Hello all,
Today I have made some progress towards implementing skinshortcuts with Xonfluence. With the latest from GitHub, you can now setup the menu and submenu using skinshortcuts, which means you can add unlimited menu items/submenu items, you can reorder the menu/submenu as you choose, and you can delete or disable any menu/submenu item that you do not want to see or use.
You can also configure the power menu the same way.
THIS IS STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS, so you will not be able to see configured widget or addon shortcuts yet. Widget(s) are going to take a while, since I will have to venture into coding that I am not familiar with yet. This is due to my goal of providing unlimited widgets for Xonfluence as well. Since widgets are going to take a while, I figured that I would let you know where I am at now, so you can test if you wish.
I have not changed the current menu system at all, so there's no need for concern. I added a new setting to enable the use of skinshortcuts for menu/submenu/widget configuration. So, you can test this new menu system without losing anything you had configured before.
You will find the new setting here:
And you now have a new settings section "Home menu options" where you configure the menu:
Only the first two options do anything right now. If you select "Customize Home menu", you will get a dialog like this:
And there you can configure the menu.
If any of you decide to test what I have so far, please let me know how it goes. I know that the widget, addon shortcuts and background for the each menu item are not working, so please do not report that. If you find anything else that is not working, please let me know. Thanks.