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Sharing content with neighbor in a KODI MySQL environment
Hi folks,

This may be a question that affect only a few...  so I appreciate your consideration and input.

I have been using the centralized MySQL database solution for KODI for years.  And (on the positive feedback point) MySQL (actually MariaDB) is working very well with the Kodi 20 Beta 2 version.

WHAT I WANT TO DO:  I wish to share my video info with my next-door neighbor.

HOW:  I have an old Pivos Xios box running dedicated Linux and Kodi 16.1 that is (clearly) old, but functional.  I am considering giving this to them.  This would be the only device that would connect to my network from their home.  

AND:  In advancedsettings.xml since this is clearly a different KODI version, I would set up different video and music database (NeighborVideo & NeighborMusic)
name so that it would track their use on that device in MySQL.  I'm OK with that.  (I'm definitely NOT trying to make KODI 16 and 20 share a DB.  That likely would result in a rift in the space time continuum and result in bad juju.)  

SO, WHAT'S THE PROBLEM?   Well, it's watched state.  I want their watched state to be separate than mine.  Because of course, for obvious reasons.

AND...  because I do back-ups of my system, I export to individual files on my server (*.nfo, actor, thumbnails, artwork, etc)

SO...  that means that when they scan for new content, they could be picking up my watched states from the exported .NFO.

I see at "MySQL/Setting up Kodi"  that there is a potential to add the following info into the advancedsettings.xml :



If I add that info to the advancedsettings.xml and set both to FALSE, would it then ignore the watched state on the shared drive .NFO files?  And then would their personalized KODI 16.1 centralized DB manage their watched state?

The Wiki does not speak specifically to the watched state question... so I ask.

That's it.  That's the question.

You can try it out and see what happens.  I'm pretty sure in older versions of Kodi, the watched state was NOT imported by default.  It had to be flagged on in advancedsettings in order to do so.  I'm not sure which version changed that behavior to default on.  I feel like 16 might have still be not imported by default.
(2024-01-02, 18:38)zebraitis Wrote: If I add that info to the advancedsettings.xml and set both to FALSE, would it then ignore the watched state on the shared drive .NFO files?  And then would their personalized KODI 16.1 centralized DB manage their watched state?

Yes, in a word!!  The watched state is contained in the files table within the video db.  If you export your stuff and you miss out both those tags in their advancedsettings, then for V16.x the default is false so neither watched state or resume point will be imported.  You can of course set them to false in any case for peace of mind.
Learning Linux the hard way !!

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Sharing content with neighbor in a KODI MySQL environment0