2021-05-18, 22:13
(2021-05-18, 19:08)Grinario Wrote: Hello Bart,@Grinario , hello again!
i´m a litle confused. I have a problem with the skin. I have no alphabetstrip at the side, yes it is activ.
I hope a new installation solved the Problem. But i see never the possibility to save the skin setting. it is only possible to save th complete system in your skin. This funktion is in coreelec or libreelec integrated. I will only save the skin settings, actual is it never possible to create the background transparency and change the color. This is only a overlay. But the full color costumizing is never possiible.
The next problem, i have notices after install the skin variables. this is not running.
WIth kind regards
1. The alphabet strip is only visible if you are viewing your media sorted by Name, Title, Artist, Album or File, since these are alphabetical sorts where the alphabet strip makes sense. So, if you are viewing your movies by date added, for example, then the alphabet strip will not show up.
2. Several months ago I stopped using Skin Helper Service related addons, and I announced this in this forum. The skin helper skinbackup addon was replaced with the Backup addon, with the added complexity that you need to configure it carefully if you only want to backup the skin settings. I also provided an example of doing just that when I announced the change (https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid2995327).
3. You are correct about transparency of the background color (I remember you wanted this for the shelves/widgets). Since the skin no longer uses the skin helper colorpicker addon, the opacity slider for the colors is gone. You can of course change the color, that function is still there.
For which backgrounds would you like to change the transparency? I think I could add an option to let you choose the transparency level of the shelves background, but I do not know if this would be enough for you.
And you are correct in that the color changes are color diffuses done on the images, not actual color changes. That is the only way I have as a skinner, as far as I know, without having to have the same images in many different colors
4. script.skinvariables is only needed if you want to use the new viewtype selector. You can check that it is installed and enabled by going to the Manage Dependencies section of the skin settings:
And the version in the Kodi repo is quite up to date now, so it should work. Again, you will not see this "running" anywhere, and it is used only for the new view selector.