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Release IPTV Merge
I'm working on the issue as per

Latest slyguy common should have some playback working
My IPTV Merge seems to be getting stuck on merging the CBC addon EPG (had no problem with the playlists).  I deleted the CBC playlist (and EPG) and added it again to no avail on the Merge EPG issue.  Is this happening to anybody else.
Maybe ask the cbc addon dev
Sorry i'm not english.

I have an issue with one of your EPG making kodi crash when loading epg. I had the same issue multiple times in the previous years but i didn't have it for almost a year. When i was about to go to sleep, kodi started to crashed again when loading epg, my fix was to delete the EPG in the plugin.program.iptv.merge folder and do a new merge with the option to ignore epg merge. I was trying to do the same thing but i saw that the whole option page has changed i can't find the option to skip the epg merge. On the log, everything seems normal but it shows nothing after "iptvsimple::Epg::LoadChannelEpgs - Loaded '2045' EPG channels.".  Since the option to skip epg is missing, is there another way to skip epg merging or if you can look at the epg of your others addons to see what causing the crash?
What version pvr simple? It has had a bug recently
I'm on 21.9.3,. I have removed everything and installed everything one by one to see where the problem came from. After setting Plex live to interact with IPTV Merge and reloading the playlist, it caused the crash, so i suspect there is a string in the plex live epg causing the crash like it was happening 2-3 years ago with Pluto or Samsung EPG from your site. Like i said on the other post, i was able to circumvent the problem by ignoring the epg when merging and wait untill the epg was updated by a couple of days but i can't find this option on the new menu and as the epg links are embedded in the playlist of your addons, i can't turn them off on the EPG page. I also tried to set max day for epg on the PL addon to 0 but it always turn it back to 1 day.
ive checked the epg generator for plex live and from what i can see its escaping everything it needs too
I also couldn't get any crash on windows.

Ive just pushed 0.2.2 of the Plex addon which 
1) moves the EPG back to separate from playlist (youll need to add it into EPG now as well)"
2) fix "ALL" region. it can now be selected as the region to merge

That max days has no affect when the EPG is fetched from online

Also, a bad EPG should never cause Kodi to crash. That should be fixed in iptv simple.
Could you provide a copy of the epg.xml that actually causes the crash.
That should be in the IPTV Merge userdata directory
Hi, a warm welcome to everybody as I'm new here and this will be my first post.

I'm using Kodi for some days now and thanks to your page I found the IPTV Merge Addon which I find very useful as you can have everything in one TV-List.
So, I installed the iptv simple client and the slyguy repo and the addon and also pluto tv-addon from the same repo to try it. And it really worked Smile
But I havestill some beginner's question about all this:

1. Is it possible to record from pluto? I try to change the path for the recordings in Kodi but didn't find any options. So probaby you have to do it in the backend I think...

2.) Is there a way to limit the number of channels in IPTV Merge. For example when it comes to pluto TV, I don't need all channels, just a bunch of them which I watch regularly.

3.) Is it possible to give the programmer of this tool a little donation as I really appreciate and respect this great work

Thanks in advance for your help, best wishes to all of you

The answer to your last question is easy to answer: the developer of IPTV Merge is @matthuisman. He posted the comment immediately before yours in this thread - see his signature link for details of how to support him.


1) thats not really related to IPTV Merge. You could try this addon: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=329991

2) There are quite a few different ways.
   a) IPTV Merge -> Manage Tv -> Pluto. Then for channel you don't want, open context menu and select Hide Channel. Run merge and itll be gone
   b) IPTV Merge -> Playlists -> Pluto -> Default visible channels -> change to False. Now all channels are hidden by default. Do same as a) but unhide channels you want instead
   c) IPTV Merge -> Playlists -> Pluto -> configure source -> select My Channels only. Now in Pluto TV add-on itself, use context menu to "add to my channels" on the channels you want
 I'd recommend doing c) above as that also allows seeing just your favs in the Pluto addon as well if needed under "My channels"

3) Yes, you can support here: https://www.matthuisman.nz/support-me which gives you some perks as well (https://www.matthuisman.nz/2024/01/supporter-perks.html)
(2024-11-01, 22:18)matthuisman Wrote: @Hausmeier

1) thats not really related to IPTV Merge. You could try this addon: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=329991

2) There are quite a few different ways.
   a) IPTV Merge -> Manage Tv -> Pluto. Then for channel you don't want, open context menu and select Hide Channel. Run merge and itll be gone
   b) IPTV Merge -> Playlists -> Pluto -> Default visible channels -> change to False. Now all channels are hidden by default. Do same as a) but unhide channels you want instead
   c) IPTV Merge -> Playlists -> Pluto -> configure source -> select My Channels only. Now in Pluto TV add-on itself, use context menu to "add to my channels" on the channels you want
 I'd recommend doing c) above as that also allows seeing just your favs in the Pluto addon as well if needed under "My channels"

3) Yes, you can support here: https://www.matthuisman.nz/support-me which gives you some perks as well (https://www.matthuisman.nz/2024/01/supporter-perks.html)
Thanks for your answer. I'll try that.

Just gave you some support. You really deserve it.
I'm having an issue with the EPG from the Sling TV add-on (https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=376095). Everything seems to run correctly (ex. I see it progressing through the EPG and all of the channels) but when I go into IPTV Merge >> EPG, the Sling TV add-on has the error "mismatched tag: line 1, column 10051176".

I tried to paste my log into https://paste.kodi.tv/ but I'm getting an error when I try to save.

I can sort of get it to work if I use IPTV Manager (https://github.com/add-ons/service.iptv....r/releases) to generate the epg.xml file and then have IPTV Merge to use that file and while that works the first time, it eventually fails. I still get all of the channels but nothing in the EPG in my PVR. Plus that feels like too many potential points of failure. 

I see a lot of the following in my log file:
2024-11-15 08:08:59.156 T:66488   ERROR <general>: plugin.program.iptv.merge - 'dict' object has no attribute 'replace'
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iptv.merge\resources\lib\iptv_manager.py", line 133, in _write_epg
    f.write(u'<icon src="{}"/>'.format(escape(item['image'])))
    File "C:\Program Files\Kodi\system\python\Lib\xml\sax\saxutils.py", line 27, in escape
    data = data.replace("&", "&")
    AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'replace'

Thanks for any help on this.
regarding that error above:
im sure this has come up before, sling tv add-on is in-correctly returning a dict for item['image']

Looking at the source for IPTV Manager, it should have the same issue
which calls
(notice the same replace that would fail on a dict)

My guess is the sling addon here:
That may be something like image = slot['program']['franchise_image']['url']
(2024-11-16, 09:03)matthuisman Wrote: regarding that error above:
im sure this has come up before, sling tv add-on is in-correctly returning a dict for item['image']

Looking at the source for IPTV Manager, it should have the same issue
which calls
(notice the same replace that would fail on a dict)

My guess is the sling addon here:
That may be something like image = slot['program']['franchise_image']['url']
That worked. Thanks Matt.
what worked?
If it was the change to sling addon, i would suggest you let the dev know so they can fix it Smile
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