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Release Mimic-LR (Lyrebird-Rmod) - Matrix version
I've pushed out a new beta (2.0.3-b2) (see first post in this thread for links).

Both InfoWall, and List view now allow you to select a wider selection for "art 2" (the art in the right-side column) , Poster, Banner, Logo, Landscape, Fanart, and Thumbnail can be selected.  it also adjusts the layout of the right column depending on which type you pick (banner is really short, while poster is really tall, so the layout needs to be adjusted accordingly to fit them)

Currently the setting is global (if you pick "poster" for List view, it's changed to poster for all List view screens).  I'm debating if I should try to make it track the setting on a per content-type basis (tvshow vs movie for instance).  If Kodi lets me stick the content type in as a variable into the property name, I'll probabably try it.  If kodi won't let me do that, I probably won't (because it would then require 1000's of lines of markup, to have a copy of the image that displays for the individual setting for every possible combination)

I've also been playing with the weather-map section of the weather screens, currently, it adds a left-menu item for each available map (which looks awkward if you add a lot of weather maps).  I've created a version [on my local] that just has "Maps" and then lets you enter them an scoll them up and down.  I'm not sure if that is more awkward than having a big list on the left-column that scrolls though.  Don't know if anyone has thoughts on that?  (the weather.noaa weather provider that I maintain (also in my repo) has a lot of maps available -- mostly various satellite imagery)  I'm playing with the difference between shrinking them to fit (for example with square radar images) vs expanding them to take up the whole screen (often resulting in needing to trim the top and bottom of the image) Maybe add a setting or something to let the user change the view?
It seems the Rufoo has not been on the Kodi forums for over a year now.  And it's been almost 2 years since a git commit from Rufoo. 

Should I retire the "Lyrebird-Rmod" name and call it something else?  My fork has drifted quite a bit away from the original at this point, and doing a merge between them would likely be tricky.
Maybe go back to a name something along the lines of  "Mimic [mumblemumble]" ?

I've also been wondering if I should consider making an attempt to get it added into the main-line kodi (since there is no Mimic derived skin available in the main-line currently) I fear there would be enormous amounts of clean-up required though.  (code for features that depended on defunct plugins, "old" code not up to current kodi standards, etc)
(2021-07-18, 05:57)randallspicher Wrote: It seems the Rufoo has not been on the Kodi forums for over a year now.  And it's been almost 2 years since a git commit from Rufoo. 

Should I retire the "Lyrebird-Rmod" name and call it something else?  My fork has drifted quite a bit away from the original at this point, and doing a merge between them would likely be tricky.
Maybe go back to a name something along the lines of  "Mimic [mumblemumble]" ?

I've also been wondering if I should consider making an attempt to get it added into the main-line kodi (since there is no Mimic derived skin available in the main-line currently) I fear there would be enormous amounts of clean-up required though.  (code for features that depended on defunct plugins, "old" code not up to current kodi standards, etc)
Bringing the skin to the official repo would, if nothing else, deservedly bring the skin to a wider audience, but it's up to you if think it worth the hasssle Wink.

One feature request: would it be possible to add the proper codec logos for DTS:X and Dolby Atmos? A few other skins do this via the naming of the files (e.g. "10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) (Atmos)"). it's obviously just about aesthetics and bragging rights, but it would be nice though!

