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Release Picture Slideshow Screensaver
@ronie Are you planning to add video playback to the screensaver? That would be a great extension to this great screensaver. :-)
Hello, is it possible to add a setting to display the clearlogo ?

(2021-07-23, 13:17)Roi Danton Wrote: @ronie Are you planning to add video playback to the screensaver? That would be a great extension to this great screensaver. :-)

see https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...pid2956003
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(2021-07-23, 20:17)Bungee_G Wrote: Hello, is it possible to add a setting to display the clearlogo ?


no plans to add it, sorry.
it's going to be a pain to get all the pan/zoom/slide animation working correctly with a clearlogo displayed on top of the fanart image.
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(2021-07-23, 12:36)Albyricus Wrote:
(2021-07-23, 11:48)Albyricus Wrote: Hi Ronie,

i love your Picture Slidesshow Screensaver. I only miss one (perhaps) feature(s).

1) I would really love it, if i could choose, that the Slideshow shows the full path of the picture and not "only" the folder and the filename. That would be awesome.
2) not really so needed but i think it would be usefull: if you could change the color and perhaps fontsize of the Path and filename.

Best regards


Hi, sorry i forgot to mention, that i use Kodi 18 on an Raspberry Pi4. In fact of that i have the Screensaver Version 5.0.9 (i think you need to know that because of the distirbution chanels, vor the case, that you are willing to implement the "requested" feature / change.

Thanks a lot and best regards


i can't much regarding font sizes, as addons can't reliably define font sizes. it all depends on the skin you're using.
customizable font colors is also not really straightforward to implement, so i think i'll pass on that one.

adding a full path option i can do, but i can't guarantee there's enough space to fully display.. it might get cropped if it's a long path.
if you're using v18, you'll be out of luck until you upgrade to v19 i'm afraid. i no longer work on older versions of my addons.
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(2021-07-24, 18:19)ronie Wrote:
(2021-07-23, 20:17)Bungee_G Wrote: Hello, is it possible to add a setting to display the clearlogo ?


no plans to add it, sorry.
it's going to be a pain to get all the pan/zoom/slide animation working correctly with a clearlogo displayed on top of the fanart image.
Okay thanks, no problem.
First of all, Picture Slideshow Screen server is working fine on my Pi 4 running LibreElec KODI.

I do have one issue. I have 35,000+ photos in a tree that has 1,504 directories.   Slideshow looks like it has traversed the entire tree. The first row of the tree contains the years, 1960 to 2021 and I see pictures from all years.  However Slideshow in random mode seems to favor some particular pictures. If the next picture selected to appear is truly random then it should be quite a long time before I see a picture that I have already viewed. This is not  the case. Slide show appears to repeat pictures already displayed frequently sometimes every third or fourth picture has already been displayed. Is there anyway I can make the picture sequence more random?

My config settings are:
  • Source Image folder on an SMB directory 35,307 files 1,504 directories no deeper than 4 levels
  • Amount of seconds  10
  • Dim level 100%
  • Effect Crossfade
  • Display images in random order switch on
  • Resume slideshow from last position (dimmed out cannot not select)
  • Scale images to full screen switch off
  • Display image name set to "Use foldername"
  • Display picture date switch on
  • Display additional picture tags switch on
  • Display music info during audio playback switch off

Is there anything I can do to eliminate or decrease the number of repeats?  My log file has no Slideshow entries I can find.

i don't think it's possible but i wouldn't mind if someone with more knowledge on the subject could confirm.

afaik there is no way to truly/uniquely randomize a large dataset.
there's some technical info here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3062...om-shuffle
which state that if there's more than 2080 item in the list, you'll start to see repetitions.
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(2021-07-29, 21:19)ronie Wrote: i don't think it's possible but i wouldn't mind if someone with more knowledge on the subject could confirm.

afaik there is no way to truly/uniquely randomize a large dataset.
there's some technical info here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3062...om-shuffle
which state that if there's more than 2080 item in the list, you'll start to see repetitions.

Thanks for the reply ronie. The Pi does have a real hardware random number generator. There is some hope that python makes this available in the Pi.  So if the module is relying on random.shuffle to obtain the path to the next image, perhaps, if the list contains paths to all the pictures in the tree and the list is directly addressable with an index, Screen Saver may use python's os.urandom to produce an integer index. This may result in less repetition.

Any thoughts?
(2021-07-29, 21:19)ronie Wrote: i don't think it's possible but i wouldn't mind if someone with more knowledge on the subject could confirm.

afaik there is no way to truly/uniquely randomize a large dataset.
there's some technical info here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3062...om-shuffle
which state that if there's more than 2080 item in the list, you'll start to see repetitions.

