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Alpha Arctic Fuse
Breaking Changes in v0.4

Hi everyone. I'm about to push v0.4 to the repo.

This version has many significant changes which I've been working on this week, including completely removing skinshortcuts as a dependency and switching to my own shortcut management system.

The bad news is that this change will mean that your old config files will not be compatible with v0.4+ and will not be imported.

I appreciate this is a massive pita to have to setup things again and I promise it was not a decision made lightly. The script won't touch your old skinshortcuts configs, so it should be relatively easy to downgrade temporarily using an older zip from the github releases page if you aren't quite ready to make the leap yet (but I promise the new version is worth it!).

Now, the good news...

This version fixes a lot of long-standing bugs that previously had no solution due to skinshortcuts limitations. It also adds a lot of frequently requested features which previously weren't possible. It also (hopefully) simplifies configuration quite a bit in the process! And there's a few general cosmetic improvements too!

Key features:
  • Infinite side menu items (no longer limited to five)
  • Per menu item widget sets in classic mode
  • Combined view properly hides widgets with no items
  • Improved search functionality
  • Ability to add a folder from inside the library to a menu using context menu
  • Adaptive widgets sets will build even when no other widgets are set.
  • Ability to add a hub from any menu item (side, categories, or submenu)
  • Ability to "unlock" menu customisation and directly edit categories/submenus/sidemenu live from the home screen using context menu
  • Many many other improvements

And from the technical side of things, the change to this new system unlocks a lot of potential for future features that weren't previously possible and which I'm really excited about!

As with any significant change, I'm expecting bugs, so please report any you find (preferably on github but here is also fine). Also, I've tried my best to ensure feature parity but it is always a possibility that there are some features or use cases which I've not considered - so please let me know if I've broken a feature you rely on (also very possible there's just a different way to do it now!)
Arctic Fuse - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.

I have been using Arctic Zephyr Reloaded as my default skin for  some time and tried Arctic Horizon 2. But this skin is in my opinion your best work so far.
The only thing I am missing is the status of a TV show (ended, returning series, cancelled...) as it was on Zephyr. Is there an option to see it.

Thank you for your work.
Nice. May I ask, what folder I should backup when copying setup to other devices?
After update to 0.4, I got a bug : I have a film name #manhole and it don't belong to A-C list. Seem like only films have title ( and maybe TV shows) begin with number, for example 500 day with summer belong to A-C list.
Hope you fix soon. Thank you
Ler me know this: the submenu list items no longer Can be configurared as widgets? Now, they are Just a Shorttcut? In older versions we could make a widget from a submenu list item or Am I missing something?
The skin is getting better and better, Amazing work. Thanks
Is anyone else missing widgets for common Kodi commands?
(2023-11-20, 14:29)SimonC Wrote: Is anyone else missing widgets for common Kodi commands?

Yeah, I was trying to recreate "Quit" command to move it from side items to menu items, and couldn't find kodi commands at all.
(2023-11-20, 12:36)sargadelos Wrote: I have been using Arctic Zephyr Reloaded as my default skin for  some time and tried Arctic Horizon 2. But this skin is in my opinion your best work so far.
The only thing I am missing is the status of a TV show (ended, returning series, cancelled...) as it was on Zephyr. Is there an option to see it.


Status is in the ratings line. The date listed is the next/last aired date.

The icon next to the date is status. Check=Ended; Exclamation=Cancelled; Target=Returning; Clapperboard=In-Production; Megaphone=Announced.
Arctic Fuse - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
How do i get rid of the new categories widget on the homepage? It just doesnt look great imo. I want to go back to the classic look of the homepage i had before the most recent update. Thanks

Also, the setup wizard in settings doesnt seem to change anything anymore.
(2023-11-20, 14:29)SimonC Wrote: Is anyone else missing widgets for common Kodi commands?

I forgot to add these. Any in particular that should be added other than the obvious quit/reboot/log-off ones?

In the meantime, if you want to edit Action manually these are the commands. Should be able to add a "None" shortcut and then edit the action.

Arctic Fuse - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
(2023-11-20, 14:20)Rf67 Wrote: Ler me know this: the submenu list items no longer Can be configurared as widgets? Now, they are Just a Shorttcut? In older versions we could make a widget from a submenu list item or Am I missing something?
The skin is getting better and better, Amazing work. Thanks

Yeah you can still set submenu widgets - it's just enabled per whole submenu rather than on an individual item basis because I thought it was a bit onerous having to go in and individually set every submenu widget.

Option is under "Edit submenu list" but you don't need to choose an actual list, you can still use individually configured items if you then back out and go to "Edit submenu items". With the option enabled, the skin will automatically try to figure out which submenu items can be widgets -- but let me know if there's a need for more finer tuned control than this because its definitely possible, just wasn't sure if there was a need.
Arctic Fuse - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
(2023-11-20, 14:42)loki00 Wrote: How do i get rid of the new categories widget on the homepage? It just doesnt look great imo. I want to go back to the classic look of the homepage i had before the most recent update. Thanks

Also, the setup wizard in settings doesnt seem to change anything anymore.

You can configure the widgets in the widget customisation screen.
Arctic Fuse - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
delete me

Is there a possibility of getting another view option other than square when clicking on a category menu ? Tags view from AH2 was clean in my opinion for this plus I think it hid the info panel which was nice. Not a necessity, more a quality of life thing.

Oops... i did not notice that.

Thank you for you answer.
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