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Release YouTube
(2023-02-09, 17:17)gian Wrote: Dear all,

I am having a strange problem, using the YT plugin about a week ago I started having the error message "YouTubeException: the following content is not available on your app" for any video I tried to play.
I tried changing keys, logging out and back in, flushing the cache, but nothing changed (still got the same error on any video).

After a couple of days, without any intervention, the YT plugin started working as usual again for a few days, until today. Now, once more without me changing anything, I am getting the same "content not available on your app" error on all videos.

Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this ?

I am running Kodi on Ubuntu 20.04 so Kodi is standard repository version 16.8, and YT plugin is version 6.8.24.
Are you using a VPN?
No, no vpn !

Should I try to use one, since I do have a VPN account ?
No a VPN is not required. Also please review our VPN Policy (wiki) - we only allow limited discussion of the subject on this forum.
Always read the Wiki, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Read/follow the forum rules.
(2023-02-09, 19:59)Dangelus Wrote: No a VPN is not required. Also please review our VPN Policy (wiki) - we only allow limited discussion of the subject on this forum.

I was not aware of the VPN policy, good to know; anyway, I am not using any VPN on the Linux machine with Kodi, my problem is that I have no idea on why this happens and how how to debug it.
The log does not seem to be explicative to me:


2023-02-09 18:48:56.580 T:139721848289024   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
2023-02-09 18:48:56.580 T:139721848289024   ERROR:   File "/home/gian/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.youtube/resources/lib/youtube_plugin/youtube/helper/yt_play.py", line 50, in play_video
2023-02-09 18:48:56.580 T:139721848289024   ERROR:     video_streams = client.get_video_streams(context, video_id)
2023-02-09 18:48:56.580 T:139721848289024   ERROR:   File "/home/gian/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.youtube/resources/lib/youtube_plugin/youtube/client/youtube.py", line 102, in get_video_streams
2023-02-09 18:48:56.580 T:139721848289024   ERROR:     video_streams = video_info.load_stream_infos(video_id)
2023-02-09 18:48:56.580 T:139721848289024   ERROR:   File "/home/gian/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.youtube/resources/lib/youtube_plugin/youtube/helper/video_info.py", line 547, in load_stream_infos
2023-02-09 18:48:56.580 T:139721848289024   ERROR:     return self._method_get_video_info(video_id)
2023-02-09 18:48:56.580 T:139721848289024   ERROR:   File "/home/gian/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.youtube/resources/lib/youtube_plugin/youtube/helper/video_info.py", line 882, in _method_get_video_info
2023-02-09 18:48:56.581 T:139721848289024   ERROR:     raise YouTubeException(reason)
2023-02-09 18:48:56.581 T:139721848289024   ERROR: YouTubeException: The following content is not available on this app.
2023-02-09 18:48:56.581 T:139721848289024   ERROR: [plugin.video.youtube] None
2023-02-09 18:48:56.591 T:139723806421888   ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://plugin.video.youtube/play/?video_id=KuXjwB4LzSA]

The same video plays without any problem if I access YouTube from any browser.
Latest alpha (3) from anxdpanic's github.
Kodi Nexus on android
I'm back to Estuary with Arial Based font.
Seems to be working, no immediate crash, fast refresh for mysubcriptions with kanji and all kind of signs.
It's a bit early to celebrate, will report if it crashes again.
I get no sound when using the arrow buttons on my keyboard to skip one time. Every second skip the sound comes back. Does anybody have a solution for that?
(2023-02-09, 17:23)donbrew Wrote:
(2023-02-09, 17:17)gian Wrote: Dear all,

I am having a strange problem, using the YT plugin about a week ago I started having the error message "YouTubeException: the following content is not available on your app" for any video I tried to play.
I tried changing keys, logging out and back in, flushing the cache, but nothing changed (still got the same error on any video).

After a couple of days, without any intervention, the YT plugin started working as usual again for a few days, until today. Now, once more without me changing anything, I am getting the same "content not available on your app" error on all videos.

Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this ?

I am running Kodi on Ubuntu 20.04 so Kodi is standard repository version 16.8, and YT plugin is version 6.8.24.
Are you using a VPN?
I also tried upgrading Ubuntu to 22.04, so that also Kodi upgraded to 19.4 and installed the input stream adaptive plugin (just in case).

No change, still having the "content not available on your app" message. Is there any way I can at least try to debug this ?
Thanks to the maintainers for this awesome plugin!

At some time during the last year, approximately, the plugin stopped playing movies from the "YouTube movies" channel. When I try to play them it displays this notification:
"This video is unplayable on this device"

It does play other videos, except age restricted.

My configuration:
Rpi 3 b+
Osmc 2023.01-1
Yt plugin 6.8.24+matrix.1

I recall that in the past I had to adjust the video resolution to be able to play these movies, but that is not solving the problem now. I've tried changing other settings and that has not solved it either.

> Is it possible that this is because Kodi no longer supports the rpi video decoder?
> Would this explain why it constantly loses sync when playing some YouTube videos (4k)?

Thanks for looking at this question, and more for responding! Not all problems are solvable, but it helps to know I've exhausted all my options for trying. Smile
There's been a fix committed to the CGUIFontTTF function in the main Kodi development branch relating to the various "crash when viewing listing" issues.

Essentially it reverts to the Matrix (v.19) method of how a non-standard Unicode character is handled when it's not present within a given font.
The inconsistent/incomplete? Nexus (v.20) method leads to crashes under some common conditions, hence bug reports across a wide variety of video addons.
Not a lot the addon devs can do about it since the root of the problem is a core Kodi issue.

So ... if you can't wait for a mainline Kodi version bump, install a development build or revert to Matrix (v.19) as a temporary workaround.

Ref: Github: [fix] freeze caused by unicode characters missing in font #22658
Is there a way to press "like" button for a video?

I tried to search "like" in this thread but can't search.
(2023-02-14, 11:22)RobinTW Wrote: Is there a way to press "like" button for a video?

I tried to search "like" in this thread but can't search.

Long Press on item => select "more..." => "Rate..." => select "I like this"



(2023-02-14, 11:22)RobinTW Wrote: Is there a way to press "like" button for a video?

I tried to search "like" in this thread but can't search.

To be complet the "like this / dislike this" dialog can be popup automatically at the end of viewing with this setting enable in addon youtube Smile

I have a few general questions. Not “how to” questions but more, questions to understand things a little better.

I have had in the past quite a bit of trouble getting trailers to play despite having the API keys and whatnot. Sometimes when I change the API keys, I can watch trailers again right away. Sometimes I have to try multiple different API keys before one works. Other times, like now, I can play trailers without anything in the API fields…

Unless it’s too technical and perhaps specific to my setup, why can it fluctuate so much? Thanks!
(2023-02-14, 20:51)pauls156 Wrote: I have a few general questions. Not “how to” questions but more, questions to understand things a little better.

I have had in the past quite a bit of trouble getting trailers to play despite having the API keys and whatnot. Sometimes when I change the API keys, I can watch trailers again right away. Sometimes I have to try multiple different API keys before one works. Other times, like now, I can play trailers without anything in the API fields…

Unless it’s too technical and perhaps specific to my setup, why can it fluctuate so much? Thanks!
unofficial answer (from someone uninvolved in the development)

youtube frowns on webscrapers because it may inhibit ad based features that they depend on for revenue. including statistical analyses ads may be bypassed by scrapers

so in, in my opinion, they would prefer you go through official methods and may make unofficial ones more difficult to use

your api keys are either getting expired or revoked is why you keep having to change them

using youtube without the api key likely works because the addon is pretending to access youtube in an official way
Sometimes it works without the API keys, sometimes it doesn’t. Hopefully without the API keys, it’ll work for awhile. How long do API keys usually work before becoming expired?
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