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Mod Estuary Plus Skin - easier to read throughout
Ah Same thing forbidden can you upload to to gdrive? Or something similar.
Here is a gdrive link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MZJt0uH...p=drivesdk

Is there a way to change the default view for the favorites on the main menu so they show as a list instead of icons?
(2021-07-13, 03:04)ezdropper Wrote: Is there a way to change the default view for the favorites on the main menu so they show as a list instead of icons?

Not without changing the code in the skin.
please tell me, which lines in VideoOSD.xml need to be changed, so that the progress bar goes down under the play_pause buttons and others?

Is there a way to directly call the "Settings" menu  (Gear icon)?
Like this

Sorry for my Google Translate english.
(2021-08-08, 13:03)A55555 Wrote: popy
please tell me, which lines in VideoOSD.xml need to be changed, so that the progress bar goes down under the play_pause buttons and others?
There are 4 lines like this:

<control type="slider">

If I remember correctly changing the value to 105 moves it down.
(2021-08-08, 13:03)A55555 Wrote: popy
please tell me, which lines in VideoOSD.xml need to be changed, so that the progress bar goes down under the play_pause buttons and others?

There are 4 lines like this:

<control type="slider">

If I remember correctly changing all of the value to 105 moves it down.
not really Sad
Only slider went down.
(2021-08-08, 22:09)A55555 Wrote: linknet
not really Sad
Only slider went down.
Then you just need to do a side by side comparison with the original file to find it.

Could be the last value here:

<control type="group">
            <visible>![Window.IsVisible(SliderDialog) | Window.IsVisible(osdaudiosettings) | Window.IsVisible(osdvideosettings) | Window.IsVisible(VideoBookmarks) | Window.IsVisible(playerprocessinfo) | Window.IsVisible(osdcmssettings) | Window.IsVisible(PVROSDChannels) | Window.IsVisible(pvrchannelguide)]</visible>
            <animation effect="fade" time="200">VisibleChange</animation>
            <control type="label">
I try, but so far the strip does not react.
(2021-08-10, 06:07)A55555 Wrote: linknet
I try, but so far the strip does not react.

I think you're in the wrong file, you need to look in this file:

<include content="PVRProgress">

Where the included content "PVRProgress" is in this file:

<include name="PVRProgress">

It's not as straightforward as just changing a single value.
@linknet & @A55555 
I have ported the option "added option to have seekbar at botttom of screen" over from this github: https://github.com/pkscout/skin.estuary....264250f5fc

Here is the new version 3.0.6 of the skin: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cBXg-ES...sp=sharing
Just update and enable the option "added option to have seekbar at botttom of screen" to get the seekbar to the bottom.
thanks for your help.
The option has appeared.
But it doesn't work for me Sad
(2021-02-24, 10:01)linknet Wrote:  There were no changes to the original Estuary Skin between 18.8 and 18.9 so the Estuary Plus Skin 18.8 is fully compatible with Leia 18.9. 

I'm so excited we can have a display where the older people can read it also.  Can I install that version on Omega?
(2024-12-12, 04:39)poluxen Wrote:
(2021-02-24, 10:01)linknet Wrote:  There were no changes to the original Estuary Skin between 18.8 and 18.9 so the Estuary Plus Skin 18.8 is fully compatible with Leia 18.9. 

I'm so excited we can have a display where the older people can read it also.  Can I install that version on Omega?
You cannot.  There was a bump in some of the requirements with Omega for skins (and changes to the skinning engine), so you can't install something that hasn't been updated.

That said, it's possible this older skin would work.  If you look at the addon.xml inside the skin's folder, in the REQUIRED section there is a line that should be updated to read:

<import addon="xbmc.gui" version="5.17.0"/>

That will at least get Kodi to think the skin will work.  It's hard to say if the skin will actually work though.
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Estuary Plus Skin - easier to read throughout3