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Titan BINGIE MOD v1 (UPDATED - 07/24/2020)
Hey guys, loving the skin - I've got one issue and two questions.

My issue is that i've updated lots of my widgets and order etc but the skin is failing to reload. Is there something i can do to force a reload. I've tried multiple resets, switching between skins but nothings forcing it. I even tried to add the reload skin button to the shutdown options but whilst in the settings it's showing as added because the skin isn't refreshing i've got no way of seeing it.

My question is that 
I'm getting a ton of log spam which i think is coming from the skin - just wondering if there's plans to use the new method and what any release schedule looks like 
2023-04-24 11:28:05.873 T:2133  warning <general>: "resumetime" in ListItem.setProperty() is deprecated and might be removed in future Kodi versions. Please use InfoTagVideo.setResumePoint().
2023-04-24 11:28:05.873 T:2133  warning <general>: "totaltime" in ListItem.setProperty() is deprecated and might be removed in future Kodi versions. Please use InfoTagVideo.setResumePoint().
2023-04-24 11:28:05.873 T:2133  warning <general>: ListItem.addStreamInfo() is deprecated and might be removed in future Kodi versions. Please use InfoTagVideo.addVideoStream(), InfoTagVideo.addAudioStream() and InfoTagVideo.addSubtitleStream().
2023-04-24 11:28:05.873 T:2133     info <general>: Skipped 2 duplicate messages..
2023-04-24 11:28:05.873 T:2133  warning <general>: Setting most video properties through ListItem.setInfo() is deprecated and might be removed in future Kodi versions. Please use the respective setter in InfoTagVideo.
2023-04-24 11:28:05.873 T:2133  warning <general>: "resumetime" in ListItem.setProperty() is deprecated and might be removed in future Kodi versions. Please use InfoTagVideo.setResumePoint().
2023-04-24 11:28:05.873 T:2133  warning <general>: "totaltime" in ListItem.setProperty() is deprecated and might be removed in future Kodi versions. Please use InfoTagVideo.setResumePoint().
2023-04-24 11:28:05.873 T:2133  warning <general>: ListItem.addStreamInfo() is deprecated and might be removed in future Kodi versions. Please use InfoTagVideo.addVideoStream(), InfoTagVideo.addAudioStream() and InfoTagVideo.addSubtitleStream().

My second question is that i'm wondering if it's possible to have widgets appear in a random order. If not i think this would be an awesome feature to suggest.
How can we use TBM for Kodi 20.1 ?
(2023-04-26, 14:33)nazim12 Wrote: How can we use TBM for Kodi 20.1 ?

Install the repo
Titan Bingie Mod
Script skin shortcuts & script module arrow version not satisfied errors.

Resolved - By Changing Kodi Addons from Official repository to All Repository under Kodi settings .
(2023-04-27, 21:20)nazim12 Wrote: Script skin shortcuts & script module arrow version not satisfied errors.

Resolved - By Changing Kodi Addons from Official repository to All Repository under Kodi settings .

thanks so much for posting this, was going nuts trying to figure out why it wouldn't install
Hey all,

why are the languages sometimes so much mixed up?
I have Kodi set to German but in many places I still find the English language and not the German translation.
I also looked in the .po files. Everything looks fine there.
Do you have any idea where the problem is?
I have attached a picture. The example shows it quite clearly. The Play button itself is already bilingual (Wiedergeben Season 2: Episode 1).
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Hi all, I'm on the newest version of kodi (nexus), which link do I need to use to download the skin? (Sorry noob question)
I'll add more info on front page of errors when trying to install and steps to take.
Titan Bingie Mod
(2023-05-14, 20:03)Thedonone Wrote: Hi all, I'm on the newest version of kodi (nexus), which link do I need to use to download the skin? (Sorry noob question)
I just updated the Link on the first page. It now says Kodi Matrix & Kodi Nexus. Just use that link
Titan Bingie Mod
hello I am under OSMC 2023.05 so kodi 19.5 
and I have an error message when I want to install the skin
"the dependency on xbmc.python version 2.24.0 could not be satisfied"
Any solution? Thanks
(2023-05-15, 22:27)ludok Wrote: hello I am under OSMC 2023.05 so kodi 19.5 
and I have an error message when I want to install the skin
"the dependency on xbmc.python version 2.24.0 could not be satisfied"
Any solution? Thanks
Trying to install the wrong version or you are trying to upgrade from 18
Titan Bingie Mod
I don't have kodi 18 and I can't find a repository
maybe you should update your skin?
thank you
(2023-05-17, 13:18)ludok Wrote: Hi
I don't have kodi 18 and I can't find a repository
maybe you should update your skin?
thank you
The skin works just fine. The problem is your not reading what link to install
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