2023-02-13, 12:12
(2023-02-12, 06:39)nitro322 Wrote: Hello. I'm trying to setup AKL to launch standalone games from within Kodi. That is, launching native Linux games directly from Kodi/AKL, not running various ROMs and whatnot through an emulator. If I understand correctly, I should be able to add a standalone game by select "Add new ROM (Standalone)", selecting Yes to the file based question (?? not actually sure of this step), then selecting the executable and giving it a name. When I do that, though, I get an error message. This is what shows up in the log:Nothing wrong on your side, it is actually a typo in the addon code. I will have to fix it with a next release.
Code:2023-02-11 22:29:59.561 T:2488 INFO <general>: [plugin.program.akl] resources.lib.repositories: Inserting new ROM 'ChainedEchoes'
2023-02-11 22:29:59.562 T:2488 ERROR <general>: [plugin.program.akl] resources.lib.repositories: type: <class 'AttributeError'> value: module 'resources.lib.queries' has no attribute 'INSERT_ROM_IN_ROOTCATEGORY'
2023-02-11 22:29:59.563 T:2488 FATAL <general>: [plugin.program.akl] resources.lib.commands.mediator: Failure processing command "ADD_STANDALONE_ROM"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/media/.kodi/addons/plugin.program.akl/resources/lib/commands/mediator.py", line 34, in sync_cmd
return a_command(args)
File "/home/media/.kodi/addons/plugin.program.akl/resources/lib/commands/rom_commands.py", line 711, in cmd_add_rom
category_repository.add_rom_to_category(parent_category.get_id(), rom_obj.get_id())
File "/home/media/.kodi/addons/plugin.program.akl/resources/lib/repositories.py", line 576, in add_rom_to_category
self._uow.execute(qry.INSERT_ROM_IN_ROOTCATEGORY, rom_id)
AttributeError: module 'resources.lib.queries' has no attribute 'INSERT_ROM_IN_ROOTCATEGORY'
I don't know what to do about that missing attribute error. Seems like either I'm missing some dependency or possibly running into a bug. or completely failing to understand how to add a standalone launcher. Any suggestions on how to resolve? This is with AKL 1.3.0 on Kodi 19.5. The only additional AKL package I have installed is the default plugins, version 1.0.2.
Until then the work around is to not add the standalone game under the root category, but to first create a category and add it there.