Hi Ronnie,

I found a way to improve the randomness of the slide show. I submitted a pull request in GitLab. Inserting the below if statement at the top of the for loop that displays the images does the trick. Once inserted the random.shuffle is not needed at line 354
Quote:                 if self.slideshow_random == 'true':
+                    img = items[random.SystemRandom().randrange(0,len(items)-1)]
Hi Ronie,

could you please read this thread, i.e. its initial post:
Is there a screen saver with "random order" which filters already displayed pictures? 
May be the Picture Slideshow Screensaver could do this in the future?



P.S. I saw (after submit of my post) that my topic is exactly one post before also discussed. The "more random" pic. selection would at least do something equal to my searched feature. I hope the suggested code update will work :-)
(2021-08-19, 23:25)gjpc Wrote:
(2021-07-29, 21:19)ronie Wrote:  

Hi Ronnie,

I found a way to improve the randomness of the slide show. I submitted a pull request in GitLab. ...
It was rejected with the comment:
Quote:Gerard Cerchio: Latest version does a better job at random show
What does this exactly mean? Is there a (released) version which improves the randomness? In the changelog.txt there is something mentioned at v3.0.2 which should be (very) old compared to the latest v6.3.5 (and my installed v5.0.9).
Hi everybody!

Though I'm not shure, that the add-on causes the problem, I was advised at the LE Board, to post my problem here too:


1) RPi 4, 4GB RAM
2) LE 10
3) Picture Slideshow Screensaver 6.3.3

The problem:

Under LE 9.2 the shown pictures EXIF Data in the add-on "Picture Slideshow Screensaver" was complete right - inclusive the german muted vowels (Ää,Üü,Öö an the "ß"). Without touching the terms in Kodi/LE, under LE 10 this changes. I've got now "special characters" in place.

As a "non-professional" I experimented only with the settings in the Kondi standard skin - and - in the LE settings first, unfortunatly without any effect. My resarch in the net just gave me a hint to the different ways of saving those informations (XMP, EXIF, IPTC). If there is a way to solve it changing those settings in my prefered program that administrates my picures, this is not a real solution to touch thousends of pictures and editing something.

I would appreciate any hint, where LE 10 changes in comparison to 9.2 in the character settings - especially, as I did not change anything in that regional settings by updating the system.

Thanks al lot for any help.

(2021-09-19, 16:42)MacNoname Wrote: Hi everybody!

Though I'm not shure, that the add-on causes the problem, I was advised at the LE Board, to post my problem here too:


1) RPi 4, 4GB RAM
2) LE 10
3) Picture Slideshow Screensaver 6.3.3

The problem:

Under LE 9.2 the shown pictures EXIF Data in the add-on "Picture Slideshow Screensaver" was complete right - inclusive the german muted vowels (Ää,Üü,Öö an the "ß"). Without touching the terms in Kodi/LE, under LE 10 this changes. I've got now "special characters" in place.

As a "non-professional" I experimented only with the settings in the Kondi standard skin - and - in the LE settings first, unfortunatly without any effect. My resarch in the net just gave me a hint to the different ways of saving those informations (XMP, EXIF, IPTC). If there is a way to solve it changing those settings in my prefered program that administrates my picures, this is not a real solution to touch thousends of pictures and editing something.

I would appreciate any hint, where LE 10 changes in comparison to 9.2 in the character settings - especially, as I did not change anything in that regional settings by updating the system.

Thanks al lot for any help.


Sorry, but is there noone who has an idea to solve this probs?

Thats what I got from the libreelec forum:

"Each Kodi version bump necessitates some rework from add-on authors, which creates an opportunity to fiddle and change things, and K18 > K19 included the Python2 > Python3 change which almost certainly mandated some rework. So where, say, the Krypton and the Leia versions of the add-on are probably quite similar, the Leia and Matrix versions are very likely to have bigger changes. The author ("of the screensaver" is menat, R.) is key.."


You order a debug log to answer mandatory. Well, there's nothing to debug (so nothing within the DEBUG-Log that I could link to the screensaver, but I' check ist, if you've got a hint for me :-)), so I'll get no answer I guess. Sad. Theres simple a problem with the character set  - utf-8 is obviously not working with muted german vowels in the iptc-title.  iptc-escription within the gui.py is OK, I "wondered". I found out, that a change of the character-set in the XMP section in your gui.py  from "cp437" to "ISO-8859-1" (and others) changes the special characters (which appear istead of the german "ä,ü,ß, etc. and French Î, È, etc.), but don't show the right german muted vowels and french characters at all.

Second this XMP/EXIF/IPTC textblock is apperaering on the left lower rim of the screen. This behaviour ist different too LE9.2 With LE9.2 all the text was on the lower right side under the path-description, which was fine because it was readable as the Information ofthe acual music/streamtitle was visable, which isn't furher working on LE10. Is there a chance to set the text-box back uon the right side completely?

I wouldn't complain about it, if it would work like it did under LE9.2, which I don't simple understand, as I didn't change any settings by upgrading LE 9.2 to LE10. So I'll apreciate at least a short answer where I can look for further information (within your code).

Thanks a lot!
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Picture Slideshow Screensaver4