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Release Mezzmo Kodi addon UPnP/DLNA Library Sharing Support Thread
Version 1.0.18 of the Mezzmo Artwork Checker has been uploaded to GitHub. This
version has a minor update to support the new Kodi Additional Artwork feature
in the Mezzmo Kodi addon. Previously the artwork counts in the statistics page
would not account for the extra artwork in the UserPoster folder. This version
now detects and calculates them properly.


You can download the release zipfile directly from GitHub here.

If there is interest, I will add the ability to fetch the additional artwork from
fanart.tv using the NFO creator capability within the Mezzmo Artwork Checker.
This includes clearlogo, banner, keyart and the other additional Kodi artwork.

The Mezzmo Artwork Checker is another tool in the Mezzmo / Kodi ecosystem
which provides a superior way to easily manage your actor / actress artwork
without the need to rescrape your library.  It continually tracks when the last
time artwork was checked for an actor / actress and checks the oldest first. 
It supports TMDB and IMDB (with your key) and allows for checking up to
1,000 images per run.  You can then preview the artwork before copying it
to Mezzmo to be instantly available to all clients (Kodi and non-Kodi). 

It also includes CSV reporting which allows you to see all artwork , see
what artwork files are associated with which actor and which movie/TV
episode or similar an actor starred in.  Click here to learn more.

Feedback is welcome.



See the Mezzmo Artwork Checker Wiki
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , CBC Sports, Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
Version 1.0.5, of the Mezzmo TV Show Trailers Channel , has been published. This is a bug fix
update to address a couple of issues related to managing the number of trailers to keep.

You can download the Mezzmo TV Show Trailers Channel version 1.0.5 here.

Upgrade instructions for the client software can be found here. There are no changes to the
server software in this release.

Version 1.0.5 updates

• Fixed a bug where the Airing Today and Currently Airing TV Show categories were not
honoring the configuration trailer keep limit setting.
• Fixed a bug where an exception error would occur if a trailer file being deleted, during
the limit checking, didn't exist on disk and had a non-ASCII character in the file name
which couldn't be encoded by the local computer code page. This would cause the
number of trailers to exceed the config file limit setting.

The new Wiki, supporting this new channel, is complete. You can find details there for
How it works, Getting Started, Running the channel and more.

Mezzmo channels are a convenient way to add functionality and seamless features
to Kodi and non-Kodi clients centrally without loading addons and similar on each
Kodi instance.  Just load the channel on Mezzmo and go.

Check out these Kodi library views to see more.



Mezzmo TV Show Trailers channel wiki
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , CBC Sports, Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
An updated version of the Mezzmo Kodi addon for Kodi v19+ (v2.2.0.8) has been
posted on GitHub. This version contains a few key new enhancements including
improved centralized actor artwork management.

*** Important Notes***

Please note, as mentioned previously, there will begin to be differences in features
between the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19+ versions of the Mezzmo Kodi Addon. Feature
differences will continue to grow and the Kodi 18 version is now bug fix only updates.
Version is the second Kodi 19 release without a corresponding Kodi 18 version.

A new Wiki page Managing Your Artwork has been added to assist with better
utilizing all of the artwork management capabilities between Mezzmo and the
Mezzmo Kodi Addon. This Wiki page should provide a number of tips, techniques
and information on how to streamline artwork management. The additional artwork
management capabilities of v2.2.0.8 build upon the existing capabilities highlighted
in this Wiki page, Feedback is welcomed.

v2.2.0.8 Kodi 19+ Highlights

• Added support for Kodi 22 Piers interim development builds
• Added total Mezzmo record count to status display when manually syncing Mezzmo
database to Kodi library.
• Added automatic generation of actor thumb records in the Kodi art table from
Mezzmo. Now all Kodi actors with Mezzmo artwork will display the actor image
in the Kodi actor browse view. Previously the actor images only displayed in
the Video Information cast view for Kodi library items. These features allow
centralized management of all Kodi actor artwork across multiple Kodi instances
and / or Kodi versions leveraging Mezzmo's flat actor artwork structure
(i.e. multiple images not required for the same actor in different movies,
episodes etc..).

If you have version or installed (or higher) and automatic updates
are enabled this update will be automatic over the next 24 hrs. Otherwise please
use the links below for manual installation.

There are separate links for the Kodi 18 and Kodi 19 versions. The Kodi 18 version is based upon the
Kodi 19 v2.2.0.6 code.

Kodi 18 link

Kodi 19+ link

Click on the download source as a zip option and then to add it to Kodi by using the install from zip file option.

Feedback and feature requests are always welcome. I would like to understand how many of you use
the addon to play music from Mezzmo ? Also I am interested in whether folks would like the option to
sync live channels to Kodi in native mode. They would have to be added as a movie entry in the Kodi
database since live streams don't have a their own Kodi database. For now they are available in GUI
mode within the Mezzmo Kodi addon where you can vie them right from the Mezzmo server.

You feedback is used to help guide future feature development.



Visit the Mezzmo Kodi addon Wiki for the latest
Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , CBC Sports, Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
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