Team-Kodi PPA Retired; Ubuntu doesn't support Flatpak, which Linux distro is best?
(2024-04-15, 12:31)Zuzia Wrote:
(2024-03-30, 01:13)oldtvwatcher Wrote:
(2024-03-29, 12:50)otinley Wrote: Debian12 runs Kodi well.
That might be worth a try, thanks!
I also recommend the Debian 12 distribution "bookworm" . Kodi v21 Omega is in the backport:
For me, deb packages are a better solution than Flatpak.
How did you manage to install Kodi v21 using the "bookworm" backport?
I followed the instructions but got a lot of dependency errors and kodi would not install.

Thank you...
(2024-04-18, 01:09)Tallguy297 Wrote: How did you manage to install Kodi v21 using the "bookworm" backport?
I followed the instructions but got a lot of dependency errors and kodi would not install.
After adding the backpors repository and updating the lists:
sudo apt-get install --reinstall libass9 libavcodec60 libavfilter9 libavformat60 libavutil58 libbluray2 libcdio19 libcec6 libcrossguid0 libiso9660-11 libpostproc57 libswresample4 libswscale7 libudfread0 -t stable -y

sudo apt-get install kodi -t bookworm-backports -y
I'm on Void Linux and had to switch to flatpak version from flathub since the version in the repository was broken.

It's a little bit slower on startup, takes more space cause of the runtime/library overhead, but it works more or less flawlessly. You can change different permissions by command line, the binary addons are included, dvb addons are there (here tvheadend).

One important thing: after updating host system don't forget to update flatpak runtimes! I had the siutation that kodi didn´t work, since gpu driver update made a flatpak gpu library update necessary!
Also switched to the flatpak, arguably its better than any distro package because it includes tailored/patched up libraries the way kodi devs wanted them. It took me a couple of tries to get it to work in a standalone, desktop -less / x11-less HTPC, once past the installation, it's really flawless. On a little intel N100, you get hardware AV1 decoding, HDR10 etc working out of the box (when using standalone GBM mode)

It includes all the binary addons (you need to enable the ones you want). The only issue I ran into so far is that if you wanted to experiment with Retroplayer gaming, you are out of luck, you can't install any emulation core. In fact the flatpak includes one game with an ad-hoc core that crashes on launch (in N100) perhaps due to kodi running standalone with GBM windowing in my setup, not sure about the latter.

Anyways for retro gaming its probably better to shutdown kodi and launch retroarch or something like that.
This is an install script for Kodi 21.0 (Omega) for Linux Mint 64-bit version.
When this script is run there will be an initial errors displayed but after adding keyrings there are no more errors.
This script has been tested and works well.


I hope this useful.

Thank you...
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thank you! the script make magic! Smile

Also flatpak is not an option for me, lircd an lcdproc is still working super fine on xubuntu for almost 10 years, i keep simple my tv on version 20 for the next years.

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Team-Kodi PPA Retired; Ubuntu doesn't support Flatpak, which Linux distro is best?0