Keep up the good work, Sir!
I'll have to look into the DTS:X for why it's not showing up.    But you should be seeing the atmos logo. (I do on the atmos movies I have) (it will say "DOLBY" (big) with "atmos" (small) underneath)  Unless you think there's a better icon... (I could switch the icon if there is).  I stole all the icons from Estruary skin if I remember correctly (except for the music related icons like the "Quad" stuff), though that was probably a couple years ago now.
(2021-07-25, 18:46)randallspicher Wrote: I'll have to look into the DTS:X for why it's not showing up.    But you should be seeing the atmos logo. (I do on the atmos movies I have) (it will say "DOLBY" (big) with "atmos" (small) underneath)  Unless you think there's a better icon... (I could switch the icon if there is).  I stole all the icons from Estruary skin if I remember correctly (except for the music related icons like the "Quad" stuff), though that was probably a couple years ago now.
Actually, looking at what is in estruary now... I evidently got them from somewhere else.  Perhaps I had gotten the originals from coherence. I now recall spending some time doing some editing to put white boxes around things for some of them.  I do see dts-x.png sitting in the folder.  Those should be named based on what kodi actual returns as the codec.  Evidently kodi is returning some other string for that.   I think I'll make a "fake" icon that just spits out the actual returned string, so it at least identifies it.  (and gives us something to go on for which string is missing a matching png icon file)
(2021-07-25, 20:05)randallspicher Wrote:
(2021-07-25, 18:46)randallspicher Wrote: I'll have to look into the DTS:X for why it's not showing up.    But you should be seeing the atmos logo. (I do on the atmos movies I have) (it will say "DOLBY" (big) with "atmos" (small) underneath)  Unless you think there's a better icon... (I could switch the icon if there is).  I stole all the icons from Estruary skin if I remember correctly (except for the music related icons like the "Quad" stuff), though that was probably a couple years ago now.
Actually, looking at what is in estruary now... I evidently got them from somewhere else.  Perhaps I had gotten the originals from coherence. I now recall spending some time doing some editing to put white boxes around things for some of them.  I do see dts-x.png sitting in the folder.  Those should be named based on what kodi actual returns as the codec.  Evidently kodi is returning some other string for that.   I think I'll make a "fake" icon that just spits out the actual returned string, so it at least identifies it.  (and gives us something to go on for which string is missing a matching png icon file)

I just get Dolby TrueHD / DTS HD MasterAudio logos, but that could be down to a simple naming convention issue. How do you name your files?
I've gone though [lots of] my library, looking for videos which were not showing icons.  I've found that what kodi reports for codecs in the lists can be all over the place, and often different from what the player shows...

Anyway I've copied a lot of icons (to cover more possible names for various codecs -- eg, "mpeg-4 == mpeg4 video == mp4" etc), plus created a few new ones.

I've also added (to the video info screen) from more info on the top.  It will now list the raw output of the various ListItem properties that are used for icons.  (you will probably have to scroll the info area to the left to see them all).  If you see some videocodec or audiocodec values that don't show icons, let me know what the values are, and I can copy and/or create an icon with a matching name.
Hello again randallspicher!

Getting ready to migrate to 19.1 from 18.9 ... I would like to stay on "skin.lyrebird.rmod" if possible Smile
There is an anomaly I cant seem to set ... I like my Movies and Series to be displayed in "Coverflow" mode. For some reason on Matrix there is a thumbnail displayed instead of the cover pictures :

Kodi 18.9 - Leia:

Kodi 19.1 - Matrix:

Is there some setting I dont know about ? ( both installations are from scratch, all settings are set the same, and only the apropriate skin ( leia and matrix ) are installed. Both installations are using the same advancedsettings.xml file - connected to the same mysql database ( library ).
Thanx in advance for any info on this matter!
(2021-09-04, 13:11)pcextreme Wrote: Hello again randallspicher!

Getting ready to migrate to 19.1 from 18.9 ... I would like to stay on "skin.lyrebird.rmod" if possible Smile
There is an anomaly I cant seem to set ... I like my Movies and Series to be displayed in "Coverflow" mode. For some reason on Matrix there is a thumbnail displayed instead of the cover pictures :

Is there some setting I dont know about ? ( both installations are from scratch, all settings are set the same, and only the apropriate skin ( leia and matrix ) are installed. Both installations are using the same advancedsettings.xml file - connected to the same mysql database ( library ).
Thanx in advance for any info on this matter!
The issue was that the Coverflow view (as well as Arcade, and Kiebertz) was using ListItem.Icon,  which under Leia would show a poster, or fanart as fallback, but which (as defined in Kodi) is supposed to show either the thumb image (if available), or the "default thumb" image, and nothing else...   That was fixed in Matrix, and was one of the big issues that all skins needed to deal with (converting to using ListItem.Art(poster) ListItem.Art(fanart), etc. )  I had fixed that on most of the views, but never really looked at kiebertz, arcade, or coverflow.. (never used them myself mostly because there was other breakage on things like tvshow seasons...)

