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Add all movies in directory as Movie Set
Is there a way to add directory of movies to the Kodi library and have every movie in that directory be part of the same set?

For example, let's say I have a few hundred Looney Tunes shorts in a single directory. I don't want to add them using a TV scraper, I want to add them as movies and put them all in the same set. Is there a quick way of doing this?
(2023-03-19, 23:46)uVSthem Wrote: Is there a quick way of doing this?
Not really. You would have to use the movie set editor...

But I definitely wouldn't add them as movies. I would create a tv show...
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Thanks, but adding everything I want to add as a TV show is what I want to avoid.
the only thing otherwise i can think of is add them all to a m3u and then pull that into kodi

even then im not sure how to give an m3u custom information that's not scraped

even smart playlists need items to be in the library first
I was hoping I could do something along the lines of add a directory as a source and then make that entire source a set.
(2023-03-20, 00:51)uVSthem Wrote: I was hoping I could do something along the lines of add a directory as a source and then make that entire source a set.

Are you running Kodi as a standalone system or part of a sharing solution amongst multiple Kodi devices ?  Some of the Kodi sharing solutions can do what you what you want very easily.  The solution I use does this automatically for the Looney Tune media and creates sets.  They are scraped as TV Shows but TV and movie sets are interchangeable so it really doesn't matter.  They could also easily be changed from TV episodes to movies in bulk but keep the original set detail information.  However, that may be a big change from what you are doing now just for this capability.  The movieset editor approach mentioned above could work but I believe that is a file by file manual update. 


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , CBC Sports, Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
I'm running a portal install of Kodi in Windows 11. No other installs of Kodi.
If you really want to do them as a movie set instead of a TV series and you have hundreds, the way I would probably do it is:
Scan them all into the movie library
Export to nfo files
Batch edit the nfo files to add the Looney Tunes Set tags
Remove the folder from the library to remove the movies, then re-add them so it scans the nfo files, including the set information
(2023-03-20, 01:06)uVSthem Wrote: I'm running a portal install of Kodi in Windows 11. No other installs of Kodi.

I suspected as much.  I am not sure if any of the media managers like Ember, TMM or similar can help you do this in bulk vs. the Kodi movieset editor.  I am a bit out of my element in those spaces. 

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , CBC Sports, Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
If you are comfortable using an SQLite editor:

INSERT INTO sets VALUES (5, 'Looney Toons', 'Looney Toon cartoons')

where "5" is the next available idSet integer in the existing sets table, "Looney Toons" is the set name and "Looney Toon cartoons" the description.

Once you have that record in sets, you can do:

UPDATE movie SET idSet = 5 WHERE c22 LIKE '%Looney Tunes folder%'

where "5" is the idSet value you just created in "sets" and "Looney Tunes folder" is a unique part of the path name containing the movies you want to assign to the set.

Of course, do this on a copy of your MyVideos121.db and test that first.

scott s.
great solution @scott967

if i might offer an alteration

forgo the id and let the database generate the next one, also specify which fields you are inserting to instead of allowing it to decide in order to prevent any errors

INSERT INTO sets (strSet, strOverview) VALUES ('Looney Toons', 'Looney Toon cartoons')

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Add all movies in directory as Movie Set0