kodi 17.6 hangs during library scanning
Hi, Kodi 17.6 suddenly after many years hangs during library scanning. The message from Kodi is that there is "Unable to connect to remote server. So would you like to continue scanning?".
So I changed the information provider from The Movie Database to Universal Movie Scraper but it did not help. I have also reinstalled Kodi 17.6 but that did not help too.
Also I deleted the files Kodi hangs on and then it keeps hanging on another file so it seams not to be a certain file.
Is there any known problem about this?

I am using windows 10 the latest update.

(2021-07-21, 00:27)Captor Wrote: Is there any known problem about this?

Kodi 17.6 is not really on our scope anymore, it's almost 4 years later now with Kodi 19.1.

(2021-07-21, 00:27)Captor Wrote: I am using windows 10 the latest update.

Why not update Kodi as well?

BTW, always provide a debug log (wiki) in case of troubleshooting.
I tried version 19 once. Maybe 6 months ago and that time Kodi did not find all my movies. Kodi find only about 20% of all the movies in my 4 libraries. I tried a lot to make it work but after a week i gave up and returned to 17.6 which finds all my movies.
Except for now, this evening, when Kodi hangs during scanning.
If I could find the wrongs with 19.1 no one would be happier than me but I did not succeed. I also tried different 18-versions. Same with all of them except the old 17.6.

I can try and provide a debug log tomorrow. I hope I remember how to do.
Update Kodi to Matrix with the latest scrapers, then a debug log would have more meaning.
(2021-07-21, 00:50)Captor Wrote: I can try and provide a debug log tomorrow.

Filenaming differences tend to have a correlation with scraping problems, so it's possible we can start from there.
(2021-07-21, 07:43)Klojum Wrote:
(2021-07-21, 00:50)Captor Wrote: I can try and provide a debug log tomorrow.

Filenaming differences tend to have a correlation with scraping problems, so it's possible we can start from there.
Thanks both of you,
OK, I will install the latest Kodi and try again to make that work. Should I install over the old 17.6 or maybe better install a fresh Kodi?
Backups are the first word that comes to my mind before upgrading anything. Databases should be upgraded properly with an update, but add-ons in Kodi 19 require Python-3 compatibility. A clean install of everything is recommended IMO.

Also, Kodi 19 now defaults to SMBv2 in networking, should you use SMB. This change could hinder your new Kodi experience. Some people have had a problem with the new Samba network requirements while others have not.
(2021-07-21, 08:35)Klojum Wrote: Backups are the first word that comes to my mind before upgrading anything. Databases should be upgraded properly with an update, but add-ons in Kodi 19 require Python-3 compatibility. A clean install of everything is recommended IMO.

Also, Kodi 19 now defaults to SMBv2 in networking, should you use SMB. This change could hinder your new Kodi experience. Some people have had a problem with the new Samba network requirements while others have not.
Phyton-3 is something about programming? Sorry but I don´t have the knowledge for that deep it-experience. SMBv2? Samba? You lost me, sorry. Maybe it is time for me to turn my back to Kodi as it starts to be complicated. I have enjoyed Kodi when it was easy and simple but I don´t want it to take over my life.
Maybe it was because of this Phyton-3 software that it did not work last time when I tried v. 19 and Kodi could not scan most of my movies. Which worked perfect with 17.6.
(2021-07-21, 10:05)Captor Wrote: Phyton-3 is something about programming?

Yes, all add-ons were previous programmed using Python-2, a version of a programming language. Since v2 and v3 have vast differences, lots of older add-ons (if not all) will no longer work in Kodi 19.

(2021-07-21, 10:05)Captor Wrote: SMBv2? Samba? You lost me, sorry.

I have no idea of your full Kodi setup, I simply assumed there was some type of network connectivity and perhaps a file server involved (as lot of Kodi user have these days). If that is not the case, then you can ignore those remarks.
(2021-07-21, 08:27)Captor Wrote: OK, I will install the latest Kodi and try again to make that work. Should I install over the old 17.6 or maybe better install a fresh Kodi?

I would suggest that you install v19 as a "portable install".  That way, you will get the benefit of trying the new version without disturbing your v17.6 version.  The instructions on how to do that are here.

If you still have issues scanning your content with v19, please supply a debug log. The instructions on how to do that are here. If you really want to stick with v17.6 then please also supply a debug from that version also. However, support for that may be difficult to provide due to the lack of updates for the scrapers etc for it. In any event, those logs showing scanning issues will help determine what the issues are related to.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
Hi, So that can be the reason then why my scraper did not work properly and just found 20% of my movies? That would be good news because I would be happy to update to a new Kodi. Also I liked the new look of things and organization better than 17.6.
So I would like to try if there is a reasonable possibility that it can work with the library scans.

My set-up, oh, I have just the software installed as usual in the PC and on the same PC there are 3 hard drives. 2 internal and one external by USB. The libraries are on that 2 internal hard drives. The computer is connected by WiFi to a Asus router and communicating that way with the Movie database. Also there are the normal softwares like Office package, Firefox and so on in that PC. An there is my music software JRiver also.
Also I send movies to this PC/libraries from another PC also in my home. And also I send music to the music libraries for JRiver. So there is internet connections and I do backups with Good sync and I think in there I have seen SMB for backup to my Qnap server.

Maybe it is better to have an external file server? Maybe I should look into that in the future. No worries about noise from fans and hard drives then but that PC is very quite already.

While writing this answer I started the PC with Kodi in the other room and it works fine now!! Very strange! I did nothing more that update all the libraries yesterday and now when I started Kodi right away started to scan and did so for some time because there are maybe 2000 movies.
Yesterday Kodi did not work before I closed down for the night.

However, I would like to try 19.1 anyway. Is it possible to install 19.1 "next to" 17.6? If 19.1 not works then I still have 17.6 if you understand what I mean. Also I could work with the maybe non working 19.1 for several weeks and still use 17.6 when I want to look a movie in the evening.
(2021-07-21, 10:40)Captor Wrote: Is it possible to install 19.1 "next to" 17.6?

Use the portable method.
Very nice! Thank you very much for the help. I will try the portable method first of all. I let you know.
Do I need to install this Pyhuton-3 software?
Thanks, OK I will give it a try. I let you know :-)

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kodi 17.6 hangs during library scanning0