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Beta Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection
With aeon nox i believe that they are the best skins until now. But for me with Hk1 box i have a problem that reboot to android isn't working
(2022-10-31, 00:13)putzipuh Wrote: Hi, 

i would also like to test this skin but it crashs for me when i scroll through TV channles  with pvr addon on androidtv with nexus Sad
seems to be a nexus prob, i got the same prob on old arctiv zephyr skin

Should be Kodi issue instead of skin. I was using IPTV Simple Client with Matrix and no issue at all.
(2022-11-01, 16:51)manthes Wrote: With aeon nox i believe that they are the best skins until now. But for me with Hk1 box i have a problem that reboot to android isn't working

Do you have any other skins installed? Maybe some conflicts between them and skinshortcuts. You can try to restore shutdownmenu to defaults.
Yes. I have Amber and aeon nox silvo and it is working. The problem exist with zephyr reloaded and resurrection
(2022-11-04, 11:06)manthes Wrote: Yes. I have Amber and aeon nox silvo and it is working. The problem exist with zephyr reloaded and resurrection

I know this problem. It exists because shutdownmenu is shared between skins via skinshortcuts. AZ has different implementation for this action than resurrection.
I'm new user with this skin, using under 19.4 and it seems most useful for me on nvidia shield. (Thank you!)
Maybe it's my fault, but I can't use tmdb info on crew screen. It shows my local infos only.
Of course I have addon installed, it works with other skins.
Please help me! Smile
Hello there,

i d'like some tips to revolse my request :

- Firstly it's possible to show clock on the home page ? (ss n°1)

- Secondly, i want to display bookmark on video OSD, they didn't show up like Artic Zephyr Reload (ss n°2 and n°3)
(2022-11-12, 21:55)Yunusb2 Wrote: Hello there,

i d'like some tips to revolse my request :

- Firstly it's possible to show clock on the home page ? (ss n°1)


- Secondly, i want to display bookmark on video OSD, they didn't show up like Artic Zephyr Reload (ss n°2 and n°3)

Image Image

   If you look the thrid screenshot, they are already mark
Im sorry for posting to much.

I dont know how i can edit/delete my post.

Link for screenshots : https://postimg.cc/gallery/gkfvGrm

My apologies.
Quote:Firstly it's possible to show clock on the home page ? (ss n°1)
No. I had plans to make some changes and improvements to Flix View, however I got lack of time lately and can't do much...
Quote:Secondly, i want to display bookmark on video OSD, they didn't show up like Artic Zephyr Reload (ss n°2 and n°3)
Because AZ2R and AZR are totally different skins.
I am using the skin on CoreElec Nexus beta1 on an Odroid N2+.
The skin behavior is exceptional, no glitches (apart of those I cause myself).
However I am having an issue when I try to use the video calibration feature while playing back a video.
The OSD correctly states I am watching a full screen video at the correct resolution and the calibration controls (the edge pointers) are at their right place.
However I cannot use the cursors to manipulate the position. The system is not responsive to the remote and the pointers are not moving.
Also, I do not see the coordinates (row number 4 on the calibration OSD dialog)

This feature worked fino on Kodi 19. Is there a chance it would be ported to Kodi 20?
Does this skin support Kodi notifications, can't find option to enable them? Also, will this be v20 compatible in future? Just spent some hours tweaking it and don't feel like repeating this again when Kodi upgrades  Tongue 

EDIT: My bad, notifications are working. Only question left is v20 compatibility if any.
Does anyone have Silent Knight's Purple Dreams theme from this post for me?

The mediafire links are dead.
I’m having an issue with the OSD in this skin.
The fast forward and backwards button function correctly but when I try to skip an episode of a tv show and press the next button on the OSD nothing happens.

I’m using the skin on multiple fire sticks where the issue persists across both devices.

Thank you
(2022-12-05, 10:39)banesi Wrote: Only question left is v20 compatibility if any.

@heppen I hope you are still looking into adding color picker support for Kodi 20 Nexus, so we can use the Color and Border Color options in the subtitle config menu? Wink
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