Telia Play
Updated playlist file with catch up setting and free epg from, epg has logos and art only thing i miss is season /episode info.
But maybe we can have that if M89se finds time later to enable epg export from addon?

Get the m3u from here

Edit: no epg for Axess tv in the file
@Jönke I made small mistake in previous build, some adjustments made in v1.1.4. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
No problem @M89SE 😀🙌👏👏 keep ’em coming 🥳
V1.1.5 not in repo right ?
(2022-08-11, 15:46)Jönke Wrote: V1.1.5 not in repo right ?

Sorry about the delay, should be available in repo now.
@M89SE One New request
Match m3u export names: tvg-id="channelnames"  with TVG-ID from,-NAME
They have 2 free epg source now  ( has season/episode info) ( Allente has no season/episode info, yet)

I have edit my current m3u manually allready but for the future this would make it easier ta have working epg for all.

Change to
(2022-08-23, 19:22)Jönke Wrote: @M89SE One New request
Match m3u export names: tvg-id="channelnames"  with TVG-ID from,-NAME
They have 2 free epg source now  ( has season/episode info) ( Allente has no season/episode info, yet)

I have edit my current m3u manually allready but for the future this would make it easier ta have working epg for all.

Change to

Not sure about this, as we already provide EPG with swedish channels for our m-TVGuide add-on, I will think about it.
Ok no problem epg is now updated with epg for AccesTv and new link for epg

Allente is now updated with episode / season in xmltv and new link

My Choice of epg source is much better Genre support in guide
And has all channels i need with artwork and episode/Season
Hello and thanks for the nice add-on!
I have successfully used it from my Kodi machine in Sweden, but a similar installation in Spain (through a VPN) gives me playback errors on everything. I have been glancing through the log files, but don't really know what to look for.

Any help would be appreciated!

It turns out I need to exclude Telia Play from my VPN. After that it works.
Merely reminding everyone of our VPN policy.
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Does this work with Telia Play in Norway?
(2024-02-01, 18:36)russco Wrote: Does this work with Telia Play in Norway?

It does not work in Norway, but hopefully only minor adjustments in the code is needed since the norwegian Teliaplay have been changed recently. While the login routine seem to be a little bit different, I think the rest of it is the same (for instance call to instead of as it was earlier).

Here is what I have tested so far (in python console, not by editing the plugin itself):

The original code from Mariusz89B's github project is executing following urls for logging in:
  1. h t t p s ://
    I dont know why this is needed, or what's for. I only get timeout when I try to call it.
  2. h t t p s ://
    This gives me "Username/password was incorrect"-message - probably different back-end systems.
    • However, if I change the URL to the following, I am able to login:
      h t t p s ://
    • The header-data is the same as original, except the 'accept'-header which is set to 'application/json'.
    • The post-data is the same as original, except that 'x-country' is set to 'NO' (obviously).
    • Relevant response data is:
      • SAML = response["idToken"]
      • CustomerID = response["engagements"][0]["engagementId"]
    • NB: The username/password must be able to login via the old login schema (the orange border on image below):
  3. h t t p s ://
    I have not tested this endpoint, but I asume it wont work.
    • In browser console when I perform a login, I can see following the request instead:
      h t t p s ://
    • Relevant headers and post-data:
      headers = {
              'user-agent': <user-agent>,
              'Content-Type': 'application/json',
              'Accept': 'application/json',
              'tv-client-boot-id': <tv_client_boot_id>,
              'tv-client-name': 'web',
              'x-country': 'NO',
      engagementIdentifierDto = {"country":"NO", "id":<CustomerID>, "platform":"OTT"}
      post_data = { "engagementIdentifierDto":engagementIdentifierDto, "token":<SAML> }
    • And the response contains a dict with only "redirectUri" (h t t p s ://<some_text_here>)
    • The browser console also show a call to the following URL:
      h t t p s ://<same_text_as_above>
      This URL (unlike the first one) returns a dict with accessToken, refreshToken, geoblock (true/false) and validTo (and also sets these variables in response-cookie), so I dont know if the first one is needed at all.
  4. h t t p s ://{cc}/tvclientgateway/rest/secure/v1/provision
    Not tested, I asume it wont work for Norway.
  5. h t t p s ://{cc}/tvclientgateway/rest/secure/v1/pubsub
    Also not tested.

So maybe we just need to create a custom login-method for norwegian customers, and then the rest will hopefully work..? What do you think @M89SE?

I will try to make quick changes to the plugin (tomorrow or some day) and test it, and then report back where with the results. Wink
I edited the plugin with a separate login routine for Norway, and I am now able to login using this plugin. Have not tested much, but I already know it does not work perfect. Here is what I have tested (Kodi 19 on Win10):
  • Live-TV
    • Works OK, I got 1280x720 resolution. I dont know if full-HD is possible.
    • But "live subtitles" for hard of hearing (on news etc) does not seem to stick - it disappear after 10-15 sec. Disable and reenable subtitles brings them back, but they disappear again after 10-15 sec. Maybe a Kodi bug..?
  • Movies
    • Does not work - no entries get listed at all.
  • TV series
    • Works, but I miss browse by genres. This is maybe not implemented in the plugin at the moment? Or the API may just be different in Norway?
    • Tested an episode of "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" (SkyShowtime) and I noticed that I only got 960x540 resolution - probably due to stricter DRM-protection for SkyShowtime content..? Have not tested content from other content providers.
Here is the my test version of
budurugeqo.kodi (paste)
Please note that I changed the addon-id in this test code to "", so I could have both the modified and the original plugin installed at the same time. Wink
And also: Not all changes are relevant (like logging for debugging purposes).
(2024-03-02, 22:57)boirello Wrote: Here is the my test version of
budurugeqo.kodi (paste)

This hastebin link is no longer working, so I did a quick fork of the plugin, and commited the changes I had to make login for norwegian customers possible:

By the way:
The subtitle issue on live TV is reported here:

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