(2021-04-29, 23:09)bsoriano Wrote: @Cyberdom , thanks for the translations, they will be included in next week's version.
As for the show submenu only when focused, please try version 3.2.132 (it is already on the Amber repo). I just verified, and the option is there:
Thank you @
I just updated Amber to version 3.1.132.
The option "Show submenu only when focused" is now displayed in Amber's settings.
But whether I choose "Yes" or "No", nothing changes, the result is the same. The submenus are always displayed as before.
Can you explain the principle of this option to me again ? From what I understood, activating this option allows submenus to be displayed only when focused, is that right ?
(2021-04-29, 23:09)bsoriano Wrote: Finally, one more string to translate:
1. Hide Seekbar when Forwarding or Rewinding
(2021-04-29, 23:30)bsoriano Wrote: 1. Play Random button in side menu for video media views. There is a new button that will start playing random items from the container where you are at the moment. The button only shows up if you have script.playrandomvideos installed and enabled. This addon is in the Kodi repo, both for Leia and Matrix.
The button looks like this:
Here are French translations :
1. Hide Seekbar when Forwarding or Rewinding : Masquer la barre temporelle lors de l'avance rapide ou du retour rapide
2. Play random : Lecture aléatoire
(2021-04-29, 23:30)bsoriano Wrote: 2. "Surprise Me" options for menu/submenu. While looking into the functionality of Play Random, I decided to add "Surprise Me" options that you can configure as menu or submenu items. The option for movie will play a random, unwatched movie from your library, the option for episode will do the same with a random, unwatched episode, and the option for music video will do the same with music video. These new options do not need any addon present, they use new smart playlists added to the skin. The options look like this when configuring a menu item or submenu item:
While trying "Surprise Me" options for menu / submenu, I noticed other terms to translate into French when adding an action to a submenu.
The terms to translate are in Video library -> Playlist
3. Episodes in-progress : Épisodes en cours
4. Episodes random : Épisodes aléatoires
5. Episodes recently added : Épisodes ajoutés récemment
6. Episodes recently added (inc. watched) : Épisodes ajoutés récemment (vus inclus)
7. Recently played episodes : Épisodes joués récemment
8. Surprise me (episode) : Surprends-moi (Épisode)
9. Top rated episodes : Épisodes les mieux notés
10. Unwatched episodes : Épisodes non vus
11. Movies in-progress : Films en cours
12. Random movies : Films aléatoires
13. Movies recently added : Films ajoutés récemment
14. Movies recently added (inc. watched) : Films ajoutés récemment (vus inclus)
15. Recently played movies : Films joués récemment
16. Surprise me (movie) : Surprends-moi (Film)
17. IMDB Top 250 movies : Top 250 des films IMDB
18. Top rated movies : Films les mieux notés
19. Unwatched movies : Films non vus
20. Watched movies : Films vus
21. Music videos in-progress : Vidéos musicales en cours
22. Most played music videos : Vidéos musicales les plus jouées
23. Random music videos : Vidéos musicales aléatoires
24. Music videos recently added : Vidéos musicales ajoutées récemment
25. Music videos recently added (inc. watched) : Vidéos musicales ajoutées récemment (vues incluses)
26. Surprise me (Music video) : Surprends-moi (Vidéo musicale)
27. Unwatched music videos : Vidéos musicales non vues
28. TV Shows in-progress : Séries TV en cours
29. Random TV Shows : Séries TV aléatoires
30. TV Shows recently added : Séries TV ajoutées récemment
31. TV Shows recently added (inc. watched) : Séries TV ajoutées récemment (vues incluses)
32. Recently played TV Shows : Séries TV jouées récemment
33. Recently played TV Shows (inc. watched) : Séries TV jouées récemment (vues incluses)
34. Top rated TV Shows : Séries TV les mieux notées
35. Unwatched TV Shows : Séries TV non vues
I also noticed an error with a French translation in Amber settings -> Media views -> Select extra art to show in applicable views
The French translation exists but the first letter is missing.
Here is what is displayed at the moment :
"électionner les illustrations supplémentaires dans les vues applicables"
You have to add an S to "électionner", which gives :
"Sélectionner les illustrations supplémentaires dans les vues applicables"
(2021-04-29, 23:30)bsoriano Wrote: 4. Plot and Cast buttons removed when showing Info on playing video. These buttons have been removed when pressing Info on a playing video. I had to do this so that the Go to function (where you enter numbers for a time you wish to go to in the video) could work in this screen. Thus, it looks like this now:
I realize some of you might have preferred to keep the buttons. I apologize in advance, but I will not be making this an option.
It's good, the Goto function works as before from the OSD with the Info button.