bookmark created for new media
hey there,

i'll moved servers and restructured my setup. media files gettin scrapped via TMM and nfo files, watchdog addon adds media to my shared mariadb instance.

all new movies are now getting a bookark in the kodi db with no playback progress but the result is that all new movies are showing up in "continue watching".

Anyone might have an idea what flag oder information in the nfo maybe force such a behaviour?
Any bookmark for a video is an indication that the video has only been watched partially.
So if TMM or its nfo files are creating data that suggests an ongoing viewing of on or more videos when this is not the case, then I think TMM is doing something wrong.
Can you pastebin such a nfo file somewhere so we can investigate?
i just deleted the bookmarks from the db, tried to reproduce it, didn't work of course. I'll post one when its happening again...
happened again... the db entry

the nfo for the file..

tmm seem to add <lastplayed>2023-05-16 09:01:30</lastplayed> & <playcount>7</playcount> but i never watched it?! but for my understanding even when i watched it it shouldn't have generated and "empty" bookmark without progress??
fyi tmm considers that a "feature" -

and yes, kodi will load it

are there any settings in tmm to disable it?
okay, will check out where tmm get's this info from... but even then, this function makes no sense to me. why would there be a bookmark to "continuing watching" when i have watched it?
This is a bit contradicting...

<lastplayed>2023-05-16 09:01:30</lastplayed>
(2023-05-24, 19:32)Klojum Wrote: This is a bit contradicting...
perhaps yes, perhaps no...

i guess its all in how you look at it, i can watch a movie then tomorrow mark it unwatched but that doesnt revert the last time ive watched it

being in continue watching with no resume time in the database is a bit strange though - i have no insight as to how that functionality works in order to display something in continue, might be something that could be fixed
(2023-05-24, 21:31)jepsizofye Wrote: perhaps yes, perhaps no...

i guess its all in how you look at it, i can watch a movie then tomorrow mark it unwatched but that doesnt revert the last time ive watched it

being in continue watching with no resume time in the database is a bit strange though - i have no insight as to how that functionality works in order to display something in continue, might be something that could be fixed

Having spent quite a bit of time reverse engineering the Kodi databases and skins, I think I can answer this, at least with regards to Estuary.  I can't speak for all Kodi skins and their indicators.  A movie (or file if not in the library) will show in progress if there is a bookmark table entry where the idFile field aligns to the idFile field in the movie table.  This is true even if the bookmark position is 0.0 (timeInSeconds field).  The last played time is in the file table where their is an entry (vs NULL) in the lastPlayed field for the movie where again idFile aligns to idFile in the movie table.  There is also the playCount field in the file table where if the playCount value is not NULL then the played indicator appears.  

So for a situation where the continue watching is set but no resume time, this occurs when the bookmark entry exists but the bookmark value is 0.0.   If the last played value is set in the file table then it would also show up based upon the value of that date/time (i.e. if it is the newest then it will be first in the list of most recently played).  I agree that a bookmark / resume point value of 0.0 is a bit improper.  In the Mezzmo Kodi addon I have a context menu based clear bookmark feature which clears the bookmark in Mezzmo and also removes it from the local Kodi database bookmark table (vs. setting to 0.0), to avoid this very potential condition. 


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , CBC Sports, Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
The Resume point is specific to a video file, not to a library entry.
Whether the movie is in your library or you just use the file browser to partially watch the movie, a resume point is created.
Deleting the movie from the library will not clear the resume point out of the Bookmarks table.
When you delete a movie from your library that has a resume point, the resume point remains in the database. Add that movie back into the library and the resume point is reinstated.

(2023-05-24, 19:23)mason Wrote: why would there be a bookmark to "continuing watching" when i have watched it?
Because it is in your nfo file...
Even though the position is 0, a bookmark is created and the In Progress section is populated from available bookmarks in the Bookmarks table.

This is a TMM problem, not Kodi. TMM shouldn't be creating bookmarks by default.
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wow i totaly overlooked that resume flag... thanks, thats makes total sense. I'll see what i can find of the tmm side of things...
also thanks for the explanation @jbinkley60
(2023-05-24, 23:32)mason Wrote: wow i totaly overlooked that resume flag... thanks, thats makes total sense. I'll see what i can find of the tmm side of things...
also thanks for the explanation @jbinkley60

I have an addon called Kodi Selective Cleaner which can be helpful in addressing things in the Kodi database where there are orphaned items, including bookmarks.  It has a database analyzer / cleaner function.  I notice that I don't have  a specific bookmark table analyzer but as was pointed out by @karellen  bookmarks are associated with files not movies.  I did check and the Kodi video database has a delete_file trigger which does remove bookmarks when the associated file is removed.


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , CBC Sports, Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
found the root cause of my issue, somehow i had the following options active in the advancedxml

thanks for all the input guys!



@jbinkley60 very interesting, gave it a try but it fails... I'll add comments to you origin threat
(2023-05-25, 10:33)mason Wrote: @jbinkley60 very interesting, gave it a try but it fails... I'll add comments to you origin threat

Thanks.  The support thread for the Kodi selective Cleaner is here.  If you can post your findings there, I will take a look at it. Support for MySQL type solutions is fairly new so it is possible there are still some bugs. 

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , CBC Sports, Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
(2023-05-25, 10:33)mason Wrote: <videolibrary>
Removing that from your as.xml won't fix it. That setting was reversed for v20, so it is imported by default. You need to leave that in there and change the value to false
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