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"cdArt" concept - current cdImage with artist fanart support in music visualizations
tazman Wrote:Hi Reaven, i would like to know if there is a howto for your wonderfull mod because in the rar link you provide there is no such info ?? Actually i can't manage it to work. Sorry for my bad english. Taz

inside the rar exactly inside the \media\backdrops\artist_fanart\ folder is a readme and inside \media\backdrops\artist_fanart\cd\
there are the only 2 places you need to put/create things the rest is merge/replace.

inside the \media\backdrops\artist_fanart\<artist name folder>
you create a folder per artist with the name of the artist as the folder name, inside you drop all the images you have of the artist.

inside \media\backdrops\artist_fanart\cd\ you drop all your cdArts

and that info is inside the rar, you wont see anything if you dont drop any image in those folder (the only thing you are suppose to see without images is the default cdArt a blank disc )
clearArt Concept
cdArt Concept

*If like, thank user
I have a few CD arts
how does one submit them to the site?
just create an account on xbmc stuff, and then u can upload them
I had already created an account but couldn't find anything on the site that allowed me to upload them.

I just tried to log in again today, but am having trouble with my login. Sad

EDIT: Created a new login and had another look around the site. Still can't find it. Some pages aren't displaying correctly here, so I might try again later from home. Or maybe I'm just blind and can't see it.

when you're logged, you should see "upload" under tvshow info.
Go to Cdarts, click the letter of the band you are wanting to add cdarts for, from there you can add new cdarts.

If the band doesn't exist yet, you can create that also.
ho yes, that was for cd art, sorry !
Ah got it all worked out now after a bit of hunting.
I've managed to upload a few CDArts. Wink
I had to create a "creator" account before that option turned up. And the link to do that is under your "profile" which is under "home".
First of all; nice mod man!! This is so cool!!
Second my fan art is not working I dunno why all I get is a black screen, cdArt and album are appearing fine but my fanArt is not working and I have the folder with the name of the artist like it should be. Does it has to do with the resolution I'm on 1920 x 1200 but yea it's not working Sad pretty frustrating Sad.
By the way how does you guys make the cdArt from scratch, you guys scan the cd as an image and then do the cutting?
I'm using Linux and ill be using the gimp to do all this i saw one of the posts on how to cut it. Smile Hope somebody can help me out. Thanks
<!--artist slideshow if fanart exist in define folder-->

    <control type="multiimage">
          <description>artist slideshow</description>
          <visible>!Visualisation.Enabled + Player.HasAudio</visible>

<!-- end artist slideshow -->
BTW this might be of help, this is what it says on my MusicVisualization.xml file. All I get is a black screen Sad
kornkidpr Wrote:
<!--artist slideshow if fanart exist in define folder-->

    <control type="multiimage">
          <description>artist slideshow</description>
          <visible>!Visualisation.Enabled + Player.HasAudio</visible>

<!-- end artist slideshow -->
BTW this might be of help, this is what it says on my MusicVisualization.xml file. All I get is a black screen Sad

In the code above, you need to have your fanart arranged in the folder as in <imagepath> where your XBMC is installed, rather than where your music actually lives:

e.g. media/backdrops/artist_fanart/Black Eyed Peas/fanart1.jpg
media/backdrops/artist_fanart/Black Eyed Peas/fanart2.jpg

Is that how yours is? Shouldn't matter what resolution it is (or the filename, I think) as long as its big enough not to be scaled up and be pixelated.

I generally get most of my cdarts from xbmc stuff or allcdcovers have a good range too. I haven't had to scan any so far. Unless, of course, what you're after isn't there...
Well the whole directory of fan art is this one:

This is the whole adress obviously the artist name goes at the end.
Do I have to write all that? I wrote what u put up in the example still not working Sad
anything I'm doing wrong or something?
BTW I don't have to change this part /$INFO[MusicPlayer.Artist] from there right?
kornkidpr Wrote:Well the whole directory of fan art is this one:

This is the whole adress obviously the artist name goes at the end.
Do I have to write all that? I wrote what u put up in the example still not working Sad
anything I'm doing wrong or something?
BTW I don't have to change this part /$INFO[MusicPlayer.Artist] from there right?

No, no, no. Apologies if I misled you. You don't alter the code at all. Leave that as it is. That path I gave was just an example of how your folder should be organised on disk. So from what you've said it should be something like this:

/home/username/.xbmc/skin/Aeon/media/backdrops/artist_fanart/Black Eyed Peas/fanart1.jpg
kornkidpr Wrote:Well the whole directory of fan art is this one:

This is the whole adress obviously the artist name goes at the end.
Do I have to write all that? I wrote what u put up in the example still not working Sad
anything I'm doing wrong or something?
BTW I don't have to change this part /$INFO[MusicPlayer.Artist] from there right?



for "black sabbath" it would resolve to

backdrops/artist_fanart/black sabbath

..is this how that is intended to be? shouldn't there be a slash at the end? also, doesn't a path with spaces in it need to go in quotes to be recognized completely?
cheers,azido :;):
snowdrift Wrote:No, no, no. You don't alter the code at all. Leave that as it is. That path I gave was just an example of how your folder should be organised on disk. So from what you've said it should be something like this:

/home/username/.xbmc/skin/Aeon/media/backdrops/artist_fanart/Black Eyed Peas/fanart1.jpg

EDIT: Note that the "media" folder should be in a folder with others such as 720p, fonts etc. Is that the case?
Yes that's exactly how it is and all I see is a black screen, I really don't know why.
/home/username/.xbmc/skin/Aeon/media/backdrops/artist_fanart/michael jackson/picture.jpg

Do I have to write that whole address in the .xml everytime I wanna use a fan art? lol
Yes media folder is in the same place 720p is and all the other ones.
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"cdArt" concept - current cdImage with artist fanart support in music visualizations2