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Beta Testflight access to beta version
All the issues I had reported now seem resolved with latest test flight.

I like the use of the Kodi logo on the top of the main menu.

The only thing I think could use a little more polish is the right menu. I see you removed the top row. It almost feels too sparse now. Things like the volume control are now even more out of reach for single hand use and the toast notifications overlap the first entry in the list. Perhaps adding a context header to the right menu would improve its appearance. Not a huge deal just my observation.

Edit: not sure if your intention was to remove all UI colorization but that effect is still present when viewing movie details on iPhone.
Thanks for checking the fixes on your reported issues.

Yep, the remote screen's right menu looks a bit sparse now. Maybe I have a better idea how to use this better in future. And you're right, I also figured the volume bar is placed quite high now, I was even thinking of moving it down, just above the button toolbar. Let's see ...

And you very well recognized the colorization which is still used for the navigation bar of the movie/album/show details. I really felt this was looking worse when I removed it there as well -- too boring.
(2024-04-21, 11:43)Buschel Wrote: 1.15 build 4375
Release Notes

This new build brings a set of fixes, improvements and internal rework, as well as translation updates (@jcea, also your changes). Details can be seen when following the Release Notes link above.

For the iPad version I can report that everything still works wonderfully. 👍

I appreciate the new display of number of items in the playlist. But it's a shame that the display of the total running time didn't make it into the release and that the associated issue was closed anyway (see GitHub. Sad )
Yes, I admit it was closed w/o commenting further. I dropped the runtime as there is no space left for it on iPhone. At least now the amount of listed is shown as for all other lists.
(2024-04-21, 21:26)Buschel Wrote: Yes, I admit it was closed w/o commenting further. I dropped the runtime as there is no space left for it on iPhone. At least now the amount of listed is shown as for all other lists.

No worries. Thank you for your continuous work on the app!
Random observation tonight. I was skipping songs one after another in party mode. For some reason if you do this too much, possibly too fast, it turns off party mode and music playback stops. I even had a scenario where the playlist emptied even though on the now playing screen there was still a song loaded.

Happens on windows and Xbox. Doesn’t seem to happen if I use a physical remote to skip songs.

Sometimes even when playback continues you will see party mode icon turn off for a second and then turn back on. The app must be constantly querying the status from the Kodi server?
Yes, the app polls the player status each second. I took your response as a trigger to review and change the internal code, e.g. I don‘t think it is required to disable the PartyMode button in many error cases.

Edit: I can reproduce the issue about the PartyMode ending when pressing skip/next in a fast sequence. This happens as Kodi responds with an unexpected result when checking for active players. I can reduce the probability of this by not sending another command before the result came back. Possibly this is an issue with JSON handling inside Kodi. I will dig further into this, even though I am not too worried as the situation can be cured by simply enabling PartyMode again.

Edit 2: The issue with pressing "next" in quick sequence also happens for usual playlist, without PartyMode. It happens witheither using Remote screen or NowPlaying/Playlist controls. I debugged the response of the player. Usually the sequence "Player.OnStop" > "Player.OnPlay" > "Player.OnAVStart" is received. In the error case the sequence is different. Seems like this is a race condition inside Kodi.

Edit 3: Started a new thread on this: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=377231
Small glitch on iPads:
When you use the new Now Playing button to go directly from some browsing to the Now Playing screen, the previously selected menu (e.g. Music) is not implicitly deselected. Due to this, it is not possible to continue browsing by simply selecting the menu entry again, because this now only deselects the entry. As a result, you have to touch the menu twice.
Not a big deal, obviously, but I think it could be easily fixed before sending the App to the store.
Thanks for reporting, fixed it.
Thank you for digging deep into the playlist issue. Hopefully that other thread gains some traction. đŸ‘đŸ»
"Blurred cover" for iPad is implemented: https://ibb.co/7r9hYC1
Also did some small improvements to layout: https://ibb.co/ggjb81X
(2024-04-28, 15:39)Buschel Wrote: "Blurred cover" for iPad is implemented: https://ibb.co/7r9hYC1

Will the blurred cover always be used or is this just a fallback solution for the rare case that no fanart is available?
Currently it is the other way round. If the feature is enabled in the settings, which is default, the blurred cover is preferred and fallback to fanart is done in case no cover is present. If the feature is disabled this behaves as before.
Kodi has an option somewhere “hide empty shows”.
But (it seems) that the list of shows Kodi remote retrieves these hidden shows are also sent. Which results in empty shows being shown in the list on the remote.

Can this kodi setting somehow be also made to work in the remote, so that empty shows are also hidden on the remote show list?
I did not look into this yet, but it should be feasible. Something similar was done with the setting to show/hide movie sets with only 1 movie.

How can I create an empty TV show?
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