2009-05-08, 00:35
spiff Wrote:hi,
what is needed is a change in the enumeration code itself. currently, as i said, it uses a map with a pair of season,episodenr as key. what would be needed is
1) a set of regexp'es to enumerate episode-only filenames
2) code in the enumerator to use these regexp's and which puts the season number at some random number (1 being the logical)
3) code in the scraper to return the episode guide using absolute numberings and with the season set to the one chosen over
4) backend support for translation - currently there is none. if you request absolute numbering you only get those returned iirc.
Sounds quite complicated to me.
Meanwhile I've done a quick hack to make it work using empty regexp for the season value (e.g. something like ([0-9]*) and append="yes" in advanced settings)
@@ -830,7 +829,12 @@
if (season && episode)
CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG,"found match %s (s%se%s) [%s]",strLabel.c_str(),season,episode,expression[j].c_str());
- myEpisode.iSeason = atoi(season);
+ if (season[0] != '\0')
+ {
+ myEpisode.iSeason = atoi(season);
+ }
+ else
+ { myEpisode.iSeason = 1; }
myEpisode.iEpisode = atoi(episode);
bMatched = true;