. First I'd tried to build up a structure from scratch with the Artist Name and the artist.nfo in there. Not working.
I've also read that I can make a export of the library which creates the file structure and the artist.nfo files too. That worked, but I'dont understand how to make a working file. When in KODI, nothing is displayed on the Artist Page.
The Artist Information Folder in KODI has now for every Artist Folders. I modify artist.nfo in different ways, the last version is this ...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<name>Maite Hontelé</name>
<sortname>Maite Hontelé</sortname>
<biography>Maite Hontelé ist eine Trompeterin aus Holland ... bla bla bla.</biography>
<thumb aspect="poster" preview="">folder.jpg</thumb>
<!--thumb aspect="clearlogo" preview="">clearlogo.png</thumb-->
<!--thumb aspect="banner" preview="">banner.jpg</thumb-->
<path>smb://xxxxx:yyyyy@nas/Daten/Musik/MP3/_ArtistInformation/Maite Hontelé</path>
<thumb preview="">fanart.jpg</thumb>
I just want that, a picture, and a background picture is shown and a text for the Artist, which I can define within the nfo. Please can sombody have mercy with me, and tell me how to achive this. This could not be so hard, but maybe I'm too dumb to understand or to find the correct information. Interessting for me, it seems, is the exact syntax after "disbanded" .... how to define and to load the jpgs in the ArtistInformation folder.
after hours of searching and reading different sources, I'm stuck ... and registered me in that forum. Better is it to tell, what I want to achive. It's simple but, I can't bring it to work.
I'm not able to use the new ArtistInformation feature. It's great that is there ... but ... As I've read in the dokumentation I would need a file called artist.nfo. Its a simple XML structure. First I'd tried to build up a structure from scratch with the Artist Name and the artist.nfo in there. Not working.
I've also read that I can make a export of the library which creates the file structure and the artist.nfo files too. That worked, but I'dont understand how to make a working file. When in KODI, nothing is displayed on the Artist Page.
The Artist Information Folder in KODI has now for every Artist Folders. I modify artist.nfo in different ways, the last version is this ...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<name>Maite Hontelé</name>
<sortname>Maite Hontelé</sortname>
<biography>Maite Hontelé ist eine Trompeterin aus Holland ... bla bla bla.</biography>
<thumb aspect="poster" preview="">folder.jpg</thumb>
<!--thumb aspect="clearlogo" preview="">clearlogo.png</thumb-->
<!--thumb aspect="banner" preview="">banner.jpg</thumb-->
<path>smb://xxxxx:yyyyy@nas/Daten/Musik/MP3/_ArtistInformation/Maite Hontelé</path>
<thumb preview="">fanart.jpg</thumb>
I just want that, a picture, and a background picture is shown and a text for the Artist, which I can define within the nfo. Please can sombody have mercy with me, and tell me how to achive this. This could not be so hard, but maybe I'm too dumb to understand or to find the correct information. Interessting for me, it seems, is the exact syntax after "disbanded" .... how to define and to load the jpgs in the ArtistInformation folder.