I've fixed those views and pushed an update in my beta (matrix) repo.  I don't have any games, so I'm not sure if the fixes I did work well for those.  But it works for movies, tvshows, and music.
I can confirm, it works now on Matrix with kiebertz, arcade, or coverflow Views as it was on Leia!
And also can confirm that the "watched status" is missing on these views ... I did not even notice them missing ... Smile

Thanx for the quick replay and quick fix!
@randallspicher After using Mimic 5 years I switched to Lyrebird. With the original Mimic there was a total title count of movies in your database (or TV shows) in the top left corner. This count is absent with Lyrebird, it just says Movies or TV Shows now right next to the icon. Is there a way to bring this back or is this a setting I missed?
I've renamed my version of the plugin to Mimic-LR, in preparation for an attempt to submit it into the main kodi repo. (want to keep the Mimic name)
See the first post for updated locations and migration instructions.
(2021-09-20, 16:22)Franconian Wrote: @randallspicher After using Mimic 5 years I switched to Lyrebird. With the original Mimic there was a total title count of movies in your database (or TV shows) in the top left corner. This count is absent with Lyrebird, it just says Movies or TV Shows now right next to the icon. Is there a way to bring this back or is this a setting I missed?

I can add that request into my to-do list on
Thank you for maintaining this skin! I almost missed that this skin works again - the 'Skin Archive' forum may not be the best place anymore!

I have a question, perhaps a bug. When I'm using the PVR, when I change channels, I don't get the 'program info' OSD. I have set the option in the Kodi settings to see the info though. Is this by design? If I press the 'I' key, the info does appear.

Another PVR question. When I change channels by pressing a number button, there is no OSD confirmation of that pressed number. Most of the other skins show a number on screen. Now I have to guess if the right numbers are received, and sometimes when I want channel 44, it goes to 4, or when I want 2, it goes to 22. Could this be fixed?

Thanks again!
(2021-10-28, 11:15)willemd Wrote: Thank you for maintaining this skin! I almost missed that this skin works again - the 'Skin Archive' forum may not be the best place anymore!

I have a question, perhaps a bug. When I'm using the PVR, when I change channels, I don't get the 'program info' OSD. I have set the option in the Kodi settings to see the info though. Is this by design? If I press the 'I' key, the info does appear.

Another PVR question. When I change channels by pressing a number button, there is no OSD confirmation of that pressed number. Most of the other skins show a number on screen. Now I have to guess if the right numbers are received, and sometimes when I want channel 44, it goes to 4, or when I want 2, it goes to 22. Could this be fixed?

Thanks again!

Hmm.  I was not aware you could even change channels by pressing the numbers!  it (mostly) does not work for my channels, because (what with the "digital upgrade" we went through here in the USA and the sub-channels we now have) channels now have numbers such as 8.1, 8.2, 35.1, 35.2 etc.  And my remote does not have a "." button on it... so no way for me to punch those in.  I've always gone back to the guide listing when I want to change channels...  And I have my "channel up/channel down" remote buttons programed as "page up/page down".   And my other kodi install is on a touch-screen tablet, so no buttons on that at all...

After setting up the PVR on my computer's kodi (which I never bothered with before), I can see it does in fact work.

I'll have to reprogram a button on my remote for a "." or change the numbering scheme (abandoning the "real" channel numbers in favor of some numbering scheme which doesn't use floating point)

I have no idea what kodi wants to display when pressing number buttons for changing channels, I'll have to research that.  Presumably it just needs some dialog to be called.  I'm also not sure why it doesn't show the info when initially changing to the "full video".  More research to do.
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Mimic-LR (Lyrebird-Rmod) - Matrix version0